Системные требования подвезли
Новый патч Beta
- Оптимизация производительности и улучшения стабильности для меню и игрового процесса
- Обновлены шрифты локализаций
- Во всех локализациях снова работают голосовые и портретные анимации
- Восстановлена классическая камера (положение камеры изменилось на ~ 10%)
- Улучшение стабильности пользовательских игр
- Значительно уменьшено время загрузки карты
- Доступен классический режим для игры со старыми ассетами
Выход рефорджа назначен на 29 января 2:00 по Москве
Наконец-то новости после долгой тишины!
Датамайнер Мартин Бенджаминс запустил бета-версию Warcraft III Reforged, об этом он сообщил в твиттере
Датамайнер Мартин Бенджаминс запустил бета-версию Warcraft III Reforged, об этом он сообщил в твиттере
Первая бета-версия Warcraft III Reforged вышла несколько часов назад!
Название сборки "Beta Week 0 RC5 (Final RC)". Время проверить это!
Мне возможно не разрешат сделать больше, потому что у меня нет бета-лицензии, но эй, это что-то!
Ранее в файлах обновления клиента Battle.net было найдено упоминание о том что тестирование не будет доступно на устройствах с MacOS
Reforged будет показан на PAX AUS 2019 и на BlizzCon 2019
Так же появилась утечка с возможностью загрузить бета версию
Reforged будет показан на PAX AUS 2019 и на BlizzCon 2019
Так же появилась утечка с возможностью загрузить бета версию
Получение иконок
Крупные иконки
Текстуры в HiveWE
Новые функции/нативки
Изменения Common.j
type minimapicon extends handle
type commandbuttoneffect extends handle
Map Setup API
native SetEnemyStartLocPrioCount takes integer whichStartLoc, integer prioSlotCount returns nothing
native SetEnemyStartLocPrio takes integer whichStartLoc, integer prioSlotIndex, integer otherStartLocIndex, startlocprio priority returns nothing
Native trigger interface
constant native ParseTags takes string taggedString returns string
native TriggerRegisterCommandEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, integer whichAbility, string order returns event
native TriggerRegisterUpgradeCommandEvent takes trigger whichTrigger, integer whichUpgrade returns event
Player API
constant native GetPlayerHandicapReviveTime takes player whichPlayer returns real
constant native GetPlayerHandicapDamage takes player whichPlayer returns real
constant native SetPlayerHandicapReviveTime takes player whichPlayer, real handicap returns nothing
constant native SetPlayerHandicapDamage takes player whichPlayer, real handicap returns nothing
Game API
native SetMaxCheckpointSaves takes integer maxCheckpointSaves returns nothing
native SaveGameCheckpoint takes string saveFileName, boolean showWindow returns nothing
Visual API
native SetPortraitLight takes string portraitDNCFile returns nothing
native CreateMinimapIconOnUnit takes unit whichUnit, integer red, integer green, integer blue, string pingPath, fogstate fogVisibility returns minimapicon
native CreateMinimapIconAtLoc takes location where, integer red, integer green, integer blue, string pingPath, fogstate fogVisibility returns minimapicon
native CreateMinimapIcon takes real x, real y, integer red, integer green, integer blue, string pingPath, fogstate fogVisibility returns minimapicon
native SkinManagerGetLocalPath takes string key returns string
native DestroyMinimapIcon takes minimapicon pingId returns nothing
native SetMinimapIconVisible takes minimapicon whichMinimapIcon, boolean visible returns nothing
native SetMinimapIconOrphanDestroy takes minimapicon whichMinimapIcon, boolean doDestroy returns nothing
Camera API
native BlzCameraSetupSetLabel takes camerasetup whichSetup, string label returns nothing
native BlzCameraSetupGetLabel takes camerasetup whichSetup returns string
native CameraSetFocalDistance takes real distance returns nothing
native CameraSetDepthOfFieldScale takes real scale returns nothing
Sound API
native SetSoundFacialAnimationLabel takes sound soundHandle, string animationLabel returns boolean
native SetSoundFacialAnimationGroupLabel takes sound soundHandle, string groupLabel returns boolean
native SetSoundFacialAnimationSetFilepath takes sound soundHandle, string animationSetFilepath returns boolean
//Subtitle support that is attached to the soundHandle rather than as disperate data with the legacy UI
native SetDialogueSpeakerNameKey takes sound soundHandle, string speakerName returns boolean
native GetDialogueSpeakerNameKey takes sound soundHandle returns string
native SetDialogueTextKey takes sound soundHandle, string dialogueText returns boolean
native GetDialogueTextKey takes sound soundHandle returns string
Machinima API
native BlzHideCinematicPanels takes boolean enable returns nothing
JAPI Functions
native BlzShowTerrain takes boolean show returns nothing
native BlzShowSkyBox takes boolean show returns nothing
native BlzStartRecording takes integer fps returns nothing
native BlzEndRecording takes nothing returns nothing
native BlzShowUnitTeamGlow takes unit whichUnit, boolean show returns nothing
native CreateCommandButtonEffect takes integer abilityId, string order returns commandbuttoneffect
native CreateUpgradeCommandButtonEffect takes integer whichUprgade returns commandbuttoneffect
native CreateLearnCommandButtonEffect takes integer abilityId returns commandbuttoneffect
native DestroyCommandButtonEffect takes commandbuttoneffect whichEffect returns nothing
// Skin
native BlzGetUnitSkin takes unit whichUnit returns integer
native BlzGetItemSkin takes item whichItem returns integer
// native BlzGetDestructableSkin takes destructable whichDestructable returns integer
native BlzSetUnitSkin takes unit whichUnit, integer skinId returns nothing
native BlzSetItemSkin takes item whichItem, integer skinId returns nothing
// native BlzSetDestructableSkin takes destructable whichDestructable, integer skinId returns nothing
native BlzCreateItemWithSkin takes integer itemid, real x, real y, integer skinId returns item
native BlzCreateUnitWithSkin takes player id, integer unitid, real x, real y, real face, integer skinId returns unit
native BlzCreateDestructableWithSkin takes integer objectid, real x, real y, real face, real scale, integer variation, integer skinId returns destructable
native BlzCreateDestructableZWithSkin takes integer objectid, real x, real y, real z, real face, real scale, integer variation, integer skinId returns destructable
native BlzCreateDeadDestructableWithSkin takes integer objectid, real x, real y, real face, real scale, integer variation, integer skinId returns destructable
native BlzCreateDeadDestructableZWithSkin takes integer objectid, real x, real y, real z, real face, real scale, integer variation, integer skinId returns destructable
native BlzGetPlayerTownHallCount takes player whichPlayer returns integer
Изменения Blizzard.j
constant real bj_HANDICAPDAMAGE_EASY = 50.00
constant real bj_HANDICAPREVIVE_NOTHARD = 50.00
// Auto Save constants
constant integer bj_MAX_CHECKPOINTS = 5
// Campaign offset constants (for mission indexing)
constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN = 0
constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XH = 1
constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU = 2
constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XO = 3
constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XN = 5
constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XH = 6
constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XU = 7
constant integer bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_XO = 8
// Mission indexing constants
constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_T02 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_T * 1000 + 2
constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_T03 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_T * 1000 + 3
constant integer bj_MISSION_INDEX_T04 = bj_CAMPAIGN_OFFSET_T * 1000 + 4
// Campaign Minimap icon styles
constant integer bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_PRIMARY = 0
constant integer bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_BONUS = 1
constant integer bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_TURNIN = 2
constant integer bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_BOSS = 3
constant integer bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_CONTROL_ALLY = 4
constant integer bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_CONTROL_ENEMY = 6
Last X'd vars
minimapicon bj_lastCreatedMinimapIcon = null
commandbuttoneffect bj_lastCreatedCommandButtonEffect = null
Camera Utility Functions
function CameraSetupApplyForPlayerSmooth takes boolean doPan, camerasetup whichSetup, player whichPlayer, real forcedDuration, real easeInDuration, real easeOutDuration, real smoothFactor returns nothing
if (GetLocalPlayer() == whichPlayer) then
// Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs.
call BlzCameraSetupApplyForceDurationSmooth(whichSetup, doPan, forcedDuration, easeInDuration, easeOutDuration, smoothFactor)
Event Registration Utility Functions
function TriggerRegisterBuildCommandEventBJ takes trigger trig, integer unitId returns event
call TriggerRegisterCommandEvent(trig, 'ANbu', UnitId2String(unitId))
call TriggerRegisterCommandEvent(trig, 'AHbu', UnitId2String(unitId))
call TriggerRegisterCommandEvent(trig, 'AEbu', UnitId2String(unitId))
call TriggerRegisterCommandEvent(trig, 'AObu', UnitId2String(unitId))
call TriggerRegisterCommandEvent(trig, 'AUbu', UnitId2String(unitId))
return TriggerRegisterCommandEvent(trig, 'AGbu', UnitId2String(unitId))
function TriggerRegisterTrainCommandEventBJ takes trigger trig, integer unitId returns event
return TriggerRegisterCommandEvent(trig, 'Aque', UnitId2String(unitId))
function TriggerRegisterUpgradeCommandEventBJ takes trigger trig, integer techId returns event
return TriggerRegisterUpgradeCommandEvent(trig, techId)
Environment Utility Functions
function GetLastCreatedMinimapIcon takes nothing returns minimapicon
return bj_lastCreatedMinimapIcon
function CreateMinimapIconOnUnitBJ takes unit whichUnit, integer red, integer green, integer blue, string pingPath, fogstate fogVisibility returns minimapicon
set bj_lastCreatedMinimapIcon = CreateMinimapIconOnUnit(whichUnit, red, green, blue, pingPath, fogVisibility)
return bj_lastCreatedMinimapIcon
function CreateMinimapIconAtLocBJ takes location where, integer red, integer green, integer blue, string pingPath, fogstate fogVisibility returns minimapicon
set bj_lastCreatedMinimapIcon = CreateMinimapIconAtLoc(where, red, green, blue, pingPath, fogVisibility)
return bj_lastCreatedMinimapIcon
function CreateMinimapIconBJ takes real x, real y, integer red, integer green, integer blue, string pingPath, fogstate fogVisibility returns minimapicon
set bj_lastCreatedMinimapIcon = CreateMinimapIcon(x, y, red, green, blue, pingPath, fogVisibility)
return bj_lastCreatedMinimapIcon
function CampaignMinimapIconUnitBJ takes unit whichUnit, integer style returns nothing
local integer red
local integer green
local integer blue
local string path
if ( style == bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_PRIMARY ) then
// green
set red = 255
set green = 0
set blue = 0
set path = SkinManagerGetLocalPath( "MinimapQuestObjectivePrimary" )
elseif ( style == bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_BONUS ) then
// yellow
set red = 255
set green = 255
set blue = 0
set path = SkinManagerGetLocalPath( "MinimapQuestObjectiveBonus" )
elseif ( style == bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_TURNIN ) then
// yellow
set red = 255
set green = 255
set blue = 0
set path = SkinManagerGetLocalPath( "MinimapQuestTurnIn" )
elseif ( style == bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_BOSS ) then
// red
set red = 255
set green = 0
set blue = 0
set path = SkinManagerGetLocalPath( "MinimapQuestBoss" )
elseif ( style == bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_CONTROL_ALLY ) then
// green
set red = 0
set green = 255
set blue = 0
set path = SkinManagerGetLocalPath( "MinimapQuestControlPoint" )
elseif ( style == bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_CONTROL_NEUTRAL ) then
// white
set red = 255
set green = 255
set blue = 255
set path = SkinManagerGetLocalPath( "MinimapQuestControlPoint" )
elseif ( style == bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_CONTROL_ENEMY ) then
// red
set red = 255
set green = 0
set blue = 0
set path = SkinManagerGetLocalPath( "MinimapQuestControlPoint" )
call CreateMinimapIconOnUnitBJ( whichUnit, red, green, blue, path, FOG_OF_WAR_MASKED )
call SetMinimapIconOrphanDestroy( bj_lastCreatedMinimapIcon, true )
function CampaignMinimapIconLocBJ takes location where, integer style returns nothing
local integer red
local integer green
local integer blue
local string path
if ( style == bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_PRIMARY ) then
// green (different from the unit version)
set red = 0
set green = 255
set blue = 0
set path = SkinManagerGetLocalPath( "MinimapQuestObjectivePrimary" )
elseif ( style == bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_BONUS ) then
// yellow
set red = 255
set green = 255
set blue = 0
set path = SkinManagerGetLocalPath( "MinimapQuestObjectiveBonus" )
elseif ( style == bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_TURNIN ) then
// yellow
set red = 255
set green = 255
set blue = 0
set path = SkinManagerGetLocalPath( "MinimapQuestTurnIn" )
elseif ( style == bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_BOSS ) then
// red
set red = 255
set green = 0
set blue = 0
set path = SkinManagerGetLocalPath( "MinimapQuestBoss" )
elseif ( style == bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_CONTROL_ALLY ) then
// green
set red = 0
set green = 255
set blue = 0
set path = SkinManagerGetLocalPath( "MinimapQuestControlPoint" )
elseif ( style == bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_CONTROL_NEUTRAL ) then
// white
set red = 255
set green = 255
set blue = 255
set path = SkinManagerGetLocalPath( "MinimapQuestControlPoint" )
elseif ( style == bj_CAMPPINGSTYLE_CONTROL_ENEMY ) then
// red
set red = 255
set green = 0
set blue = 0
set path = SkinManagerGetLocalPath( "MinimapQuestControlPoint" )
call CreateMinimapIconAtLocBJ( where, red, green, blue, path, FOG_OF_WAR_MASKED )
Command Button Effect Utility Functions
function CreateCommandButtonEffectBJ takes integer abilityId, string order returns commandbuttoneffect
set bj_lastCreatedCommandButtonEffect = CreateCommandButtonEffect(abilityId, order)
return bj_lastCreatedCommandButtonEffect
function CreateTrainCommandButtonEffectBJ takes integer unitId returns commandbuttoneffect
set bj_lastCreatedCommandButtonEffect = CreateCommandButtonEffect('Aque', UnitId2String(unitId))
return bj_lastCreatedCommandButtonEffect
function CreateUpgradeCommandButtonEffectBJ takes integer techId returns commandbuttoneffect
set bj_lastCreatedCommandButtonEffect = CreateUpgradeCommandButtonEffect(techId)
return bj_lastCreatedCommandButtonEffect
function CreateLearnCommandButtonEffectBJ takes integer abilityId returns commandbuttoneffect
set bj_lastCreatedCommandButtonEffect = CreateLearnCommandButtonEffect(abilityId)
return bj_lastCreatedCommandButtonEffect
function CreateBuildCommandButtonEffectBJ takes integer unitId returns commandbuttoneffect
local race r = GetPlayerRace(GetLocalPlayer())
local integer abilityId
if (r == RACE_HUMAN) then
set abilityId = 'AHbu'
elseif (r == RACE_ORC) then
set abilityId = 'AObu'
elseif (r == RACE_UNDEAD) then
set abilityId = 'AUbu'
elseif (r == RACE_NIGHTELF) then
set abilityId = 'AEbu'
set abilityId = 'ANbu'
set bj_lastCreatedCommandButtonEffect = CreateCommandButtonEffect(abilityId, UnitId2String(unitId))
return bj_lastCreatedCommandButtonEffect
function GetLastCreatedCommandButtonEffectBJ takes nothing returns commandbuttoneffect
return bj_lastCreatedCommandButtonEffect
Hero and Item Utility Functions
function SetPlayerHandicapDamageBJ takes player whichPlayer, real handicapPercent returns nothing
call SetPlayerHandicapDamage(whichPlayer, handicapPercent * 0.01)
function GetPlayerHandicapDamageBJ takes player whichPlayer returns real
return GetPlayerHandicapDamage(whichPlayer) * 100
function SetPlayerHandicapReviveTimeBJ takes player whichPlayer, real handicapPercent returns nothing
call SetPlayerHandicapReviveTime(whichPlayer, handicapPercent * 0.01)
function GetPlayerHandicapReviveTimeBJ takes player whichPlayer returns real
return GetPlayerHandicapReviveTime(whichPlayer) * 100
Cinematic Transmission Utility Functions
function SetCinematicSceneBJ takes sound soundHandle, integer portraitUnitId, playercolor color, string speakerTitle, string text, real sceneDuration, real voiceoverDuration returns nothing
set bj_cineSceneLastSound = soundHandle
call PlaySoundBJ(soundHandle)
call SetCinematicScene(portraitUnitId, color, speakerTitle, text, sceneDuration, voiceoverDuration)
function SetCinematicSceneBJ takes sound soundHandle, integer portraitUnitId, playercolor color, string speakerTitle, string text, real sceneDuration, real voiceoverDuration returns nothing
set bj_cineSceneLastSound = soundHandle
call SetCinematicScene(portraitUnitId, color, speakerTitle, text, sceneDuration, voiceoverDuration)
call PlaySoundBJ(soundHandle)
function TransmissionFromUnitWithNameBJ takes force toForce, unit whichUnit, string unitName, sound soundHandle, string message, integer timeType, real timeVal, boolean wait returns nothing
call TryInitCinematicBehaviorBJ()
// Ensure that the time value is non-negative.
set timeVal = RMaxBJ(timeVal, 0)
set bj_lastTransmissionDuration = GetTransmissionDuration(soundHandle, timeType, timeVal)
set bj_lastPlayedSound = soundHandle
if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), toForce)) then
// Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs.
if (whichUnit == null) then
// If the unit reference is invalid, send the transmission from the center of the map with no portrait.
call DoTransmissionBasicsXYBJ(0, PLAYER_COLOR_RED, 0, 0, soundHandle, unitName, message, bj_lastTransmissionDuration)
call DoTransmissionBasicsXYBJ(GetUnitTypeId(whichUnit), GetPlayerColor(GetOwningPlayer(whichUnit)), GetUnitX(whichUnit), GetUnitY(whichUnit), soundHandle, unitName, message, bj_lastTransmissionDuration)
if (not IsUnitHidden(whichUnit)) then
if wait and (bj_lastTransmissionDuration 0) then
// call TriggerSleepAction(bj_lastTransmissionDuration)
call WaitTransmissionDuration(soundHandle, timeType, timeVal)
function TransmissionFromUnitWithNameBJ takes force toForce, unit whichUnit, string unitName, sound soundHandle, string message, integer timeType, real timeVal, boolean wait returns nothing
call TryInitCinematicBehaviorBJ()
call AttachSoundToUnit(soundHandle, whichUnit)
// Ensure that the time value is non-negative.
set timeVal = RMaxBJ(timeVal, 0)
set bj_lastTransmissionDuration = GetTransmissionDuration(soundHandle, timeType, timeVal)
set bj_lastPlayedSound = soundHandle
if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), toForce)) then
// Use only local code (no net traffic) within this block to avoid desyncs.
if (whichUnit == null) then
// If the unit reference is invalid, send the transmission from the center of the map with no portrait.
call DoTransmissionBasicsXYBJ(0, PLAYER_COLOR_RED, 0, 0, soundHandle, unitName, message, bj_lastTransmissionDuration)
call DoTransmissionBasicsXYBJ(GetUnitTypeId(whichUnit), GetPlayerColor(GetOwningPlayer(whichUnit)), GetUnitX(whichUnit), GetUnitY(whichUnit), soundHandle, unitName, message, bj_lastTransmissionDuration)
if (not IsUnitHidden(whichUnit)) then
if wait and (bj_lastTransmissionDuration 0) then
// call TriggerSleepAction(bj_lastTransmissionDuration)
call WaitTransmissionDuration(soundHandle, timeType, timeVal)
function PlayDialogueFromSpeaker takes force toForce, unit speaker, sound soundHandle, integer timeType, real timeVal, boolean wait returns nothing
call TryInitCinematicBehaviorBJ()
call AttachSoundToUnit(soundHandle, speaker)
// Ensure that the time value is non-negative.
set timeVal = RMaxBJ(timeVal, 0)
set bj_lastTransmissionDuration = GetTransmissionDuration(soundHandle, timeType, timeVal)
set bj_lastPlayedSound = soundHandle
if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), toForce)) then
call PlaySoundBJ(soundHandle)
if wait and (bj_lastTransmissionDuration 0) then
// call TriggerSleepAction(bj_lastTransmissionDuration)
call WaitTransmissionDuration(soundHandle, timeType, timeVal)
function PlayDialogueFromSpeakerEx takes force toForce, unit speaker, integer speakerType, sound soundHandle, integer timeType, real timeVal, boolean wait returns boolean
//Make sure that the runtime unit type and the parameter are the same,
//otherwise the offline animations will not match and will fail
if GetUnitTypeId(speaker) != speakerType then
debug call BJDebugMsg(("Attempted to play FacialAnimation with the wrong speaker UnitType - Param: " + I2S(speakerType) + " Runtime: " + I2S(GetUnitTypeId(speaker))))
//return false
call TryInitCinematicBehaviorBJ()
call AttachSoundToUnit(soundHandle, speaker)
// Ensure that the time value is non-negative.
set timeVal = RMaxBJ(timeVal, 0)
set bj_lastTransmissionDuration = GetTransmissionDuration(soundHandle, timeType, timeVal)
set bj_lastPlayedSound = soundHandle
if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), toForce)) then
call SetCinematicSceneBJ(soundHandle, speakerType, GetPlayerColor(GetLocalPlayer()), GetLocalizedString(GetDialogueSpeakerNameKey(soundHandle)), GetLocalizedString(GetDialogueTextKey(soundHandle)), bj_lastTransmissionDuration + bj_TRANSMISSION_PORT_HANGTIME, bj_lastTransmissionDuration)
if wait and (bj_lastTransmissionDuration 0) then
// call TriggerSleepAction(bj_lastTransmissionDuration)
call WaitTransmissionDuration(soundHandle, timeType, timeVal)
return true
function PlayDialogueFromSpeakerType takes force toForce, player fromPlayer, integer speakerType, location loc, sound soundHandle, integer timeType, real timeVal, boolean wait returns boolean
call TryInitCinematicBehaviorBJ()
// Ensure that the time value is non-negative.
set timeVal = RMaxBJ(timeVal, 0)
set bj_lastTransmissionDuration = GetTransmissionDuration(soundHandle, timeType, timeVal)
set bj_lastPlayedSound = soundHandle
if (IsPlayerInForce(GetLocalPlayer(), toForce)) then
call SetCinematicSceneBJ(soundHandle, speakerType, GetPlayerColor(fromPlayer), GetLocalizedString(GetDialogueSpeakerNameKey(soundHandle)), GetLocalizedString(GetDialogueTextKey(soundHandle)), bj_lastTransmissionDuration + bj_TRANSMISSION_PORT_HANGTIME, bj_lastTransmissionDuration)
if(speakerType != 0) then
call PingMinimap(GetLocationX(loc), GetLocationY(loc), bj_TRANSMISSION_PING_TIME)
if wait and (bj_lastTransmissionDuration 0) then
// call TriggerSleepAction(bj_lastTransmissionDuration)
call WaitTransmissionDuration(soundHandle, timeType, timeVal)
return true
function PlayDialogueFromSpeakerTypeEx takes force toForce, player fromPlayer, integer speakerType, location loc, sound soundHandle, integer timeType, real timeVal, boolean wait returns boolean
return PlayDialogueFromSpeakerType(toForce, fromPlayer, speakerType, loc, soundHandle, timeType, timeVal, wait)
Placeholder function for auto save feature
function SaveGameCheckPointBJ takes string mapSaveName, boolean doCheckpointHint returns nothing
call SaveGameCheckpoint(mapSaveName, doCheckpointHint)
Melee Template Victory / Defeat Conditions
function MeleeGetAllyKeyStructureCount takes player whichPlayer returns integer
local integer playerIndex
local player indexPlayer
local integer keyStructs
// Count the number of buildings controlled by all not-yet-defeated co-allies.
set keyStructs = 0
set playerIndex = 0
set indexPlayer = Player(playerIndex)
if (PlayersAreCoAllied(whichPlayer, indexPlayer)) then
set keyStructs = keyStructs + GetPlayerTypedUnitCount(indexPlayer, "townhall", true, true)
set keyStructs = keyStructs + GetPlayerTypedUnitCount(indexPlayer, "greathall", true, true)
set keyStructs = keyStructs + GetPlayerTypedUnitCount(indexPlayer, "treeoflife", true, true)
set keyStructs = keyStructs + GetPlayerTypedUnitCount(indexPlayer, "necropolis", true, true)
set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1
exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS
return keyStructs
function MeleeGetAllyKeyStructureCount takes player whichPlayer returns integer
local integer playerIndex
local player indexPlayer
local integer keyStructs
// Count the number of buildings controlled by all not-yet-defeated co-allies.
set keyStructs = 0
set playerIndex = 0
set indexPlayer = Player(playerIndex)
if (PlayersAreCoAllied(whichPlayer, indexPlayer)) then
set keyStructs = BlzGetPlayerTownHallCount(indexPlayer)
set playerIndex = playerIndex + 1
exitwhen playerIndex == bj_MAX_PLAYERS
return keyStructs
Изменения Common.ai
constant integer FOREST_TROLL = 'nftr'
Ред. AMark
Ну или как скин, может быть