

TFTLocal - утилита для настройки Warcraft внутри игры
Версия: 2011.06.06
Благодарности уходят к: Esea
Автор статьи: host_pi
Автор программы: Darimus
  • Утилита для варкрафта, которая расширяет его внутриигровое управление
  • Запускается посредством ввода /комманд внутри варкрафта (внутри лобби либо в самой карте)
  • Раньше имела в себе мапхак, но автор специально его вырезал в более новой версии, чтобы программа была утилитой, а не читом
  • т.е. эта утилита похожа на WFE , но с другими умениями
Возможности кратко:


  • Показывает имя файла вместо имени карты в списке (за эту фичу она и удостоилась этого релиза). Это требуется, когда у вас много карт с одинаковым внутриигровым названием и в списке непонятно где какая карта
  • Привязывает мышку к окну варкрафта - /cm on , /cm off
  • Возможность менять в игре оконный / полноэкранный режим - /fullscreen , /window

В лобби

  • Управляет слотами в лобби (свап, перемешивание) - /swap x y , /shuffle
  • Меняет количество секунд у таймера перед стартом игры - /cd x

В игре

  • Уменьшает пинг - /dr 0
  • Показывает пинг - /pth
  • Возможность менять высоту камеры в любой карте - /cam dist XXXX
  • Выход из любого синематика на карте - F8
  • Очищает экран от текста - /clear
  • Показывает IP кто к тебе присоединился - /names
  • Убирает окно ожидания игрока когда тот лагает - /nl off , /nl on
  • Кикает по имени или номеру слота - /kick # - /kick name
  • Запрет изменения рамок камеры - /bounds lock
  • Запрещает карте влиять на камеру. например -cam или -zoom перестают работать, если они вшиты в карту - /cam lock
  • Переназначение клавиши X на клавишу Y (в том числе умеет переназначать Alt+Q, защищая от выхода из игры - /kbk menu+q numpad7 - binds alt+q to the numpad 7 key)
  • Показывает кто нажал сохранение игры - /sn on , /sn off
  • Более подробные возможности описаны ниже под спойлером
Полный список команд commands.txt
/wr - allows execution of waiting room commands ( HOST ONLY )
/wr on - turns on the wait room
/wr off - turns off the wait room (do not turn off if you have players from the wait room in your lobby)
/wr join - allows the longest waiting player to join (requires an open slot)
/wr join x - allows player with join code x to join (use /wr list to see the needed numbers)
/wr list - shows you players in order of how long they have been waiting, along with their join codes
/wr ms - does nothing
Important notes:
  • The waiting room is highly experimental
  • When the waiting room is active (/wr on) the host will no longer disconnect any players for desyncing
  • In order for players to join your game when it is full, you must "unlock" your game; if you have /refresh active then this is done automatically at each refresh interval; if /refresh is not active you can do it manually by pressing the page up key each time your game fills
  • When players are in the wait room the host is able to see messages they type
The host's chat is also transmitted to all players in the wait room automatically
Wait room players are unable to communicate with one another
Wait room players cannot communicate with players in the lobby, and vice versa
/shuffle - randomly assigns players to different player slots (HOST ONLY)
/swap - allows you to switch two slots (HOST ONLY)
/swap x y - swap slot x with slot y
Important: Slots are not always numbered sequentially from top to bottom. In particular, if the slots have locked settings, you can tell when slots are not sequential if there exists a later color (brown) in an early team, and then an earlier color (red) in a later team.
/kbk - allows you to bind one key to another key
/kbk x y - binds key combination x to key combination y
/kbk menu+q numpad7 - binds alt+q to the numpad 7 key
Note: These hotkeys are only usable while /kbh is on
  • You can unbind a key by assigning NULL to the second parameter
  • Key names can be found via any list of windows virtual keys (VK_MENU, VK_SHIFT, etc) - just remove the VK_ part
  • Key combinations can consist of any modifier keys (shift, menu, and control) combined with any non-modifier key; you can bind multiple modifier keys (shift+menu+control), but you cannot bind multiple non-modifier keys (q+w+s)
  • It is also possible to bind the Pause/Break key to something else, but that would disable the toggle feature it has while it is bound
  • As you might guess, this was primarily made with inventory binding in mind
/kbh - allows you to toggle tftl's hotkey support
/kbh on
/kbh off
Note: /kbh can also be toggled by pressing the Pause/Break key (somewhere near the top right for US keyboards)
I recommend not relying on this feature for now as it is prone to fail at times
/speed - "speedhack" (HOST ONLY)
/speed x
If you enter an erroneous value, speed typically is set to 1.0 (the default)
/pth - when on, tracks an estimation of your ping based on when you issued an action and when the reply packet came from the host
Does not work properly when you are hosting
(the values you get from this are not very accurate)
/pth (tells you your "delay")
/pth on
/pth off
/sn - when on, notifies you locally of who issued a save request
/sn on
/sn off
/cthk - toggles the /ct hotkey on and off; it is off by default
/cthk on
/cthk off
/nl - toggles whether the lag window will pop up or not when a player lags (the game will still pause, this will just stop the window from appearing, allowing you to order commands uninterrupted)
/nl on
/nl off
/mt - the mana toggle command (this command requires using tftl112-3.dll instead of the default tftl112-3-mt.dll)
/mt 0 | 1
/mt 1 Shows yellow mana text above visible health bars (holding alt, or the setting in Wc3, or /hp show)
/mt 0 Removes the mana text from health bars if they are visible
/mw - the monitor word command
/mw [string to monitor]
Causes Wc3 to blink (think of receiving an IM) when it sees the monitored string(s); this functionality has replaced the default blink on "fate" or "fsn" being said while you're in a channel
To stop monitoring a string, simply use the /mw command on the same string (the command does not offer any confirmation messages for now)
/cm - the clip mouse to window command
/cm on | off
Turning this on limits the mouse to the Wc3 client area (useful when you're in windowed mode; pointless if you're in full screen)
While "cm" is on, if you alt-tab from Wc3 or change the foreground window, the clipped area will reset to the entire screen (so long as Wc3 isn't frozen)
/sau - the select allocator unit command (This is a command specific to the Fate / Another II map)
/sau 0-11 (any number from 0 to 11 inclusive)
This allows you to select other people's allocator units (F3 unit in F/A II)
This can only be used when the player that owns the allocator unit actually makes it cast a spell (for example, the C hotkey)
The numbers represent the player IDs
This command basically allows you to use command spells when controlling allied units, among other things
/bpa x (This is a command specific to the Fate / Another II map)
/bpa 0 turns off BP announcements
/bpa 1 turns on local Korean BP announcements (only you see them)
/bpa 2 turns on Korean chat-based BP announcements (you send chat messages to allies only)
/bpa 3 turns on English chat-based BP announcements
/bpa 4 turns on local English BP announcements
  • sends messages when an allied Archer begins casting Broken Phantasm or Hrunting
/as x (This is a command meant to be used with the Fate / Another II map)
/as 0 turns off auto reselection
/as 1 turns on auto reselection
  • will reselect hero after becoming shown after a HideUnit call (Rider's Bellerophon, Assassin's Drying Pole, Archer's Arrow Rain, etc)

Darimus@http://www.d3scene.com/forum/warcraft-3-hacks/30971-tftlocal-1-24b.html wrote:
TFTLocal's been updated to 1.24b
I've removed the maphack commands (map/noalpha), so this counts as more of a tool than a hack now, I suppose. Of course, it's fairly easy to get a working maphack, I think, so this shouldn't be a problem for anyone.
Download Link
Another Download Link
TFTLocal is a utility which makes many useful features available to you. The features added are listed below.
To use the program, run inject3.exe
The program accepts input in the form of slash commands in a Battle.net channel or in the game itself.
The game lobby can also be used to process commands, and the /refresh command is exclusive to the lobby.
The commands and results are as follows:
/fog on
/fog off
Disables trigger-based fog
/hchat x y Text
Sends a message as pid x to pid y (0 for all) using the provided text (spoofs chat), host only
/load x
Loads file by name, reading one command per line of the file (Automatically tries .txt and .ini extensions)
/showcmds on
/showcmds off
Changes whether or not standard "Command Recognized" messages are to be shown
/pug x
Use while hosting to rename game to x & make it a public game
/prg x
Use while hosting to rename game to x & make it a private game
/ct on
Click-through enabled; right clicking a unit will not follow, but instead move to the click location
/ct off
Disables click-through
/tt on
Unit mouseover tooltips enabled
/tt off
Unit mouseover tooltips disabled
/hponly on
Mousing over a unit only shows their healthbar, no hero tooltip
/hponly off
Heroes will show their tooltip
Disconnect from battle.net.
/cd x
Sets game-start countdown time to x (default 6.0)
/bounds reset
Resets camera bounds to world bounds
/bounds lock
Prevents camera bounds from changing
/bounds unlock
Allows camera bounds changes
/dsel on
Disable trigger deselection
/dsel off
Enable trigger deselection
/lb show
Show leaderboard
/lb hide
Hide leaderboard
/lb show #
Show leaderboard by number (1+)
/lb hide #
Hide leaderboard by number (1+)
/lb lock
Prevents trigger-based hide/show of leaderboard
/lb unlock
Allows trigger-based hide/show of leaderboard
/ds on
/ds off
When on, kicks players who attempt to save the game (host only)
/dp on
/dp off
When on, kicks players who attempt to pause the game (host only)
Display names and IPs of players connected to you (host only)
/kick #
Kicks a player by their number; player numbers can be viewed using /names (host only)
/kick name
Kicks a player by a substring in their name; (e.g., /kick dar would kick Darimus) (host only)
/dr x
Set delay to x in milliseconds (host only)
Display current delay in milliseconds (host only)
Enters fullscreen mode
Enters windowed mode
Enable/disable fast map-loading [note: changes mapnames to filenames, and changes sorting to be alphabetical]
/fmaps on
/fmaps off
This feature is, by default, enabled.
Send command to Battle.net
/bnet /f l
/bnet /f m hi
/refresh x
When used in the game lobby (while hosting), it will silently auto-refresh every x seconds. This is different from most auto-refreshers in that you don't see "Autorefresher has joined the game." messages, but it still refreshes.
Type /refresh 0 or /refresh to turn off.
Press hotkey [Page Up] to do a single manual refresh.
Limited to 2.5s or greater
[Updated: now supports any camera distance... be wary of using 50k+ distances, you may suffer FPS lag]
Control your camera with these features, in case the map you joined allows no camera control:
/cam dist x
/cam aoa x
Angle of Attack
/cam farz x
Far Z
/cam rot x
/cam roll x
/cam lock
This locks your camera view somewhat so that games can't change it. It is not all-inclusive, some things will change your camera view at the moment. I may make this more inclusive at a later date.
/cam unlock
Allows your camera to be manipulated.
Allows you to change your name as it appears when you host or join a game online.
/name x
Changes name to "x".
Changes name to the name you had on logon.
/camlock enable
/camlock disable
Allows maps to lock the camera to a unit. If the camera is already locked and you disable it, you can press control-c in-game to unlock the camera (this key combo is standard).
The 1.22 patch can show health bars, but you don't have the option of ally or enemy, just all.
/hp show
/hp show ally
/hp show enemy
/hp hide ally
/hp hide enemy
/hp hide
Clears all "Game" text messages on your screen. Useful for some maps.
/nokick on
/nokick off
Prevents yourself from being kicked from games via standard kicking means. This will not prevent custom kick programs that kick using lower-level methods.
NOTE: I believe that if you select a unit or issue an order for a currently selected unit, you will desync and be disconnected anyway. You may still chat after being "kicked", however...
NOTE: If you do not press F8 on the "Defeat!" dialog that appears, pressing the Quit button results in everyone getting kicked...
/nofade on
Disables fade filters. Do not use this if there is currently an active fade filter.
/nofade off
Enables fade filters
Press this to escape from cinematics and dialogs, and other such things.
(This works on the Players Lagging window as well, but you are limited to queuing up actions or moving the camera until the player stops lagging)
[Page Up]
Use in the game lobby while hosting to refresh the game (updates the game in players lists, making it more likely people will join your map). Limited to once every 2.5 seconds.
[`] (Grave key)
Toggles the /ct function
  • Запустить Warcraft III.exe или Frozen Throne.exe
  • Запустить inject3_orig.exe из любой папки (копирование в папку варкрафта не требуется)
  • если появляется ошибка "Failed to obtain debug privileges, exiting" - то запускать от админа
Благодарности высылайте к Ev3nt за прикручивание TFTLocal к MultiWindow.exe
Из комментариев можно скачать патченный inject3.exe и переименовать в inject3_multi.exe - но на него ругается Windows Defender
Запускать inject3_multi.exe нужно столько раз, сколько открыто окон варкрафта
Описание файлов:
fate - пример настроек типа ini файла, загружаются через /load
commands.txt - список всех команд
d3dx8d.dll - если внедрение не происходит то переместить в папку варкрафта
inject.txt - какие dll внедрить через inject3.exe
inject3_orig.exe - оригинальная dll которая внедряется в war3.exe
inject3_multi.exe - модифицированная dll которая внедряется в war3.exe и в Warcraft_III_-_MultiWindow.exe
tftl114.dll - оригинальный файл tftl
note.txt - пояснительная записка

Показан только небольшой набор комментариев вокруг указанного. Перейти к актуальным.
1 год назад
проще эти либы в виде миксов закинуть
а кто может сделать из dll библиотек файлы mix , которые можно в папку варика положить?
1 год назад
Отредактирован host_pi
Держите пропатченную версию с поддержкой MultiWindow'а.
добавлено в зелёную кнопку под именем inject3_multi.exe
1 год назад
Отредактирован host_pi
патченный файл от Ev3nt удалён из зелёной кнопки, т.к. на него ругается Windows Defender
Microsoft - Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml
т.е. многие скачанный архив даже не смогут посмотреть, т.к. весь архив будет заблочен
поэтому файл из зелёной кнопки убран
скачать тот файл из комента от Ev3nt виндузодефендеровцы тоже не смогут, потому как файл будет сразу заблочен
поэтому его файл перепакован в архив с паролем 222
чтобы вы его могли хотя бы скачать, а дальше уже сами смотреть что с ним делать
на скриншоте бинарное сравнение обоих файлов
Загруженные файлы
1 год назад
Можно всё в архив и внизу самого ресурса написать пароль через центрирование вправо
1 год назад
Ох уж эта винда, я всего-лишь выделил новую секцию и перенес туда вызов функции для поиска окна. 😂

С другой стороны понятно, это же инжектор.
11 месяцев назад
Отредактирован host_pi
/load x
Loads file by name, reading one command per line of the file (Automatically tries .txt and .ini extensions)
fate - an example file you can use the /load command on
у кого-то получилось загрузить преднастройки?
D:\TFTL\inject3_multi.exe /load fate
"D:\TFTL\inject3_multi.exe" /load fate
inject3_multi.exe /load fate
"inject3_multi.exe" "/load fate"
ни с ярлыком, ни через батник не получается
загружается в обычном режиме без преднастроек, как будто просто мышкой кликнули
копирнул fate в fate.txt и fate.ini - всё равно не подключает

а лол, это не через параметр к екзешнику в виде предзагрузки надо
а это уже в самой игре писать /load надо, вручную после запуска варика
жаль, что предзагрузки нету и никакого settings.ini файла с настройками тоже нету, который он загружает автоматом
/cd 0 на автозапуске была бы очень полезная, а то прописывать каждый раз
или /cam dist на автомате какой-нить
вот например /fmaps то у него на автомате включается
Enable/disable fast map-loading [note: changes mapnames to filenames, and changes sorting to be alphabetical]
/fmaps on
/fmaps off
This feature is, by default, enabled.
Показан только небольшой набор комментариев вокруг указанного. Перейти к актуальным.
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