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Опыт: 432
Seattle map maker with questions
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How much do you use vJASS in your community at xgm.ru? I see you have the download for JNGP available, but I'm unsure how much it is actually used.
I first tried to make maps with GUI, but bugs abounded and I have learned JASS. But I'm very bad at vJASS because the maker of it made an instruction manual that makes little sense.
My other main question was about resources here. I was having trouble with the translator since it was translating some words wrongly, so sometimes I have to retranslate things. I'm sure it's equally frustrating for you.
I am wondering about if the community would be interested in playing the map I developed, because I think it's fun, although it requires 12 players for the maximum benefit.
I suppose another question I have is what platforms do you play on? Battle.net? europe/asia gateway? or some platforms like garena, rgc and more?
((кат translated with online translator
также, я знаю, что перевод должен быть плохим, я сожалею. например, это переводит российское короткое слово для патрона, который является тележкой как карта. который не имел смысла на английском языке. Таким образом вероятно, что этот пост не имеет смысл к Вам.
Здравствуйте ко всем. Я узнал российский алфавит, и я пробую запомнить российское расположение знаков на клавиатуре, но это трудно. Я забочусь, чтобы читать с переводчиком, но я продвижение lmy узнавания о месте, чтобы убыстриться.
Я открываю эту нить, потому что я ограничил способность прочитать русский язык, я могу выведать слова, но не всегда понять их. Я обычно только понимаю английские или немецкие слова, вставленные в русский язык. И я имею вопросы о месте, чтобы спросить.
Я оценил прекрасные художественные работы, показанные на frontpage, который был доступен для загрузки всеми. Такие модели и кожи любопытны и иногда очевидно очень полезны.
Я хочу задать много вопросов, но я, возможно, не спрашиваю их всех в этом первом посте. Я надеюсь, что это не беспокоит никого.
Это место поддерживает загрузки традиции warcraft 3 карт?
Это место рекомендует использованию vJASS, и Помощника Jass и нового редактора мира генерала Jass?
Я могу редактировать этот пост, позже чтобы модернизировать, изменить, и добавить вопросы, поскольку я считаю целесообразным. Я также проверю для ответов и отвечу когда приспособлено с дополнительными вопросами.
Я оценю ваши полезные ответы, когда они прибывают.

Отредактировано ShadoW DaemoN, 31.03.2011 в 08:02.
Старый 30.03.2011, 21:20

Опыт: 39,429
1. Вроде поддерживает. А какие такие традиции?
2. Наверное рекомендует, но можно и не пользоваться.
3. Редактировать можно (ты уже попробовал вроде), но писать новые можно только после десяти минут ожидания - на начальных уровнях ограничение.

По-моему, эта тема должна быть не в этом разделе...
Старый 30.03.2011, 21:41

Опыт: 7,692
Санкаку, Speak English, it will be easier to understand.
Старый 30.03.2011, 21:48
Опыт: отключен
Возможно человеку интересно именно по-русски писать)
Старый 30.03.2011, 21:49
Miss me?
Опыт: 17,736
Это место поддерживает загрузки традиции warcraft 3 карт?
Да, здесь мы делаем карты для игры Warcraft3 :)
Это место рекомендует использованию vJASS, и Помощника Jass и нового редактора мира генерала Jass?
Да, здесь можно найти много статей на эту тему, также есть место где можно задавать свои вопросы.
Задавай ещё вопросы)
Старый 30.03.2011, 21:58
Опыт: 46,054
Dear English-speaking author, your on-line (or whatever) translator was not very clear, but I'll try to answer :)
It's not an often occasion for us to meet a foreign-speaking member, so, I guess, the thread will be rather popular.
I see, that you don't know Russian very well (do you? :D), but I guess, you can write anywhere on that forum in English, and the majority will understand you :)
The skins and models are free-to-download, as you may already have noticed, and all the resources, which appear on the main page were strictly moderated and checked, so they are in a very high quality.
The members of our forum are glad, when their resources are used in one's projects, so feel free to do so, that's why they were made, only don't forget about the credits sometimes ;)

Now, let's pass to the main questions:
  1. That's the phrase, I didn't quite understand, did you mean something about Wc3 Legacy Maps? Could you, please, write the question one more time, but in English? :)
  2. Yes on our forum we highly recommend using Warcraft 3 New Gen Editor, because this tool is way more powerful, than a standard one. Besides, We have several compilations of it, for different purposes, the editors can be found in our main site's Utilities section. They include some powerful add-ons, like v/cJass text parsers, campaign-creating tools and what not. :)
  3. The rules of this forum don't permit to ask more than one question in a single thread, so, I guess, it would be better to create another one, next time you have a question. But you can ask your questions, considering the work of our site or forum right here, just don't edit the first message, post a new one in the thread instead, so that your thread stays bumped and the answers appear faster.
Best regards! :)
Старый 30.03.2011, 22:33

Опыт: 432
thankyou for the kind consideration, pinachyet.
all else, thankyou for your interest and your consideration, also. actually the font size is a little small for me but i think it is because my eyes are bad and i have not the money to see eye doctor :o
but really that question was i was wondering about:
might it be possible for you to feature my map on this website or forum?
I think i posted a thread about it, but I'm not sure where it went to...or even where this thread is. This is such a challenge for me, maybe I am very bold but I am trying now here.
in other words, anyone can make an upload to epicwar.com for their map but not just anyone can make xgm.ru let them upload their map to the website. i hope my map is of sufficient quality that xgm.ru will provide a download place for my map.
I saw the sub-forum, Карты и проекты
but looking at it all the russian in there must be very good and does my map look ok in there?
should i be starting at that spot? i'm not sure how promotion of my map would work on this site.
Старый 31.03.2011, 01:27
А корраптор валит тора?
Опыт: 7,104
Сообщение от Санкаку
might it be possible for you to feature my map on this website or forum?

in general, yes. but there is little sequence. first of all you should create new post/subject in the sub-forum Карты и проекты with detailed description of your map (name of the map, game map size, number of players, genre, single or multiplayer map; plot/story of your map, features etc) and you can add/tack the map to the post/subject and players/users of XGM will be able to test the map (if it is interesting, if there are no many bugs etc). So if your map is at a high level, it will be added to XGM's map base.

Good luck, dude! ;)
Старый 31.03.2011, 04:35

Опыт: 432
ok, well, that's been done... someone helped me a lot with making my description look good for this site. as you said they added information like map size, number of players and features and stuff. now i suppose i can think about if i should try to add more information to that. and perhaps if i do then anything might be rewritten. you should know, your site is much more friendly than wc3c.net!
i would like to explain another thing about a question i had if you all don't mind. i want to find out more about each map developer here at these forums. i want to know do you code in gui, jass, vjass, cjass, a mixture of these things or whatever?
i'm curious about getting to know all of you better and i will say that i am developing code in vjass, but i'm maybe not the best at it, because there are many vjass features i don't understand. even still, the map that i have mostly completed being what i posted in another thread, is showing that i didn't need to know so much about vjass to code it well. but i still learned some and what i have learned has helped a lot.
if you open up my map in your world editor you will learn a lot more about me very fast, i think, perhaps.
likewise, if you are working on some projects you can provide links to them and i can examine them and see how you develop your map.
that's where i'm hoping you also are making open source maps, because it makes it so you can read things in the trigger editor, in windows. it's maybe just convenience so even if you have closed maps i would still like to examine them in warcraft 3, even if i turn out to not like your map. i'm still curious about it.

Отредактировано Санкаку, 31.03.2011 в 05:22.
Старый 31.03.2011, 05:08

Опыт: 4,724
maybe modators should create multi-language?
Старый 31.03.2011, 06:41

Опыт: 45,134
vJass used mostly for globals declaration freedom and code positioning freedom, everything else is not important to code properly, you may browse resources for code samples.

there is no bugs in GUI - learn to code.

use english directly, most users will understand you.
Старый 31.03.2011, 08:34

Опыт: 432
AdamanTX. i was clever enough to notice that you have to bother to type russian letters in order to be registered(the script for the internet somehow makes you copy text that says the opposite of what you are expected to say, so foolish users who cannot type in russian cannot be registered to the forums, i can type russian, but...i can only type what i can see. i cannot create much of anything on my own. for example, i can decide to type that word i learned about the russian word for screenshot, it is screen, or in russian, it is скрин. so i know some words here and there but not enough to make up my own sentences)...i suspect many from where i live do not even know what the language bar is...but it's what i needed to use to get registered.
some things in gui are definitely bugged, no doubt in my mind. there are simply ways around the bugs that gui users will take. that is their choice. i have no problem with that. i had bugs in my map, so...when i first made my map, it was in gui and buggy. i learned to code, and i learned about jass which i am fond of and i code in it. what i dislike is all the interface in gui which to me seems very clunky and inefficient. I can code and recode things much faster through text, which is essentially what jass is.
now with russian language warcraft 3, how does that work?
...isn't jass all in english, but gui is partly or mostly russian?
when i said i was bad at vjass, i do not mean my level is at your level of vjass as you explained. it is far above that. but it is still quite low. my skill level at gui, is very low, and i dislike it very much because of that reason. you see i constantly make little mistakes throughout my map-making. mistakes requiring correction, and it takes a lot of work to do things in gui in the first place. if a correction is needed, it's like doing that thing all over again. furthermore, as i said previously the interface is clunky...perhaps in russian the letters are small enough that the interface appears less clunky, i do not know. but in english the letters are quite big and you can't see enough of it. when you code in jass you have a great freedom over the text, even to the point of being able to color the text to enhance the understanding of jass.
notice the variety in color in a screenshot of the jass in my map.
please notice the map i made, and see better what my coding ability is.
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Отредактировано Санкаку, 31.03.2011 в 09:17.
Старый 31.03.2011, 08:56

Опыт: 45,134
jass itself is english only.
GUI in russian 90%, but types and some function messed up making it very hard to use. (rect-region-timer-special effects and few others)
also i repeat one more time, there is NO BUGS in GUI or JASS itself, any problems you encounter is YOUR FAULT.
map is 0 of 10, your code nothing everything is 3rd party systems.
Старый 31.03.2011, 11:34

Опыт: 432
jass itself is english only.
GUI in russian 90%, but types and some function messed up making it very hard to use. (rect-region-timer-special effects and few others)
also i repeat one more time, there is NO BUGS in GUI or JASS itself, any problems you encounter is YOUR FAULT.
map is 0 of 10, your code nothing everything is 3rd party systems.
this is false.
if as you say, "types and some function messed up" then that means those types and function are bugs.
if you do not agree they are bug, then they are not bug, and excuse me calling them that.
now, about my map. this is all wrong. since you do not use vjass i can understand you think that.
i compressed my code into a few triggers because to me, it is better organized. your gui coded map is probably filled with many, many triggers and is very unorganized and not condensed compared to mine. this is why i switched to vjass. because everything is better. it even tricks a gui user like you into thinking that there is little there when there is a lot there.
but enough talk about gui and vjass. i want to talk about cjass now.
i looked through the cjass manual but there is some things i do not understand.
i actually understood most of it. because it was written in good russian, which was translated very well to me, but the vjass manual was written in very poor english.
how would i change the tesh updates?
i appreciate tesh update but i need to configure the tesh! right now i can only update the old tesh in the world editor. you see i made custom background is black and comments are a light blue color, but the /* */ comments are now tesh colored. this is not a problem except that now they are a regular green color, which is too dark on the black background. i want to change it to some brighter color, probably light blue. otherwise it is difficult to read the tesh comments. furthermore, i dislike a lot italics comments and i really want it regular font!!
back to DioD:
you may please stop talking about this matter since you are not properly reviewing things and giving biased opinions.
to further show what you probably saw let's look at the map script:
trigger gg_trg_latest_patch_information = null
trigger gg_trg_full_credits = null
trigger gg_trg_archived_version_information = null
trigger gg_trg_time_limit = null
trigger gg_trg_Chasers_Win = null
trigger gg_trg_Runners_win = null
trigger gg_trg_SPELLS = null
trigger gg_trg_setvar = null
trigger gg_trg_pickmain = null
trigger gg_trg_DeadRunnerOrChaser = null
trigger gg_trg_RunnerRescueJass = null
trigger gg_trg_Miscellaneous_Stuff = null
trigger gg_trg_mbTDHT = null
trigger gg_trg_TDHT = null
trigger gg_trg_pool = null
trigger gg_trg_MSGS = null
trigger gg_trg_PowerupS = null
trigger gg_trg_SI = null
trigger gg_trg_CM = null
trigger gg_trg_IDFU = null
trigger gg_trg_Table = null
trigger gg_trg_Event = null
trigger gg_trg_AIDS = null
trigger gg_trg_TT = null
trigger gg_trg_KT = null
trigger gg_trg_xe = null
trigger gg_trg_jBoard = null
trigger gg_trg_JumpS = null
trigger gg_trg_SpellEvent = null
trigger gg_trg_GT = null
trigger gg_trg_MemoTrigger = null
indeed, as you no doubt saw, most of the triggers that were generated were systems of some sort, most of which i didn't write. some i did edit myself, and some i did write.
now...moving on we can examine the triggers that are actually many triggers in one...what will we see?
first trigger, nothing special, we see all the main init stuff... very big trigger called setvar.
i do almost everything in this trigger all by myself. i simply added a special random factor to the random messages by using a script someone else wrote. i'm not going to take credit for it and rewrite it as my own, that would be not good. i could make my own random message system that looks great but i wanted it to be excellent, so i upgraded it. you cannot fault me for that.
next trigger, pick main. this time, not much to see but it's everything needed for the selection of the main unit used by each player. notice i embedded a random selection feature into the same trigger. no chat command required.
next trigger is actually 53 triggers in one. DeadRunnerOrChaser this time i do start to make use of some systems, 2 written by Jesus4Lyf, and one originally written by Magentix, which was fixed up by me as it had a couple of bugs in it. it is the scoreboard that my map uses. since J4L made code that optimizes my map, why shouldn't i use it? I can use less text and condense my code even further. i see no problem here. what we can find in this trigger is actually... i made up all my own item pools, which, contrary to the tutorial on itempools, i developed them more efficiently. i learned to do that by myself.
next trigger, RunnerRescueJass...now we've come to another very important part of the map. here we see a small script that runs very efficiently to trigger very frequent events. i wrote it entirely on my own, using no other systems, and it runs a very important part of the map. when i tried to write this in gui long ago, i failed miserably. it appeared to work, but sometimes playing the game warcraft 3 would crash. yes, it is my fault, but by learning jass i could write this simple and effective script that solves that important sequence of actions in my map. i wanted things exactly a certain way...and in jass i learned how to do it exactly the proper way, without crashing. this is my legacy of why i learned jass, :)
next trigger is miscellaneous stuff...this is everything else, many small things that didn't seem to fit in any other trigger, but i didn't want a bunch of triggers, so condensed them all into this one for easy editing and access.i could go into detail but i'm getting tired now and it's not necessary considering the above trigger content.
then there's spells, and mb triggers.
spells is condensed for all the spell triggers. there may not be many there, and they may not be advanced...but remember this is a tag map, so there shouldn't be too much complication in the spells.
as for multiboard trigger, look how simple and easy and effective it is! and i was adept enough to understand the well written system of jboard and even to FIX 2 of the bugs! why would i try to claim credit for making the entire system, anyway? is that what you do? steal others' work?
TDHT is a library i made especially for my map. it works well.
SI is another one.
MSGS is yet another one. there's actually not that many systems left over. memotrigger is just a trigger i wrote that has nothing there, really. and some of those systems are small and simply require or are required by the other systems. in the conditions area there are only 3 triggers, all for victory and defeat. this is the one area that is not jass. it's gui...it's simply converted into custom text. this is the part where i have been the laziest. but it matters little since it's the end of the game. everything works fine, so what if the map crashes at the end, right? lol, it wouldn't, because if there were any leaks the game is over, no big deal.
so i can go into more detail, but 53 triggers in one should probably make you rethink your position.
please don't make more baseless reviews. it makes you look bad.

Отредактировано Санкаку, 31.03.2011 в 22:18.
Старый 31.03.2011, 21:40

Опыт: 45,134
>>if as you say, "types and some function messed up" then that means those types and function are bugs.
there is no bugs ffs, if you have problems with english please read wiki or something similar for "BUG" definition.
this game released 8 years ago, if you think "wah wah 8 years of use but now I FOUND A BUG none encounter before me" you totally wrong.
>>now, about my map. this is all wrong. since you do not use vjass i can understand you think that.
i dont use vJass cos i able to write my code directly without any limits, you map is 99% based of systems other peoples created, your own contribution is:
runner selection block 400 lines
entire map code is over 9000 lines, where 947 globals.
just imagine, for your 400 lines code you allocated 947 globals, its more then 2 globals per line.
Старый 31.03.2011, 21:58

Опыт: 432
if you want to be so insistent on your use of the bug word, then replace what i say when i say bug with error. surely you know what an error is? a bug is the same thing i say. if you do not agree, that is not my problem.
now i want you to discontinue your annoying messages and read what i posted above.
one more thing...i just pasted the custom map script.
it is 9457 lines of code
the code that i did not write is 3449 lines of code.
6008 lines of code written by me. that's including the jboard system, because although i didn't create the system originally, i'm still credited for reading through the entire system, understanding it, and fixing the bugs that it had.
so closer to 2/3 than 1/2 of the code of the map was written by me.
if you look into the map you will see i credited everyone for their work.
now, i'm sure i can improve on those numbers even more if i learn some more about vjass. as i said, my vjass is not very good. but obviously it's good enough to code almost 66 percent of my map. i think you really need to not review things, since you are very bad at reviews.

Отредактировано Санкаку, 31.03.2011 в 22:48.
Старый 31.03.2011, 22:24

Опыт: 45,134
please stop posting like you know everything better then anyone else, open map inside any mpq editor and view ACTUAL code.
you code 19580 lines, where 1811 is globals managment part (947 globals and struct allocators).
if you dont understand difference, its your fault, not mine.
fixing single line != made myself.
Старый 03.04.2011, 02:13

Опыт: 432
please stop posting like you know everything better then anyone else, open map inside any mpq editor and view ACTUAL code.
you code 19580 lines, where 1811 is globals managment part (947 globals and struct allocators).
if you dont understand difference, its your fault, not mine.
fixing single line != made myself.
i don't know what point you're trying to make. furthermore, why would i waste time confirming numbers that mean nothing?
if you think there's a special reason why those numbers are significant, why don't you tell me what it is, if you know, don't keep in me the dark and say things like i shouldn't talk like i know everything better. of course i know better than you what i put in my trigger editor. i don't edit my map through mpq editing. i edit it through jass in trigger editor.
aren't you the one saying you use gui? aren't you the one with sloppy code? what are you getting out of mpq editing anyway? i have no idea. i'm the one asking the questions. so why do you have this attitude that is the worst attitude of anyone else on this website?
i asked not a single question about mpq editing. if you want to talk about it, free free to link to somewhere about it and then keep your opinions to yourself. i didn't ask.

Отредактировано Санкаку, 03.04.2011 в 02:49.
Старый 03.04.2011, 02:43

Опыт: 39,512
О_О что тут происходит? что за ломаный англицкий йозык? О_О
Старый 03.04.2011, 02:48

Опыт: 432
О_О что тут происходит? что за ломаный англицкий йозык? О_О
... Может быть, я должен прекратить размещение на английском языке.
Я задавал вопросы о карте разработчиков здесь и этот плакат Диод приходит в здесь происходит по поводу "GUI является совершенным, и код Санкаку является плохим." Он постоянно оскорблять меня, и он ставит вниз карту, что я разработал и просто быть очень раздражающими.
Старый 03.04.2011, 02:56

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