Вопрос по работе с локальным таймером, по нажатию правой кнопки мыши таймер запускается но когда отпускаешь ее он не останавливается.Не очень пока разбираюсь в jass но пробую по маленьку.
function Trig_LMB21_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local timer TimerAct2 = CreateTimer()
local integer BB = GetHandleId(TimerAct2)
call SaveReal(Hash, BB, StringHash("processs"), 0)

call TimerStart(TimerAct2, 0.20, true, function Trig_ShootTest2_Actions)

function Trig_LMB1_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local timer TimerAct2 = GetExpiredTimer()
local integer BB = GetHandleId(TimerAct2)
local real processs = LoadReal(Hash, BB, StringHash("processs"))

call SaveReal(Hash, BB, StringHash("processs"), processs)
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "lol2" )
call PauseTimer(TimerAct2)
call DestroyTimer(TimerAct2)

set TimerAct2 = null

 function Trig_LMB1_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean  
     if ( not ( BlzGetTriggerPlayerMouseButton() == MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE_RIGHT ) ) then
        return false
    return true

Принятый ответ

ImNoobTarenas, понятно я кое что напутал , теперь как остановить стрельбу с помощью таймера остановка вроде срабатывает но не совсем
function Trig_LMB1_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local timer TimerAct2 = GetExpiredTimer()
local integer BB = GetHandleId(TimerAct2)
local real processs = LoadReal(Hash, BB, StringHash("processs"))

call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "OFF" )
call PauseTimer(TimerAct2)
call DestroyTimer(TimerAct2)
call SaveReal(Hash, BB, StringHash("processs"), processs)
set TimerAct2 = null


function Trig_ShootTest_Actions3 takes nothing returns nothing
local timer TimerAct = GetExpiredTimer()
local integer id = GetHandleId(TimerAct)
local unit marine = LoadUnitHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("marine"))
local unit Target = LoadUnitHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("Target"))

local unit Dummy = LoadUnitHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("Dummy")) 
local real process = LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("process")) + LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("Speed"))
local group gACT
local unit u = null

 if process > LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("maxDis")) then
 call DestroyGroup(LoadGroupHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("group")))
 call KillUnit(Dummy)
 call FlushChildHashtable(Hash, id)
 call PauseTimer(TimerAct)
 call DestroyTimer(TimerAct)

 call SaveReal(Hash, id, StringHash("process"), process)
 call SetUnitX(Dummy, GetUnitX(Dummy) + LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("Speed")) * Cos(LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("angle")) * bj_DEGTORAD))
 call SetUnitY(Dummy, GetUnitY(Dummy) + LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("Speed")) * Sin(LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("angle")) * bj_DEGTORAD))
 set gACT =CreateGroup()
 call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(gACT, GetUnitX(Dummy),GetUnitY(Dummy), LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("Aoe")), null )
  set u = FirstOfGroup(gACT)
  exitwhen u == null
  if GetWidgetLife(u) > 0.405 and not IsUnitInGroup(u, LoadGroupHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("group"))) then
      if IsUnitEnemy(u, GetOwningPlayer(marine)) then
         call UnitDamageTarget(marine, u, LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("Damege")), false, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, null)
         call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(LoadStr(Hash, id, StringHash("BloodEfect")), u, "chest"))
         call RemoveUnit(Dummy)
  call GroupRemoveUnit(gACT, u)
   call DestroyGroup(gACT)
set Target = null
set marine = null
set Dummy = null
set TimerAct = null
set gACT = null


function Trig_ShootTest2_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit marine = gg_unit_H000_0003
local unit Target = gg_unit_n000_0005
local real xMarine = GetUnitX(marine)
local real yMarine = GetUnitY(marine)
local real xTarget = GetUnitX(Target)
local real yTarget = GetUnitY(Target)
local real angle = bj_RADTODEG * Atan2(yTarget - yMarine, xTarget - xMarine) + GetRandomReal(-6.00, 6.00)
local unit Dummy = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(marine), 'n001', xMarine, yMarine, angle)

local real maxDis = 1200
local real Damege = 50
local real Aoe = 90
local real Speed = 2000

local string BloodEfect = "Objects/Spawnmodels/Human/HumanBlood/HumanBloodKnight.mdl"
local timer TimerAct = CreateTimer()
local integer id = GetHandleId(TimerAct)
local timer TimerAct2 = CreateTimer()
local integer BB = GetHandleId(TimerAct2)
call SaveReal(Hash, BB, StringHash("processs"), 0)
if xMarine == xTarget and yMarine == yMarine then
        set angle = GetUnitFacing(marine)

call SetUnitX(Dummy, xMarine + 106 * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD))
call SetUnitY(Dummy, yMarine + 106 * Sin(angle * bj_DEGTORAD))

call SaveUnitHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("marine"), marine)
call SaveUnitHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("Target"), Target)
call SaveUnitHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("Dummy"), Dummy)

call SaveReal(Hash, id, StringHash("Damege"), Damege)
call SaveReal(Hash, id, StringHash("maxDis"), maxDis)
call SaveReal(Hash, id, StringHash("Aoe"), Aoe)
call SaveReal(Hash, id, StringHash("angle"), angle)
call SaveReal(Hash, id, StringHash("Speed"), Speed * 0.03)
call SaveStr(Hash, id, StringHash("BloodEfect"), BloodEfect)
call SaveReal(Hash, id, StringHash("process"), 0)
call SaveGroupHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("group"), CreateGroup())

call TimerStart(TimerAct, 0.03, true, function Trig_ShootTest_Actions3)

    call StopSoundBJ( gg_snd_GyrocopterImpactHit1, false )
    call PlaySoundBJ( gg_snd_GyrocopterImpactHit1 )
    call SetUnitAnimation( gg_unit_H000_0003, "attack" )

set marine = null
set Target = null
set Dummy = null
set TimerAct = null
set TimerAct2 = null


function Trig_LMB21_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local timer TimerAct2 = CreateTimer()
local integer BB = GetHandleId(TimerAct2)
call SaveReal(Hash, BB, StringHash("processs"), 0)
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "ON" )
call TimerStart(TimerAct2, 0.10, true, function Trig_ShootTest2_Actions)
set TimerAct2 = null

function Trig_ShootTest2_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean  
     if ( not ( BlzGetTriggerPlayerMouseButton() == MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE_RIGHT ) ) then
        return false
    return true


Таймер не останавливается
function Trig_LMB22_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local timer TimerAct2 = GetExpiredTimer()
local integer BB = GetHandleId(TimerAct2)

call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "Off" )
call PauseTimer(TimerAct2)
call DestroyTimer(TimerAct2)

set TimerAct2 = null

 function Trig_LMB21_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local timer TimerAct2 = CreateTimer()
local integer BB = GetHandleId(TimerAct2)
call SaveReal(Hash, BB, StringHash("processs"), 0)
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "On" )
call TimerStart(TimerAct2, 0.10, false, function Trig_LMB21_Actions)
set TimerAct2 = null

 function Trig_LMB22_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean  
     if ( not ( BlzGetTriggerPlayerMouseButton() == MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE_RIGHT ) ) then
        return false
    return true
function Trig_LMB21_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean  
     if ( not ( BlzGetTriggerPlayerMouseButton() == MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE_RIGHT ) ) then
        return false
    return true

function InitTrig_LMB2 takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_LMB2 = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_LMB2, Condition( function Trig_LMB22_Conditions ) )
    call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_LMB2, Condition( function Trig_LMB21_Conditions ) )

9 месяцев назад
Отредактирован Таренас
call TimerStart(TimerAct2, 0.20, true, function Trig_ShootTest2_Actions)
call TimerStart(TimerAct2, 0.20, true, function Trig_LMB1_Actions)
9 месяцев назад
Отредактирован jasonrus96
ImNoobTarenas, понятно я кое что напутал , теперь как остановить стрельбу с помощью таймера остановка вроде срабатывает но не совсем
function Trig_LMB1_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local timer TimerAct2 = GetExpiredTimer()
local integer BB = GetHandleId(TimerAct2)
local real processs = LoadReal(Hash, BB, StringHash("processs"))

call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "OFF" )
call PauseTimer(TimerAct2)
call DestroyTimer(TimerAct2)
call SaveReal(Hash, BB, StringHash("processs"), processs)
set TimerAct2 = null


function Trig_ShootTest_Actions3 takes nothing returns nothing
local timer TimerAct = GetExpiredTimer()
local integer id = GetHandleId(TimerAct)
local unit marine = LoadUnitHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("marine"))
local unit Target = LoadUnitHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("Target"))

local unit Dummy = LoadUnitHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("Dummy")) 
local real process = LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("process")) + LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("Speed"))
local group gACT
local unit u = null

 if process > LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("maxDis")) then
 call DestroyGroup(LoadGroupHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("group")))
 call KillUnit(Dummy)
 call FlushChildHashtable(Hash, id)
 call PauseTimer(TimerAct)
 call DestroyTimer(TimerAct)

 call SaveReal(Hash, id, StringHash("process"), process)
 call SetUnitX(Dummy, GetUnitX(Dummy) + LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("Speed")) * Cos(LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("angle")) * bj_DEGTORAD))
 call SetUnitY(Dummy, GetUnitY(Dummy) + LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("Speed")) * Sin(LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("angle")) * bj_DEGTORAD))
 set gACT =CreateGroup()
 call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(gACT, GetUnitX(Dummy),GetUnitY(Dummy), LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("Aoe")), null )
  set u = FirstOfGroup(gACT)
  exitwhen u == null
  if GetWidgetLife(u) > 0.405 and not IsUnitInGroup(u, LoadGroupHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("group"))) then
      if IsUnitEnemy(u, GetOwningPlayer(marine)) then
         call UnitDamageTarget(marine, u, LoadReal(Hash, id, StringHash("Damege")), false, false, ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, null)
         call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(LoadStr(Hash, id, StringHash("BloodEfect")), u, "chest"))
         call RemoveUnit(Dummy)
  call GroupRemoveUnit(gACT, u)
   call DestroyGroup(gACT)
set Target = null
set marine = null
set Dummy = null
set TimerAct = null
set gACT = null


function Trig_ShootTest2_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit marine = gg_unit_H000_0003
local unit Target = gg_unit_n000_0005
local real xMarine = GetUnitX(marine)
local real yMarine = GetUnitY(marine)
local real xTarget = GetUnitX(Target)
local real yTarget = GetUnitY(Target)
local real angle = bj_RADTODEG * Atan2(yTarget - yMarine, xTarget - xMarine) + GetRandomReal(-6.00, 6.00)
local unit Dummy = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(marine), 'n001', xMarine, yMarine, angle)

local real maxDis = 1200
local real Damege = 50
local real Aoe = 90
local real Speed = 2000

local string BloodEfect = "Objects/Spawnmodels/Human/HumanBlood/HumanBloodKnight.mdl"
local timer TimerAct = CreateTimer()
local integer id = GetHandleId(TimerAct)
local timer TimerAct2 = CreateTimer()
local integer BB = GetHandleId(TimerAct2)
call SaveReal(Hash, BB, StringHash("processs"), 0)
if xMarine == xTarget and yMarine == yMarine then
        set angle = GetUnitFacing(marine)

call SetUnitX(Dummy, xMarine + 106 * Cos(angle * bj_DEGTORAD))
call SetUnitY(Dummy, yMarine + 106 * Sin(angle * bj_DEGTORAD))

call SaveUnitHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("marine"), marine)
call SaveUnitHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("Target"), Target)
call SaveUnitHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("Dummy"), Dummy)

call SaveReal(Hash, id, StringHash("Damege"), Damege)
call SaveReal(Hash, id, StringHash("maxDis"), maxDis)
call SaveReal(Hash, id, StringHash("Aoe"), Aoe)
call SaveReal(Hash, id, StringHash("angle"), angle)
call SaveReal(Hash, id, StringHash("Speed"), Speed * 0.03)
call SaveStr(Hash, id, StringHash("BloodEfect"), BloodEfect)
call SaveReal(Hash, id, StringHash("process"), 0)
call SaveGroupHandle(Hash, id, StringHash("group"), CreateGroup())

call TimerStart(TimerAct, 0.03, true, function Trig_ShootTest_Actions3)

    call StopSoundBJ( gg_snd_GyrocopterImpactHit1, false )
    call PlaySoundBJ( gg_snd_GyrocopterImpactHit1 )
    call SetUnitAnimation( gg_unit_H000_0003, "attack" )

set marine = null
set Target = null
set Dummy = null
set TimerAct = null
set TimerAct2 = null


function Trig_LMB21_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local timer TimerAct2 = CreateTimer()
local integer BB = GetHandleId(TimerAct2)
call SaveReal(Hash, BB, StringHash("processs"), 0)
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "ON" )
call TimerStart(TimerAct2, 0.10, true, function Trig_ShootTest2_Actions)
set TimerAct2 = null

function Trig_ShootTest2_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean  
     if ( not ( BlzGetTriggerPlayerMouseButton() == MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE_RIGHT ) ) then
        return false
    return true


Таймер не останавливается
function Trig_LMB22_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local timer TimerAct2 = GetExpiredTimer()
local integer BB = GetHandleId(TimerAct2)

call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "Off" )
call PauseTimer(TimerAct2)
call DestroyTimer(TimerAct2)

set TimerAct2 = null

 function Trig_LMB21_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local timer TimerAct2 = CreateTimer()
local integer BB = GetHandleId(TimerAct2)
call SaveReal(Hash, BB, StringHash("processs"), 0)
call DisplayTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), "On" )
call TimerStart(TimerAct2, 0.10, false, function Trig_LMB21_Actions)
set TimerAct2 = null

 function Trig_LMB22_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean  
     if ( not ( BlzGetTriggerPlayerMouseButton() == MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE_RIGHT ) ) then
        return false
    return true
function Trig_LMB21_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean  
     if ( not ( BlzGetTriggerPlayerMouseButton() == MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE_RIGHT ) ) then
        return false
    return true

function InitTrig_LMB2 takes nothing returns nothing
    set gg_trg_LMB2 = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_LMB2, Condition( function Trig_LMB22_Conditions ) )
    call TriggerAddCondition( gg_trg_LMB2, Condition( function Trig_LMB21_Conditions ) )

Принятый ответ
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