Спустя почти два месяца публичного тестирования и жарких обсуждений, Blizzard выкатили долгожданный патч 1.36.2 на LIVE клиент.
Кратко: ничего для модмейкинга, пару рандомных багфиксов, и милишники наныли нерф нежити.
Кратко: ничего для модмейкинга, пару рандомных багфиксов, и милишники наныли нерф нежити.
Итоговый патчноут
Balance Changes
- Polymorph can now target Heroes (1.5 second duration)
- Arcane Tower hero feedback reduced from 16 to 14
- Knights and Sundering Blades no longer require Lumber Mill to build
- Sundering Blades now requires an upgrade again
- Sundering Blades upgrade cost increased from 100/100 to 100/150
- Flame Strike channel time reduced from 0.9 to 0.8 seconds
- Control Magic mana per Summoned Hitpoint reduced from 45 to 35
- Control Magic cost increased from 25 to 40
- Dragonhawk Rider base damage increased from 17 to 19
- Troll Headhunter base damage reduced from 22 to 21 (Berserkers base damage remains 22)
- Healing Wards mana cost reduced from 200 to 150
- Tauren move speed increased from 270 to 290
- Serpent Ward Level 3 Base Damage reduced from 47 to 45
- Demolisher movement speed increased from 220 to 240
Night Elf
- Searing Arrows damaged changed to 10/24/40 to 12/24/48 (10/20/30)
- Starfall duration duration reduced from 45 to 30
- Starfall damage increased from 50 to 60 per wave
- Vorpal Blades research time reduced from 60 to 45 seconds
- Moon Well Regeneration increased from 1.35 to 1.45
- Well Spring regeneration mana bonus reduced from 125 to 100
- Fan of Knives Target changed from 5/6/7 to 6/6/6 (max damage 375/750/1330 to 420/780/1200)
- Fan of Knives damage changed from 75/125/190 to 70/130/200
- Wisp HP increased from 120 to 125
- Glaive Thrower movement speed increased from 220 to 240
- Anti-magic Shell can no longer be dispellable by Devour Magic
- Haunted Goldmine build time reduced from 110 to 105
- Nerubian Tower Damage type changed from Normal to Piercing
- Ghoul Frenzy research time increased from 45 to 50 seconds
- Ghoul Frenzy movement speed bonus reduced from 80 to 60
- Curse Duration reduced from 120/60 to 60/30
- Cripple can now target mechanical units
- Scroll of Healing removed from the Tomb of Relics
- Wand of Negation added to the Tomb of Relics (2 Charges, 150 Gold, 5-second cooldown - Available at tier 2) (If this turns out to be too oppressive we will hotfix the requirement back in)
- Meat Wagon speed increased from 220 to 240
- Frost Nova slow duration reduced from 4/6/8 to 4/5/6 (units only - heroes remain unchanged)
- Cryptlord Impale mana cost reduced from 100 to 90
- Death and Decay mana cost reduced from 250 to 200
- Web upgrade cost reduced from 150/150 to 100/100
- Boneyard cost reduced from 175/200 to 150/200
- Frost Wyrm Freezing Breath lumber cost reduced from 275 to 225
- Frost Breath duration on Heroes increased from 3 to 4 seconds (Frost Wyrm Slow)
- Abomination base damage increased from 32 to 34
- Volcano building damage factor reduced from 3 to 2
- Soulburn damage reduction increased from -50% to -75%
- Soulburn hero duration increased from 7/8/9 to 8/9/10
- Tornado speed increased from 75 to 150
- Mana Shield activation cost reduced from 25 to 10
- Goblin Zeppelin food cost increased from 0 to 1
- Ankh of Reincarnation delay reduced from 7 to 5 seconds
- Glove of Haste attack speed increased from 15% to 18%
- Circlet of Nobility cost increased from 175 to 200
- Sleep no longer targets heroes
- Sleep duration reduced from 10 to 8
- Sleep cooldown increased from 6 to 10 seconds
- Sleep cost reduced from 125 to 100
- Dark Troll High Priest now has Abolish Magic
- Enforcer and Bandit Lord no longer have Shadow Meld and will sleep at night
- Rogue Wizard can now sleep
- Enforcer HP increased from 500 to 600
- Rune of Speed duration reduced from 60 to 20 seconds
- Infernal Contraption move speed increased from 180 to 200
- Infernal Juggernaut move speed increased from 180 to 200
- Infernal Machine move speed increased from 180 to 200
- Mana Burn value reduced from 100 to 50
- Force of Nature summons reduced from 3 to 2
- Force of Nature mana cost reduced from 175 to 100
- Pulverized (Sea Giant) reduced from 40/20 to 30/15
- Cripple reduced from 60/10 to 20/10
- Cripple cost reduced from 175 to 125 mana
- Centaur Archer armor type changed from heavy to medium
- Centaur Impaler armor type changed from heavy to medium (HP increased from 350 to 400)
- Centaur Sorcerer armor type changed from heavy to medium
- Fixed an issue where using Ancestral Spirit on a corpse that is being cannibalized would cause the client to crash
- Fixed an issue where players would sometimes fail to join an automatch game
- Fixed an issue where ping was displaying incorrectly in the custom game list
- Fixed an issue where wins were not being counted in ranked (mostly seen in FFA but could still happen in all modes)
- Fixed an issue where FFA matches would not create in ranked play
- We are updating the tournament schedule to have more 1v1 and 2v2 during the week and a 3v3 tournament on Sundays and removing 4v4 from the tournament pool
Map Pool Updates
- Springtime
+ Tidehunters
+ Tidehunters
- (4)TwistedMeadows_S2_v1.1.w3x
- (2)EchoIsles_S2_v2.2.w3x
- (4)TurtleRock_S2.w3x
- (4)LostTemple_S2.w3x
- (2)LastRefuge_S2_v1.5.w3x
- (2)NorthernIsles_S2.w3x
- (2)ConcealedHill_S2.w3x
- (2)TerenasStand_LV.w3x
- (2)Tidehunters.w3x
- (2)Hammerfall.w3x
- Shatter Exile, Rusty Creek
+ Synergy, Goldshire
+ Synergy, Goldshire
- (4)TwistedMeadows_S2_v1.1.w3x
- (4)LostTemple_S2.w3x
- (6)GnollWood.w3x
- (4)TurtleRock_S2.w3x
- (4)PhantomGrove_S2_v2.0.w3x
- (4)HillsbradCreek_S2.w3x
- (4)TidewaterGlades_S2_v1.1.w3x
- (4)Synergy_S2.w3x
- (4)KingAndCountry_S2_v1.3.w3x
- (4)Goldshire.w3x
- BloodstoneMesa, StranglethornVale, Guardians
+ Wellsprings, Typhoon, ScorchedBasin
+ Wellsprings, Typhoon, ScorchedBasin
- (6)Wellspring.w3x
- (6)Typhoon.w3x
- (6)ScorchedBasin.w3x
- (6)Monsoon_LV.w3x
- (6)RuinsOfStratholme.w3x
- (6)UpperKingdom.w3x
- (8)Mur’gulOasis_LV.w3x
- (6)ThunderLake_LV.w3x
- (8)Battleground_LV.w3x
- (6)GnollWood.w3x
- Royal Gardens, Nightopia, Ferocity, Wellspring Temple
+ Battleground, FullscaleAssault, Ekrezem Maze, Emerald Gardens
+ Battleground, FullscaleAssault, Ekrezem Maze, Emerald Gardens
- (8)GolemsInTheMist_LV.w3x
- (8)MarketSquare.w3x
- (8)Sanctuary_LV_S2.w3x
- (8)Northshire_S2.w3x
- (8)Feralas_S2.w3x
- (8)PaintedWorld_S2.w3x
- (8)Battleground_LV.w3x
- (8)FullScaleAssault.w3x
- (8)EkrezemsMaze_S2_v1.1.w3x
- (12)EmeraldGardens.w3x
Ред. konvan5
Ред. ScorpioT1000
тупо отбитые
Ред. Makeba