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native BitwiseGetBit									takes integer i, integer bitIndex returns integer
native BitwiseSetBit									takes integer i, integer bitIndex, integer bitValue returns integer
// integers in jass use 4 bytes, so you can do something like this: BitwiseGetByte( 0xFF001122, 3 ), this will return 0xFF and to get 0x22 you need to: BitwiseGetByte( 0xFF001122, 0 ).
native BitwiseGetByte									takes integer i, integer byteIndex returns integer
native BitwiseSetByte									takes integer i, integer byteIndex, integer byteValue returns integer

native BitwiseNOT										takes integer i returns integer
native BitwiseAND										takes integer bit1, integer bit2 returns integer
native BitwiseOR										takes integer bit1, integer bit2 returns integer
native BitwiseXOR										takes integer bit1, integer bit2 returns integer
native BitwiseShiftLeft									takes integer i, integer bitsToShift returns integer
native BitwiseShiftRight								takes integer i, integer bitsToShift returns integer
native BitwiseToInteger									takes integer byte1, integer byte2, integer byte3, integer byte4 returns integer

native Id2String										takes integer i returns string
native String2Id										takes string idString returns integer
native IntToHex											takes integer i returns string
native IntToChar										takes integer i returns string
native ConvertColour									takes integer alpha, integer red, integer green, integer blue returns integer

// Typecasting API Main
// Something to inverse GetHandleId, meaning it will convert any given number to a "handle", for safety it's limited to HandleIds >= 0x100000 aka how game limits real handles from "fake".
native IntegerToHandle									takes integer i returns handle
// Converts provided memory address and converts it into handle, this may only work with real handles, fakes most likely will cause fatal error.
native AddressToHandle									takes integer i returns handle
// Converts given handle and returns its address in game, for safety it's limited to HandleIds >= 0x100000 aka how game limits real handles from "fake".
native HandleToAddress									takes handle h returns integer

// Typecasting API Basic (all functions below are IntegerToHandle, since handle is pretty much an integer with start point of 0x100000)
native I2C												takes integer i returns code
native C2I												takes code c returns integer
native HandleToHandle									takes handle h returns handle
native HandleToAgent									takes handle h returns agent
native HandleToEvent									takes handle h returns event
native HandleToWidget									takes handle h returns widget
native HandleToUnit										takes handle h returns unit
native HandleToDestructable								takes handle h returns destructable
native HandleToItem										takes handle h returns item
native HandleToAbility									takes handle h returns ability
native HandleToBuff										takes handle h returns buff
native HandleToForce									takes handle h returns force
native HandleToGroup									takes handle h returns group
native HandleToTrigger									takes handle h returns trigger
native HandleToTriggercondition							takes handle h returns triggercondition
native HandleToTriggeraction							takes handle h returns triggeraction
native HandleToTimer									takes handle h returns timer
native HandleToLocation									takes handle h returns location
native HandleToRegion									takes handle h returns region
native HandleToRect										takes handle h returns rect
native HandleToBoolexpr									takes handle h returns boolexpr
native HandleToSound									takes handle h returns sound
native HandleToConditionfunc							takes handle h returns conditionfunc
native HandleToFilterfunc								takes handle h returns filterfunc
native HandleToUnitpool									takes handle h returns unitpool
native HandleToItempool									takes handle h returns itempool
native HandleToRace										takes handle h returns race
native HandleToAlliancetype								takes handle h returns alliancetype
native HandleToRacepreference							takes handle h returns racepreference
native HandleToGamestate								takes handle h returns gamestate
native HandleToIGamestate								takes handle h returns igamestate
native HandleToFGamestate								takes handle h returns fgamestate
native HandleToPlayerstate								takes handle h returns playerstate
native HandleToPlayerscore								takes handle h returns playerscore
native HandleToPlayergameresult							takes handle h returns playergameresult
native HandleToUnitstate								takes handle h returns unitstate
native HandleToAIDifficulty								takes handle h returns aidifficulty
native HandleToEventid									takes handle h returns eventid
native HandleToGameevent								takes handle h returns gameevent
native HandleToPlayerevent								takes handle h returns playerevent
native HandleToPlayerunitevent							takes handle h returns playerunitevent
native HandleToUnitevent								takes handle h returns unitevent
native HandleToLimitop									takes handle h returns limitop
native HandleToWidgetevent								takes handle h returns widgetevent
native HandleToDialogevent								takes handle h returns dialogevent
native HandleToUnittype									takes handle h returns unittype
native HandleToGamespeed								takes handle h returns gamespeed
native HandleToGamedifficulty							takes handle h returns gamedifficulty
native HandleToGametype									takes handle h returns gametype
native HandleToMapflag									takes handle h returns mapflag
native HandleToMapvisibility							takes handle h returns mapvisibility
native HandleToMapsetting								takes handle h returns mapsetting
native HandleToMapdensity								takes handle h returns mapdensity
native HandleToMapcontrol								takes handle h returns mapcontrol
native HandleToPlayerslotstate							takes handle h returns playerslotstate
native HandleToVolumegroup								takes handle h returns volumegroup
native HandleToCamerafield								takes handle h returns camerafield
native HandleToCamerasetup								takes handle h returns camerasetup
native HandleToPlayercolor								takes handle h returns playercolor
native HandleToPlacement								takes handle h returns placement
native HandleToStartlocprio								takes handle h returns startlocprio
native HandleToRaritycontrol							takes handle h returns raritycontrol
native HandleToBlendmode								takes handle h returns blendmode
native HandleToTexmapflags								takes handle h returns texmapflags
native HandleToEffect									takes handle h returns effect
native HandleToEffecttype								takes handle h returns effecttype
native HandleToWeathereffect							takes handle h returns weathereffect
native HandleToTerraindeformation						takes handle h returns terraindeformation
native HandleToFogstate									takes handle h returns fogstate
native HandleToFogmodifier								takes handle h returns fogmodifier
native HandleToDialog									takes handle h returns dialog
native HandleToButton									takes handle h returns button
native HandleToQuest									takes handle h returns quest
native HandleToQuestitem								takes handle h returns questitem
native HandleToDefeatcondition							takes handle h returns defeatcondition
native HandleToTimerdialog								takes handle h returns timerdialog
native HandleToLeaderboard								takes handle h returns leaderboard
native HandleToMultiboard								takes handle h returns multiboard
native HandleToMultiboarditem							takes handle h returns multiboarditem
native HandleToTrackable								takes handle h returns trackable
native HandleToGamecache								takes handle h returns gamecache
native HandleToVersion									takes handle h returns version
native HandleToItemtype									takes handle h returns itemtype
native HandleToTexttag									takes handle h returns texttag
native HandleToAttacktype								takes handle h returns attacktype
native HandleToDamagetype								takes handle h returns damagetype
native HandleToWeapontype								takes handle h returns weapontype
native HandleToSoundtype								takes handle h returns soundtype
native HandleToLightning								takes handle h returns lightning
native HandleToPathingtype								takes handle h returns pathingtype
native HandleToImage									takes handle h returns image
native HandleToUbersplat								takes handle h returns ubersplat
native HandleToHashtable								takes handle h returns hashtable
native HandleToAnimType									takes handle h returns animtype
native HandleToSubAnimType								takes handle h returns subanimtype
10 месяцев назад
Отредактирован Unryze
	native IntToChar										takes integer i returns string
	native BitwiseSetBit									takes integer i, integer bitIndex, integer bitValue returns integer
	native BitwiseSetByte									takes integer i, integer byteIndex, integer byteValue returns integer
	native BitwiseToInteger									takes integer byte1, integer byte2, integer byte3, integer byte4 returns integer
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