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About project:

Union of High Evles - massive fanmade expansion for WarCraft 3. It's only in development stage for now...
So, the expansion will add 4 full new races, both in single and multiplayer:
For every new race, we will make a full singleplayer campaign. Besides that, graphic part of both single and multiplayer melee maps will be improved drastically.
The expansion will be available in both English and Russian.

Single player campaign features:

Non-linear story:

Your actions will affect what happens in chapters way ahead. Every completed or failed mission, can make your life harder or easier. In the campaingn you will meat many sub-factions, and building relations with them is up to you.

Sea Combat:

Battles taking place on water will be improved drastically, and will become the core gameplay feature of the campaing, and even melee modes.

Personal Achievements:

In the process of completing singleplayer campaings you will be introduced to 100+ achievements of variuos difficulty. There will be 3 achievements for every mission, and third achievement can only be completed on Hardcore difficulty setting.
You can always view your personal achievements from the main menu.

Multi player melee features:


In the melee mode new races will play not a bloodthirsty war, but a friendly training.
You will get the chance to form and disband alliances, make agreements on beneficial conditions. Example: Make the more weak players, pay you taxes off their resource gain, for protecting or helping them.

Battle advantages:

Before battle you can select your own advantage, for example: the map will be explored for you by specially recruited scouts.

Night & Day cycle:

The day cycle will make more influence on the game, since presence of the night or day affects the avaliabillty of certain units and abillities.


For every Tileset there will be a sub-faction, for example: in Ice Crown, you will meet Tuskar,
in Draenor, Draenai. There also will be an option in melee mode for Sub-faction camps to be built on absent players locations.

Project completion:

We almost finished with the High elven campaign, most likely we will finish it in a few months. Our team is small but it's not enough to stop us! We slowly, but surely moving to our goal. The hour is nearly upon us...
Translation: Maxim ( Maks4225)