// Item API
// Base Field API
native GetBaseItemIntegerFieldById takes integer itemId, itemintegerfield whichField returns integer
native SetBaseItemIntegerFieldById takes integer itemId, itemintegerfield whichField, integer value returns boolean
native GetBaseItemBooleanFieldById takes integer itemId, itembooleanfield whichField returns boolean
native SetBaseItemBooleanFieldById takes integer itemId, itembooleanfield whichField, boolean value returns boolean
native GetBaseItemRealFieldById takes integer itemId, itemrealfield whichField returns real
native SetBaseItemRealFieldById takes integer itemId, itemrealfield whichField, real value returns boolean
native GetBaseItemStringFieldById takes integer itemId, itemstringfield whichField returns string
native SetBaseItemStringFieldById takes integer itemId, itemstringfield whichField, string value returns boolean
// Field API
native GetItemIntegerField takes item whichItem, itemintegerfield whichField returns integer
native SetItemIntegerField takes item whichItem, itemintegerfield whichField, integer value returns boolean
native GetItemBooleanField takes item whichItem, itembooleanfield whichField returns boolean
native SetItemBooleanField takes item whichItem, itembooleanfield whichField, boolean value returns boolean
native GetItemRealField takes item whichItem, itemrealfield whichField returns real
native SetItemRealField takes item whichItem, itemrealfield whichField, real value returns boolean
native GetItemStringField takes item whichItem, itemstringfield whichField returns string
native SetItemStringField takes item whichItem, itemstringfield whichField, string value returns boolean
// Normal API
native GetItemLife takes item whichItem returns real
native SetItemLife takes item whichItem, real life returns nothing
native GetItemMaxLife takes item whichItem returns real
native SetItemMaxLife takes item whichItem, real maxLife returns nothing
native GetItemAbility takes item whichItem, integer abilityId returns ability
native GetItemAbilityByIndex takes item whichItem, integer abilityIndex returns ability
native GetItemCooldown takes item whichItem returns real
native SetItemCooldown takes item whichItem, real cooldown returns nothing
native StartItemCooldown takes unit whichUnit, item whichItem, real cooldown returns nothing
native GetItemRemainingCooldown takes item whichItem returns real
native SetItemRemainingCooldown takes item whichItem, real cooldown returns nothing
native GetItemVertexColour takes item whichItem returns integer
native SetItemVertexColour takes item whichItem, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing
native GetItemTimeScale takes item whichItem returns real
native SetItemTimeScale takes item whichItem, real timeScale returns nothing
native GetItemScale takes item whichItem returns real
native SetItemScale takes item whichItem, real scale returns nothing
native GetItemFacing takes item whichItem returns real
native SetItemFacing takes item whichItem, real facing, boolean isInstant returns nothing
native SetItemSpaceRotation takes item whichItem, real yaw, real pitch, real roll, integer eulerOrder returns nothing
native SetItemOrientation takes item whichItem, real yaw, real pitch, real roll returns nothing
native GetItemYaw takes item whichItem returns real
native SetItemYaw takes item whichItem, real yaw returns nothing
native GetItemPitch takes item whichItem returns real
native SetItemPitch takes item whichItem, real pitch returns nothing
native GetItemRoll takes item whichItem returns real
native SetItemRoll takes item whichItem, real roll returns nothing
native SetItemModel takes item whichItem, string modelFile returns nothing
native SetItemModelEx takes item whichItem, string modelFile, integer playerColourId returns nothing
native SetItemMaterialTexture takes item whichItem, string textureName, integer materialId, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native SetItemTexture takes item whichItem, string textureName, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native SetItemReplaceableTexture takes item whichItem, string textureName, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native SetItemAnimationWithRarityByIndex takes item whichItem, integer animIndex, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing
native SetItemAnimationWithRarity takes item whichItem, string animation, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing
native SetItemAnimationByIndex takes item whichItem, integer animIndex returns nothing
native SetItemAnimation takes item whichItem, string animation returns nothing
native QueueItemAnimationByIndex takes item whichItem, integer animIndex returns nothing
native QueueItemAnimation takes item whichItem, string animation returns nothing
native SetItemAnimationOffsetPercent takes item whichItem, real percent returns boolean
native EnumItemsInRange takes real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter, code handlerFunc returns nothing
Added by Unryze,
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