Кто-нить может подсказать пожалуйста. У меня на карте выбор расы через чатик и когда вводишь цифру 3 должна быть Нежить, и создаются базовые юниты через триггеры в месте стартовой позиции. А что делать с Проклятым рудником, тк если я его триггерно создам, то на базе будет 2 рудника (один проклятый другой стандартный который стоял на карте изначально). Можно ли как-то сделать так, чтобы изначальный рудник стал проклятым. (допустим у эльфов можно через команду - моментально оплести рудник), а у нежити я хз как

Принятый ответ

Как видно из blizzard.j они тупо удаляют рудник и ставят порченный.
-- Starting Units for Undead Players
-- - 1 Necropolis, placed at start location
-- - 1 Haunted Gold Mine, placed on nearest gold mine
-- - 3 Acolytes, placed between start location and nearest gold mine
-- - 1 Ghoul, placed between start location and nearest gold mine
-- - Blight, centered on nearest gold mine, spread across a "large area"
---@param whichPlayer player
---@param startLoc location
---@param doHeroes boolean
---@param doCamera boolean
---@param doPreload boolean
function MeleeStartingUnitsUndead(whichPlayer, startLoc, doHeroes, doCamera, doPreload)
	local useRandomHero = IsMapFlagSet(MAP_RANDOM_HERO) ---@type boolean
	local unitSpacing = 64.00 ---@type real
	local nearestMine = nil ---@type unit
	local nearMineLoc = nil ---@type location
	local nearTownLoc = nil ---@type location
	local heroLoc = nil ---@type location
	local peonX = nil ---@type real
	local peonY = nil ---@type real
	local ghoulX = nil ---@type real
	local ghoulY = nil ---@type real
	if (doPreload) then
		Preloader( "scripts\\UndeadMelee.pld" )
	nearestMine = MeleeFindNearestMine(startLoc, bj_MELEE_MINE_SEARCH_RADIUS)
	if (nearestMine ~= nil ) then
		-- Spawn Necropolis at the start location.
		CreateUnitAtLoc(whichPlayer, FourCC('unpl'), startLoc, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		-- Replace the nearest gold mine with a blighted version.
		nearestMine = BlightGoldMineForPlayerBJ(nearestMine, whichPlayer)
		-- Spawn Ghoul near the Necropolis.
		nearTownLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(startLoc, GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), 288, 0)
		ghoulX = GetLocationX(nearTownLoc)
		ghoulY = GetLocationY(nearTownLoc)
		bj_ghoul[GetPlayerId(whichPlayer)] = CreateUnit(whichPlayer, FourCC('ugho'), ghoulX + 0.00 * unitSpacing, ghoulY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		-- Spawn Acolytes near the mine.
		nearMineLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 320, 0)
		peonX = GetLocationX(nearMineLoc)
		peonY = GetLocationY(nearMineLoc)
		CreateUnit(whichPlayer, FourCC('uaco'), peonX + 0.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.50 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		CreateUnit(whichPlayer, FourCC('uaco'), peonX + 0.65 * unitSpacing, peonY - 0.50 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		CreateUnit(whichPlayer, FourCC('uaco'), peonX - 0.65 * unitSpacing, peonY - 0.50 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		-- Create a patch of blight around the gold mine.
		SetBlightLoc(whichPlayer,nearMineLoc, 768, true)
		-- Set random hero spawn point to be off to the side of the start location.
		heroLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 384, 45)
		-- Spawn Necropolis at the start location.
		CreateUnitAtLoc(whichPlayer, FourCC('unpl'), startLoc, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		-- Spawn Acolytes and Ghoul directly south of the Necropolis.
		peonX = GetLocationX(startLoc)
		peonY = GetLocationY(startLoc) - 224.00
		CreateUnit(whichPlayer, FourCC('uaco'), peonX - 1.50 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		CreateUnit(whichPlayer, FourCC('uaco'), peonX - 0.50 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		CreateUnit(whichPlayer, FourCC('uaco'), peonX + 0.50 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		CreateUnit(whichPlayer, FourCC('ugho'), peonX + 1.50 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		-- Create a patch of blight around the start location.
		SetBlightLoc(whichPlayer,startLoc, 768, true)
		-- Set random hero spawn point to be just south of the start location.
		heroLoc = Location(peonX, peonY - 2.00 * unitSpacing)
	if (doHeroes) then
		-- If the "Random Hero" option is set, start the player with a random hero.
		-- Otherwise, give them a "free hero" token.
		if useRandomHero then
			MeleeRandomHeroLoc(whichPlayer, FourCC('Udea'), FourCC('Udre'), FourCC('Ulic'), FourCC('Ucrl'), heroLoc)
	if (doCamera) then
		-- Center the camera on the initial Acolytes.
		SetCameraPositionForPlayer(whichPlayer, peonX, peonY)
		SetCameraQuickPositionForPlayer(whichPlayer, peonX, peonY)
Вот этой функцией
-- Replaces a gold mine with a blighted gold mine for the given player.
---@param goldMine unit
---@param whichPlayer player
---@return unit
function BlightGoldMineForPlayerBJ(goldMine, whichPlayer)
	local mineX = nil ---@type real
	local mineY = nil ---@type real
	local mineGold = nil ---@type integer
	local newMine = nil ---@type unit
	-- Make sure we're replacing a Gold Mine and not some other type of unit.
	if GetUnitTypeId(goldMine) ~= FourCC('ngol') then
		return nil
	-- Save the Gold Mine's properties and remove it.
	mineX = GetUnitX(goldMine)
	mineY = GetUnitY(goldMine)
	mineGold = GetResourceAmount(goldMine)
	-- Create a Haunted Gold Mine to replace the Gold Mine.
	newMine = CreateBlightedGoldmine(whichPlayer, mineX, mineY, bj_UNIT_FACING)
	SetResourceAmount(newMine, mineGold)
	return newMine
5 лет назад
А если через замену юнита со стандартного рудника на проклятый?
5 лет назад
Отредактирован nazarpunk
Как видно из blizzard.j они тупо удаляют рудник и ставят порченный.
-- Starting Units for Undead Players
-- - 1 Necropolis, placed at start location
-- - 1 Haunted Gold Mine, placed on nearest gold mine
-- - 3 Acolytes, placed between start location and nearest gold mine
-- - 1 Ghoul, placed between start location and nearest gold mine
-- - Blight, centered on nearest gold mine, spread across a "large area"
---@param whichPlayer player
---@param startLoc location
---@param doHeroes boolean
---@param doCamera boolean
---@param doPreload boolean
function MeleeStartingUnitsUndead(whichPlayer, startLoc, doHeroes, doCamera, doPreload)
	local useRandomHero = IsMapFlagSet(MAP_RANDOM_HERO) ---@type boolean
	local unitSpacing = 64.00 ---@type real
	local nearestMine = nil ---@type unit
	local nearMineLoc = nil ---@type location
	local nearTownLoc = nil ---@type location
	local heroLoc = nil ---@type location
	local peonX = nil ---@type real
	local peonY = nil ---@type real
	local ghoulX = nil ---@type real
	local ghoulY = nil ---@type real
	if (doPreload) then
		Preloader( "scripts\\UndeadMelee.pld" )
	nearestMine = MeleeFindNearestMine(startLoc, bj_MELEE_MINE_SEARCH_RADIUS)
	if (nearestMine ~= nil ) then
		-- Spawn Necropolis at the start location.
		CreateUnitAtLoc(whichPlayer, FourCC('unpl'), startLoc, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		-- Replace the nearest gold mine with a blighted version.
		nearestMine = BlightGoldMineForPlayerBJ(nearestMine, whichPlayer)
		-- Spawn Ghoul near the Necropolis.
		nearTownLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(startLoc, GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), 288, 0)
		ghoulX = GetLocationX(nearTownLoc)
		ghoulY = GetLocationY(nearTownLoc)
		bj_ghoul[GetPlayerId(whichPlayer)] = CreateUnit(whichPlayer, FourCC('ugho'), ghoulX + 0.00 * unitSpacing, ghoulY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		-- Spawn Acolytes near the mine.
		nearMineLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 320, 0)
		peonX = GetLocationX(nearMineLoc)
		peonY = GetLocationY(nearMineLoc)
		CreateUnit(whichPlayer, FourCC('uaco'), peonX + 0.00 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.50 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		CreateUnit(whichPlayer, FourCC('uaco'), peonX + 0.65 * unitSpacing, peonY - 0.50 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		CreateUnit(whichPlayer, FourCC('uaco'), peonX - 0.65 * unitSpacing, peonY - 0.50 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		-- Create a patch of blight around the gold mine.
		SetBlightLoc(whichPlayer,nearMineLoc, 768, true)
		-- Set random hero spawn point to be off to the side of the start location.
		heroLoc = MeleeGetProjectedLoc(GetUnitLoc(nearestMine), startLoc, 384, 45)
		-- Spawn Necropolis at the start location.
		CreateUnitAtLoc(whichPlayer, FourCC('unpl'), startLoc, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		-- Spawn Acolytes and Ghoul directly south of the Necropolis.
		peonX = GetLocationX(startLoc)
		peonY = GetLocationY(startLoc) - 224.00
		CreateUnit(whichPlayer, FourCC('uaco'), peonX - 1.50 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		CreateUnit(whichPlayer, FourCC('uaco'), peonX - 0.50 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		CreateUnit(whichPlayer, FourCC('uaco'), peonX + 0.50 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		CreateUnit(whichPlayer, FourCC('ugho'), peonX + 1.50 * unitSpacing, peonY + 0.00 * unitSpacing, bj_UNIT_FACING)
		-- Create a patch of blight around the start location.
		SetBlightLoc(whichPlayer,startLoc, 768, true)
		-- Set random hero spawn point to be just south of the start location.
		heroLoc = Location(peonX, peonY - 2.00 * unitSpacing)
	if (doHeroes) then
		-- If the "Random Hero" option is set, start the player with a random hero.
		-- Otherwise, give them a "free hero" token.
		if useRandomHero then
			MeleeRandomHeroLoc(whichPlayer, FourCC('Udea'), FourCC('Udre'), FourCC('Ulic'), FourCC('Ucrl'), heroLoc)
	if (doCamera) then
		-- Center the camera on the initial Acolytes.
		SetCameraPositionForPlayer(whichPlayer, peonX, peonY)
		SetCameraQuickPositionForPlayer(whichPlayer, peonX, peonY)
Вот этой функцией
-- Replaces a gold mine with a blighted gold mine for the given player.
---@param goldMine unit
---@param whichPlayer player
---@return unit
function BlightGoldMineForPlayerBJ(goldMine, whichPlayer)
	local mineX = nil ---@type real
	local mineY = nil ---@type real
	local mineGold = nil ---@type integer
	local newMine = nil ---@type unit
	-- Make sure we're replacing a Gold Mine and not some other type of unit.
	if GetUnitTypeId(goldMine) ~= FourCC('ngol') then
		return nil
	-- Save the Gold Mine's properties and remove it.
	mineX = GetUnitX(goldMine)
	mineY = GetUnitY(goldMine)
	mineGold = GetResourceAmount(goldMine)
	-- Create a Haunted Gold Mine to replace the Gold Mine.
	newMine = CreateBlightedGoldmine(whichPlayer, mineX, mineY, bj_UNIT_FACING)
	SetResourceAmount(newMine, mineGold)
	return newMine
Принятый ответ
5 лет назад
А если через замену юнита со стандартного рудника на проклятый?
в карте 8 игроков (следовательно у каждого стартовая позиция у рудника), как сделать чтобы в зависимости от места расположения игрока тот рудник менялся на проклятый?
а что с этим сделать? Просто вставить в триггеры? Я просто не вижу функции перевести в jass
5 лет назад
Отредактирован PT153
WestTiger, триггеры вообще открывал?
Найти ближайший рудник можно с помощью такого кастомого скрипта.
set Mine = MeleeFindNearestMine(startLoc, bj_MELEE_MINE_SEARCH_RADIUS)
Где startLoc - стартовая позиция игрока.
Загруженные файлы
5 лет назад
Я просто не вижу функции перевести в jass
Есть два варианта решения проблемы:
  • разобраться как оно работает
  • каждый раз клянчить о помощи
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