call GroupAddUnit(LoadGroupHandle(HashGroupUnit,0,TaimerID),GetFilterUnit())

Принятый ответ

function GroupDamag takes nothing returns nothing
 local timer Taimer = GetExpiredTimer()
 local integer TaimerID = GetHandleId(Taimer)
 local integer SpellID = LoadInteger(AbilityID,0,TaimerID)
 local unit HeroUnit  = LoadUnitHandle(HashUnit,0, TaimerID)
 call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), ("oooo") )
  if(SpellID == 'A020') or (SpellID == 'A021') or (SpellID == 'A022') or (SpellID == 'A023') or (SpellID == 'A024') or (SpellID == 'A025') or (SpellID == 'A026') or (SpellID == 'A01Z') or (SpellID == 'A01X'){
  local integer Damag = LoadInteger(HashDamag,0,TaimerID)
 call UnitDamageTargetBJ( HeroUnit, GetEnumUnit(),Damag , ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC )
  if(SpellID == 'A013') and (IsUnitInGroup(GetEnumUnit(), LoadGroupHandle(HashGroupUnit,0,TaimerID))){
    local real Damag = LoadReal(HashDamag,0,TaimerID)
    call UnitDamageTargetBJ( HeroUnit, GetEnumUnit(),44 , ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC )
    set HeroUnit = null
    set Taimer = null

function Vrag takes nothing  returns boolean
    local timer Taimer = GetExpiredTimer()
    local integer TaimerID = GetHandleId(Taimer)
    local integer SpellID = LoadInteger(AbilityID,0,TaimerID)
    if(SpellID == 'A013') and IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(LoadUnitHandle(HashUnit,0, TaimerID))) {
    call GroupAddUnit(LoadGroupHandle(HashGroupUnit,0,TaimerID),GetFilterUnit())
    call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), I2S(CountUnitsInGroup(LoadGroupHandle(HashGroupUnit,0, TaimerID))) )
    set Taimer = null
  return  IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(LoadUnitHandle(HashUnit,0, TaimerID)))

function DankoCODE takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer Taimer = GetExpiredTimer()
    local integer TaimerID = GetHandleId(Taimer)
    local unit HeroUnit  = LoadUnitHandle(HashUnit,0, TaimerID)
    local integer Proverka = LoadInteger(IDproverka,0, TaimerID)
    local integer TaimerINT = LoadInteger(IntegerTaimer,0, TaimerID)
    if IsUnitType(GetEnumUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_HERO) == false{
    if Proverka  == 0{
    local location LocHeroUnit = GetUnitLoc(GetEnumUnit())
    local unit Damy = CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(HeroUnit) ,'h01Q' , LocHeroUnit, 0)
    call SetUnitInvulnerable( HeroUnit, true )
    call SetUnitTimeScalePercent( Damy, 25.00 )
    call UnitApplyTimedLifeBJ( 1.30, 'BTLF', Damy )
    call PlaySoundBJ(gg_snd_DankoAizen)
    call RemoveLocation(LocHeroUnit)
    call SaveInteger(IDproverka,0, TaimerID, 1)
    set Damy = null
    set LocHeroUnit = null
    set HeroUnit = null 
    set Taimer = null

function StartTaimer takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer Taimer = GetExpiredTimer()
    local integer TaimerID = GetHandleId(Taimer)
    local unit HeroUnit  = LoadUnitHandle(HashUnit,0, TaimerID)
    local integer TaimerINT = LoadInteger(IntegerTaimer,0, TaimerID)
    local integer SpellID = LoadInteger(AbilityID,0,TaimerID)
    local integer i = 0
    local integer iend = 0
    local group GroupEnumyUnit = CreateGroup()
//данко айзена
    if(SpellID == 'A00F') {
    local location LocHeroUnit = GetUnitLoc(HeroUnit)
    local integer Proverka = LoadInteger(IDproverka,0, TaimerID)
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(GroupEnumyUnit, LocHeroUnit, 500.00, function Vrag)
    call ForGroup(GroupEnumyUnit, function DankoCODE)
    call RemoveLocation(LocHeroUnit)
     if Proverka  == 1 and TaimerINT == 1 {
     call SetUnitInvulnerable( HeroUnit, false )   
    set LocHeroUnit = null

//Банкай Бякуя
    if(SpellID == 'A01W') {
    local unit AuraBjakuja = LoadUnitHandle(HashUnit ,18, TaimerID)
    local location AuraBjakujaLoc = GetUnitLoc(HeroUnit)
    call SetUnitPositionLoc(AuraBjakuja,AuraBjakujaLoc)
    call RemoveLocation(AuraBjakujaLoc)
    set i = 1
     if TaimerINT >= 900{
    local unit Sword = LoadUnitHandle(HashUnit ,i, TaimerID)
    call SetUnitFlyHeight( Sword, 500.00, 1000.00 )
     if TaimerINT == 900{
     local location SwordLoc = GetUnitLoc(Sword)
     call RemoveUnit(Sword)
     local unit Senbonzakura = CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(HeroUnit),'h00E',SwordLoc,0)
     call SaveUnitHandle(HashUnit ,i,TaimerID,Senbonzakura)
     call SetUnitUserData(Senbonzakura,i)
     call RemoveLocation(SwordLoc)
     set SwordLoc = null
    set Sword = null
    set i =i+1
    exitwhen i >= 17

   if TaimerINT == 1000{
    call SetUnitFacing(HeroUnit,GetUnitFacing(HeroUnit))
   set i = 1 
     if TaimerINT == 900{
    call SetUnitInvulnerable( HeroUnit, false )
    call PauseUnitBJ( false, HeroUnit)
    call UnitAddAbility(HeroUnit,'A01Y')

    if TaimerINT <= 900{
    exitwhen i>= 17
    if   IsUnitDeadBJ(LoadUnitHandle(HashUnit ,i, TaimerID)) == true {
    local location HeroUnitLoc = GetUnitLoc(HeroUnit)
    local unit Senbonzakura = CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(HeroUnit),'h00E',HeroUnitLoc,0)
    call SetUnitUserData(Senbonzakura,i)
    call SaveUnitHandle(HashUnit ,i, TaimerID,Senbonzakura)
    call RemoveLocation(HeroUnitLoc)
    set HeroUnitLoc = null
    set Senbonzakura = null
    if TaimerINT == 1{
    set i = 1
    local unit Senbonzakura = LoadUnitHandle(HashUnit ,i, TaimerID)
    call RemoveUnit(Senbonzakura)
    set Senbonzakura = null
    exitwhen i>= 18
    call RemoveUnit(AuraBjakuja)
    call UnitRemoveAbility(HeroUnit,'A01Y')
  set AuraBjakujaLoc = null
  set AuraBjakuja = null

//Контроль Сенбонзакура
    if(SpellID == 'A020'){
     set i = 1   
     set iend = 2
    if(SpellID == 'A021'){
    set i = 3
    set iend = 4
    if(SpellID == 'A023'){
    set i = 5
    set iend = 6
    if(SpellID == 'A024'){
    set i = 7
    set iend = 8
    if(SpellID == 'A025'){
    set i = 9
    set iend = 10
    if(SpellID == 'A026'){
    set i = 11
    set iend = 12
    if(SpellID == 'A01Z'){
    set i = 13
    set iend = 14
    if(SpellID == 'A01X'){
    set i = 15
    set iend = 16
    if(SpellID == 'A022'){
    set i = 17
    set iend = 18  
     if(SpellID == 'A020') or (SpellID == 'A021') or (SpellID == 'A022') or (SpellID == 'A023') or (SpellID == 'A024') or (SpellID == 'A025') or (SpellID == 'A026') or (SpellID == 'A01Z') or (SpellID == 'A01X') {
    local unit Senbonzakura = LoadUnitHandle(HashUnit,i,TaimerID)
    local location SenbonzakuraLoc = GetUnitLoc(Senbonzakura)
    local location SenbonzakuraPolar = PolarProjectionBJ(SenbonzakuraLoc,10.50,GetUnitFacing(Senbonzakura))
    call SetUnitPositionLoc (Senbonzakura, SenbonzakuraPolar)
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(GroupEnumyUnit,SenbonzakuraLoc,100.00,function Vrag )
    call ForGroup(GroupEnumyUnit,function GroupDamag)
    call RemoveLocation(SenbonzakuraLoc)
    call RemoveLocation(SenbonzakuraPolar)
    set Senbonzakura = null
    set SenbonzakuraLoc = null
    set SenbonzakuraPolar = null
    exitwhen i == iend
    i =i+1
//бараган Распира
     if(SpellID == 'A013'){
     local unit Raspira =  LoadUnitHandle(HashUnit ,1, udg_TaimerID)
     local location RaspiraLoc =GetUnitLoc(Raspira)
     call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(GroupEnumyUnit,RaspiraLoc,460.00,function Vrag )
     call ForGroup(LoadGroupHandle(HashGroupUnit,0,TaimerID),function GroupDamag)
     call RemoveLocation(RaspiraLoc)
     set Raspira = null
     set RaspiraLoc = null
 set TaimerINT = TaimerINT - 1 
 call SaveInteger(IntegerTaimer,0, TaimerID, TaimerINT)
    if TaimerINT == 0{
 call DestroyGroup(GroupEnumyUnit)
 set GroupEnumyUnit = null  
 set HeroUnit = null 
 set Taimer = null   

function Trig_SPELL_KRAFT_Actions takes nothing returns nothing

    local unit HeroUnit =GetTriggerUnit()
     if (GetSpellAbilityUnit() == HeroUnit){
        local timer t = CreateTimer()
        set udg_TaimerID = GetHandleId(t) Вот айди таймера
        local integer IntegerTaim = 0
        local integer SpellID = GetSpellAbilityId()
        local location HeroLoc = GetUnitLoc(HeroUnit)
        local group GroupUnit = CreateGroup() Вот создаю групу
      //данко айзена
        if(SpellID == 'A00F') {
            set IntegerTaim = 70
            local effect Effeckt = AddSpecialEffectTarget("Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\SpellShieldAmulet\\SpellShieldCaster.mdl",HeroUnit,"chest")
            call DestroyEffect(Effeckt)
            set Effeckt = null
        //банкай Бякуя
        if(SpellID == 'A01W') {
        call SetUnitInvulnerable( HeroUnit, true )
        call PlaySoundBJ( gg_snd_1014_bankai_senbonza )
        call PauseUnitBJ( true, HeroUnit)
        set IntegerTaim = 1000
        local integer i = 3
        local real angleHero = GetUnitFacing(HeroUnit) - 90.00
        local real angleSword0 = angleHero - 110.00
        local location HeroLocP = PolarProjectionBJ(HeroLoc, 300, angleHero)
        local unit Sword1 = CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(HeroUnit),'h01I', HeroLocP, angleSword0 )
        call SaveUnitHandle(HashUnit ,1, udg_TaimerID, Sword1)
        call RemoveLocation(HeroLocP)
        set  angleHero = GetUnitFacing(HeroUnit) + 90.00
        local real  angleSword1 =   angleHero + 110.00
        set  HeroLocP = PolarProjectionBJ(HeroLoc, 300, angleHero)
        local unit Sword0 = CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(HeroUnit),'h01I', HeroLocP, angleSword1 )
        call SaveUnitHandle(HashUnit ,2, udg_TaimerID, Sword0)
        local unit AuraBjakuja = CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(HeroUnit),'h014',HeroLoc,0)
        call SaveUnitHandle(HashUnit ,18, udg_TaimerID,AuraBjakuja)
        set AuraBjakuja = null
        call RemoveLocation(HeroLocP)
        local location PointSword3 = GetUnitLoc(Sword0)
        local location PointSword4 = GetUnitLoc(Sword1)
            exitwhen i >= 17
            local real Range = LoadReal(HashRange ,0, udg_TaimerID)
            set Range = Range + 100
            call SaveReal(HashRange ,0, udg_TaimerID ,Range)
            local location UnitLocSwordP = PolarProjectionBJ(PointSword3, Range, angleSword0)
            local unit Sword3 = CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(HeroUnit),'h01I', UnitLocSwordP, angleSword0 )
            call SaveUnitHandle(HashUnit ,i, udg_TaimerID, Sword3)
            call RemoveLocation(UnitLocSwordP)
            set Sword3 = null
            set UnitLocSwordP = PolarProjectionBJ(PointSword4, Range, angleSword1)
            local unit Sword4 = CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(HeroUnit),'h01I', UnitLocSwordP, angleSword1 )
            set i = i+1
            call SaveUnitHandle(HashUnit ,i, udg_TaimerID, Sword4)
            call RemoveLocation(UnitLocSwordP)
            set Sword4 = null
            set UnitLocSwordP = null
            set i = i+1
        call RemoveLocation(PointSword4)
        call RemoveLocation(PointSword3)
        set HeroLocP = null
        set PointSword4 = null
        set PointSword3 = null
        set Sword1 = null
        set Sword0 = null
        call SaveReal(HashRange ,0, udg_TaimerID ,0)
        //банкай Контроль
        if(SpellID == 'A020') or (SpellID == 'A021') or (SpellID == 'A022') or (SpellID == 'A023') or (SpellID == 'A024') or (SpellID == 'A025') or (SpellID == 'A026') or (SpellID == 'A01Z') or (SpellID == 'A01X'){
            call SaveLocationHandle(SpellLoc,0,udg_TaimerID,GetSpellTargetLoc())
            set IntegerTaim = 1000
            local integer Damag = GetHeroStr(HeroUnit,true)
            call SaveInteger(HashDamag,0,udg_TaimerID,Damag)
            local group SenbonzakuraGroup = CreateGroup()
            call GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(SenbonzakuraGroup,GetTriggerPlayer(),function UnitDeteckt)
            call DestroyGroup(SenbonzakuraGroup)
            set SenbonzakuraGroup = null

        //бараган Регенерацыя
        if(SpellID == 'A01l'){
        //бараган Распира
        if(SpellID == 'A013'){
            call PlaySoundFromOffsetBJ( gg_snd_Baragan_SozdatiRaspiru, 100, 1.70 )
            set IntegerTaim = 3000
            local real Damag = GetUnitState(GetEnumUnit(),UNIT_STATE_LIFE) * 0.02
            call SaveReal(HashDamag,0,udg_TaimerID,Damag)
            local unit Raspira = CreateUnitAtLoc(GetTriggerPlayer(),'h00K',HeroLoc,0)
            call SaveUnitHandle(HashUnit ,1, udg_TaimerID, Raspira)
            set Raspira = null
        call SaveInteger(AbilityID ,0, udg_TaimerID,SpellID)
        call SaveUnitHandle(HashUnit ,0, udg_TaimerID, HeroUnit)
        call SaveInteger(IntegerTaimer,0, udg_TaimerID, IntegerTaim)
        call SaveInteger(IDproverka,0, udg_TaimerID, 0)
        call SaveGroupHandle(HashGroupUnit,0, udg_TaimerID, GroupUnit)  Вот сохраняю
        call TimerStart(t, 0.02, true, function StartTaimer)
        call SaveTimerHandle(Taimer,0,udg_TaimerID,t)
        call RemoveLocation(HeroLoc)
        call DestroyGroup(GroupUnit)
        set Taimer = null
        set HeroLoc = null
        set GroupUnit = null

    set HeroUnit = null

function InitTrig_SPELL_KRAFT takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_SPELL_KRAFT = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_SPELL_KRAFT, function Trig_SPELL_KRAFT_Actions )
У меня тут есить всё необходимое но почемуто в месенжере пишыт что количество юнитов в отряде = 0
function Vrag takes nothing returns boolean
local timer Taimer = GetExpiredTimer()
local integer TaimerID = GetHandleId(Taimer)
local integer SpellID = LoadInteger(AbilityID,0,TaimerID)
if(SpellID == 'A013') and IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(LoadUnitHandle(HashUnit,0, TaimerID))) {
call GroupAddUnit(LoadGroupHandle(HashGroupUnit,0,TaimerID),GetFilterUnit())
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), I2S(CountUnitsInGroup(LoadGroupHandle(HashGroupUnit,0, TaimerID))) )
set Taimer = null
return IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(LoadUnitHandle(HashUnit,0, TaimerID)))
Я понел в чом проблема Я удалял групу зря я думал сейф мне создаст новую глобалиную групу

Показан только небольшой набор комментариев вокруг указанного. Перейти к актуальным.
6 лет назад
Отредактирован Пушистый
Можно, если обращение к группе происходит один раз (это с точки зрения экономии вызовов). А так - можно.
6 лет назад
то есть юнити добавица верно в отряд
6 лет назад
MATRITSA, да, главное, чтобы этот отряд был сохранен ранее.
6 лет назад
окей спсибиб
call GroupAddUnit(LoadGroupHandle(HashGroupUnit,0,TaimerID),GetFilterUnit())
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), I2S(CountUnitsInGroup(LoadGroupHandle(HashGroupUnit,0,TaimerID) )))
тест выдаёть мне что в отряди 0 юнитов
6 лет назад
А что записано в GetFilterUnit()?
6 лет назад
call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(GroupEnumyUnit,RaspiraLoc,500.00,function Vrag )
Месенжером проверял Работу команды всё работает норм
6 лет назад
Отредактирован Волчачка
call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(GroupEnumyUnit,RaspiraLoc,500.00,function Vrag )
Почему тут обычная функция а не filterfunc?
local filterfunc ff = Filter(function Vrag)
call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(GroupEnumyUnit,RaspiraLoc,500.00,ff )
call DestroyFilter(ff)
set ff = null
Вот из-за того, что ты её не объявил фильтерфунк, поэтому она и плохо работала.
6 лет назад
Вау оказывеца её можно обевлять
слуш а что даёть эта функцыя Filter
Показан только небольшой набор комментариев вокруг указанного. Перейти к актуальным.
Чтобы оставить комментарий, пожалуйста, войдите на сайт.