Процедурный генератор подземелий на основе TinyKeep и этой статьи.
Код генератора подземелий
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
// Room IDs start at 10
public enum TileType
Nothing = 0,
Hallway = 1,
Wall = 2,
Door = 3
public class DungeonGenerator : MonoBehaviour
[Range(10, 1000)]
int RoomCount = 300;
[Range(1, 500)]
int Radius = 50;
[Range(0, 2)]
float MainRoomFrequency = 1f;
[Range(0, 1)]
float RoomConnectionFrequency = 0.15f;
int[,] Grid;
GameObject DungeonMapTexture;
RoomGenerator RoomGenerator;
List<int> PrimaryRoomIDs;
List<int> SecondaryRoomIDs;
List<Room> Rooms;
void Awake()
void Init()
//Visual representation of the map data
DungeonMapTexture = transform.Find("DungeonMapTexture").gameObject;
RoomGenerator = transform.Find("RoomGenerator").GetComponent<RoomGenerator>();
RoomGenerator.OnRoomsGenerated += RoomGenerator_OnRoomsGenerated;
//Generates rooms and room connections
RoomGenerator.Generate(RoomCount, Radius, MainRoomFrequency, RoomConnectionFrequency);
void RoomGenerator_OnRoomsGenerated()
//Create a copy of all Active rooms
Rooms = RoomGenerator.Rooms;
//Convert rooms into a grid of integers
//Draw a texture representation of our dungeon data
DungeonMapTexture.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.mainTexture = CreateMapTexture();
DungeonMapTexture.transform.localScale = new Vector2(Grid.GetLength(0), Grid.GetLength(1));
//RoomGenerator.ClearData ();
void Update()
//Generate a new dungeon
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
void CreateGrid()
PrimaryRoomIDs = new List<int>();
SecondaryRoomIDs = new List<int>();
//Get our boundaries and list of primary and secondary room IDs
for (int n = 0; n < Rooms.Count; n++)
if (Rooms[n].IsVisible)
if (Rooms[n].IsMainRoom)
//Add padding for walls
int width = (int)(RoomGenerator.XMax - RoomGenerator.XMin) + 2;
int height = (int)(RoomGenerator.YMax - RoomGenerator.YMin) + 2;
Grid = new int[width, height];
//Create initial grid with room IDs
for (int n = 0; n < Rooms.Count; n++)
if (Rooms[n].IsVisible)
int startx = (int)Rooms[n].TopLeft.x - (int)RoomGenerator.XMin;
int starty = (int)Rooms[n].BottomRight.y - (int)RoomGenerator.YMin;
int endx = startx + (int)Rooms[n].transform.localScale.x;
int endy = starty + (int)Rooms[n].transform.localScale.y;
for (int x = startx; x < endx; x++)
for (int y = starty; y < endy; y++)
Grid[x + 1, y + 1] = Rooms[n].ID;
//Complete missing sections of map based on LineCasts created in Room Generator
for (int n = 0; n < Rooms.Count; n++)
if (Rooms[n].IsMainRoom)
for (int m = 0; m < Rooms[n].Connections.Count; m++)
Vector2 p0 = Rooms[n].Connections[m].Line1.p0.Value;
Vector2 p1 = Rooms[n].Connections[m].Line1.p1.Value;
Vector2 p2 = Rooms[n].Connections[m].Line2.p0.Value;
Vector2 p3 = Rooms[n].Connections[m].Line2.p1.Value;
//flip values if line is going in opposite direction
if ((int)p0.x > (int)p1.x || (int)p0.y > (int)p1.y)
p0 = Rooms[n].Connections[m].Line1.p1.Value;
p1 = Rooms[n].Connections[m].Line1.p0.Value;
if ((int)p2.x > (int)p3.x || (int)p2.y > (int)p3.y)
p3 = Rooms[n].Connections[m].Line2.p0.Value;
p2 = Rooms[n].Connections[m].Line2.p1.Value;
//Adjust lines to grid coordinates
p0 = new Vector2(p0.x - RoomGenerator.XMin, p0.y - RoomGenerator.YMin);
p1 = new Vector2(p1.x - RoomGenerator.XMin, p1.y - RoomGenerator.YMin);
p2 = new Vector2(p2.x - RoomGenerator.XMin, p2.y - RoomGenerator.YMin);
p3 = new Vector2(p3.x - RoomGenerator.XMin, p3.y - RoomGenerator.YMin);
//Create the hallways in our grid
AddHallway(p0, p1);
AddHallway(p2, p3);
void AddHallway(Vector2 p0, Vector2 p1)
//Vertical direction
if ((int)p1.x == (int)p0.x)
for (int y = (int)p0.y; y < (int)p1.y; y++)
//if the tile is nothing then make it a hallway
if (Grid[(int)p1.x, y] == (int)TileType.Nothing)
Grid[(int)p1.x, y] = (int)TileType.Hallway;
//make hallways 3 units wide
if ((int)p1.x < Grid.GetLength(0) - 2)
if (Grid[(int)p1.x + 1, y] == (int)TileType.Nothing)
Grid[(int)p1.x + 1, y] = (int)TileType.Hallway;
if (Grid[(int)p1.x + 2, y] == (int)TileType.Nothing)
Grid[(int)p1.x + 2, y] = (int)TileType.Hallway;
if (Grid[(int)p1.x - 1, y] == (int)TileType.Nothing)
Grid[(int)p1.x - 1, y] = (int)TileType.Hallway;
if (Grid[(int)p1.x - 2, y] == (int)TileType.Nothing)
Grid[(int)p1.x - 2, y] = (int)TileType.Hallway;
//Horizontal direction
else if ((int)p1.y == (int)p0.y)
for (int x = (int)p0.x; x < (int)p1.x; x++)
//if the tile is nothing then make it a hallway
if (Grid[x, (int)p1.y] == (int)TileType.Nothing)
Grid[x, (int)p1.y] = (int)TileType.Hallway;
//make hallways 3 units wide
if ((int)p1.y < Grid.GetLength(1) - 2)
if (Grid[x, (int)p1.y + 1] == (int)TileType.Nothing)
Grid[x, (int)p1.y + 1] = (int)TileType.Hallway;
if (Grid[x, (int)p1.y + 2] == (int)TileType.Nothing)
Grid[x, (int)p1.y + 2] = (int)TileType.Hallway;
if (Grid[x, (int)p1.y - 1] == (int)TileType.Nothing)
Grid[x, (int)p1.y - 1] = (int)TileType.Hallway;
if (Grid[x, (int)p1.y - 2] == (int)TileType.Nothing)
Grid[x, (int)p1.y - 2] = (int)TileType.Hallway;
void AddWalls()
//Create a copy of current grid
int[,] gridCopy = new int[Grid.GetLength(0), Grid.GetLength(1)];
for (int x = 0; x < Grid.GetLength(0); x++)
for (int y = 0; y < Grid.GetLength(1); y++)
gridCopy[x, y] = Grid[x, y];
for (int x = 0; x < Grid.GetLength(0); x++)
for (int y = 0; y < Grid.GetLength(1); y++)
int val = gridCopy[x, y];
//walls for primary rooms
if (PrimaryRoomIDs.Contains(val))
if (x > 0 && gridCopy[x - 1, y] != val && gridCopy[x - 1, y] != (int)TileType.Wall)
Grid[x - 1, y] = (int)TileType.Wall;
else if (x < gridCopy.GetLength(0) - 1 && gridCopy[x + 1, y] != val && gridCopy[x + 1, y] != (int)TileType.Wall)
Grid[x + 1, y] = (int)TileType.Wall;
if (y > 0 && gridCopy[x, y - 1] != val && gridCopy[x, y - 1] != (int)TileType.Wall)
Grid[x, y - 1] = (int)TileType.Wall;
else if (y < Grid.GetLength(1) - 1 && gridCopy[x, y + 1] != val && gridCopy[x, y + 1] != (int)TileType.Wall)
Grid[x, y + 1] = (int)TileType.Wall;
//Outside borders
if (val == 0)
if (x > 0 && gridCopy[x - 1, y] != (int)TileType.Nothing && gridCopy[x - 1, y] != (int)TileType.Wall)
Grid[x, y] = (int)TileType.Wall;
else if (x < Grid.GetLength(0) - 1 && gridCopy[x + 1, y] != (int)TileType.Nothing && gridCopy[x + 1, y] != (int)TileType.Wall)
Grid[x, y] = (int)TileType.Wall;
if (y > 0 && gridCopy[x, y - 1] != (int)TileType.Nothing && gridCopy[x, y - 1] != (int)TileType.Wall)
Grid[x, y] = (int)TileType.Wall;
else if (y < Grid.GetLength(1) - 1 && gridCopy[x, y + 1] != (int)TileType.Nothing && gridCopy[x, y + 1] != (int)TileType.Wall)
Grid[x, y] = (int)TileType.Wall;
//update grid copy
for (int x = 0; x < Grid.GetLength(0); x++)
for (int y = 0; y < Grid.GetLength(1); y++)
gridCopy[x, y] = Grid[x, y];
//Add doors based on connecting lines
for (int n = 0; n < Rooms.Count; n++)
if (Rooms[n].IsMainRoom)
for (int m = 0; m < Rooms[n].Connections.Count; m++)
//Line 1
Vector2 p0 = Rooms[n].Connections[m].Line1.p0.Value;
Vector2 p1 = Rooms[n].Connections[m].Line1.p1.Value;
if ((int)p0.x > (int)p1.x || (int)p0.y > (int)p1.y)
p1 = Rooms[n].Connections[m].Line1.p0.Value;
p0 = Rooms[n].Connections[m].Line1.p1.Value;
p0 = new Vector2(p0.x - RoomGenerator.XMin, p0.y - RoomGenerator.YMin);
p1 = new Vector2(p1.x - RoomGenerator.XMin, p1.y - RoomGenerator.YMin);
AddDoor(p0, p1);
//Line 2
p0 = Rooms[n].Connections[m].Line2.p0.Value;
p1 = Rooms[n].Connections[m].Line2.p1.Value;
if ((int)p0.x > (int)p1.x || (int)p0.y > (int)p1.y)
p1 = Rooms[n].Connections[m].Line2.p0.Value;
p0 = Rooms[n].Connections[m].Line2.p1.Value;
p0 = new Vector2(p0.x - RoomGenerator.XMin, p0.y - RoomGenerator.YMin);
p1 = new Vector2(p1.x - RoomGenerator.XMin, p1.y - RoomGenerator.YMin);
AddDoor(p0, p1);
void AddDoor(Vector2 p0, Vector2 p1)
//Vertical direction
if ((int)p1.x == (int)p0.x)
for (int y = (int)p0.y; y < (int)p1.y; y++)
if ((int)p1.x < Grid.GetLength(0) - 2)
if ((Grid[(int)p1.x, y] == (int)TileType.Wall) && (Grid[(int)p1.x + 1, y] == (int)TileType.Wall) && (Grid[(int)p1.x + 2, y] == (int)TileType.Wall))
Grid[(int)p1.x, y] = (int)TileType.Door;
Grid[(int)p1.x + 1, y] = (int)TileType.Door;
Grid[(int)p1.x + 2, y] = (int)TileType.Door;
if ((Grid[(int)p1.x, y] == (int)TileType.Wall) && (Grid[(int)p1.x - 1, y] == (int)TileType.Wall) && (Grid[(int)p1.x - 2, y] == (int)TileType.Wall))
Grid[(int)p1.x, y] = (int)TileType.Door;
Grid[(int)p1.x - 1, y] = (int)TileType.Door;
Grid[(int)p1.x - 2, y] = (int)TileType.Door;
//Horizontal direction
else if ((int)p1.y == (int)p0.y)
for (int x = (int)p0.x; x < (int)p1.x; x++)
if ((int)p1.y < Grid.GetLength(1) - 2)
if ((Grid[x, (int)p1.y] == (int)TileType.Wall) && (Grid[x, (int)p1.y + 1] == (int)TileType.Wall) && (Grid[x, (int)p1.y + 2] == (int)TileType.Wall))
Grid[x, (int)p1.y] = (int)TileType.Door;
Grid[x, (int)p1.y + 1] = (int)TileType.Door;
Grid[x, (int)p1.y + 2] = (int)TileType.Door;
if ((Grid[x, (int)p1.y] == (int)TileType.Wall) && (Grid[x, (int)p1.y - 1] == (int)TileType.Wall) && (Grid[x, (int)p1.y - 2] == (int)TileType.Wall))
Grid[x, (int)p1.y] = (int)TileType.Door;
Grid[x, (int)p1.y - 1] = (int)TileType.Door;
Grid[x, (int)p1.y - 2] = (int)TileType.Door;
Texture2D CreateMapTexture()
int width = Grid.GetLength(0);
int height = Grid.GetLength(1);
var texture = new Texture2D(width, height);
var pixels = new Color[width * height];
for (var x = 0; x < width; x++)
for (var y = 0; y < height; y++)
Color color = Color.white;
if (PrimaryRoomIDs.Contains(Grid[x, y]))
color = new Color(255 / 255f, 150 / 255f, 50 / 255f);
else if (SecondaryRoomIDs.Contains(Grid[x, y]))
color = new Color(255 / 255f, 215 / 255f, 70 / 255f);
else if (Grid[x, y] == 1)
color = Color.red;
else if (Grid[x, y] == 2)
color = Color.black;
else if (Grid[x, y] == 3)
color = Color.magenta;
pixels[x + y * width] = color;
texture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
texture.filterMode = FilterMode.Point;
return texture;
Расчеты минимального остовного дерева были выполнены с помощью триангуляции Делоне.