// Projectile API
// For Projectile Type Ids: https://github.com/UnryzeC/UjAPI/blob/main/TypeData/ in there check out these files: WC3BulletList.txt / WC3MissileList.txt / WC3ArtilleryList.txt
native CreateProjectile takes integer projectileTypeId returns projectile
native CreateProjectileEx takes unit owner, integer projectileTypeId, integer attackIndex returns projectile
native SetProjectileUnitData takes projectile whichProjectile, unit owner, integer attackIndex returns nothing
native KillProjectile takes projectile whichProjectile returns nothing
native RemoveProjectile takes projectile whichProjectile returns nothing
native LaunchProjectile takes projectile whichProjectile returns nothing
native LaunchProjectileTarget takes projectile whichProjectile, widget whichWidget returns nothing
native LaunchProjectileAt takes projectile whichProjectile, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
native GetProjectileSprite takes projectile whichProjectile returns sprite
native IsProjectileType takes projectile whichProjectile, projectiletype whichType returns boolean
native IsProjectileAlive takes projectile whichProjectile returns boolean
native IsProjectileVisible takes projectile whichProjectile returns boolean
native SetProjectileVisible takes projectile whichProjectile, boolean visibility returns nothing
native GetProjectileX takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileX takes projectile whichProjectile, real x returns nothing
native GetProjectileY takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileY takes projectile whichProjectile, real y returns nothing
native GetProjectileZ takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileZ takes projectile whichProjectile, real z returns nothing
native GetProjectileScreenX takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native GetProjectileScreenY takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native GetProjectileHeight takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileHeight takes projectile whichProjectile, real height returns nothing
native GetProjectilePositionLocation takes projectile whichProjectile returns location
native SetProjectilePositionWithZ takes projectile whichProjectile, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
native SetProjectilePosition takes projectile whichProjectile, real x, real y returns nothing
native SetProjectilePositionLocation takes projectile whichProjectile, location loc returns nothing
native GetProjectileScale takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileScale takes projectile whichProjectile, real scale returns nothing
native GetProjectileTimeScale takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileTimeScale takes projectile whichProjectile, real timescale returns nothing
native SetProjectilePlayerColour takes projectile whichProjectile, playercolor color returns nothing
native GetProjectileColour takes projectile whichProjectile returns integer
native SetProjectileColour takes projectile whichProjectile, integer colour returns nothing
native SetProjectileAlpha takes projectile whichProjectile, integer alpha returns nothing
native SetProjectileVertexColour takes projectile whichProjectile, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns nothing
native SetProjectileMatrixScale takes projectile whichProjectile, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
native ResetProjectileMatrix takes projectile whichProjectile returns nothing
native SetProjectileOrientationEx takes projectile whichProjectile, real yaw, real pitch, real roll, integer eulerOrder returns nothing
native GetProjectileYaw takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileYaw takes projectile whichProjectile, real yaw returns nothing
native GetProjectileFacing takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileFacing takes projectile whichProjectile, real facing returns nothing
native GetProjectilePitch takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectilePitch takes projectile whichProjectile, real pitch returns nothing
native GetProjectileRoll takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileRoll takes projectile whichProjectile, real roll returns nothing
native SetProjectileOrientation takes projectile whichProjectile, real yaw, real pitch, real roll returns nothing
native SetProjectileMaterialTexture takes projectile whichProjectile, string textureName, integer materialId, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native SetProjectileTexture takes projectile whichProjectile, string textureName, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native SetProjectileReplaceableTexture takes projectile whichProjectile, string textureName, integer textureIndex returns nothing
native SetProjectileModel takes projectile whichProjectile, string modelName returns nothing
native SetProjectileModelEx takes projectile whichProjectile, string modelName, integer playerColour returns nothing
native GetProjectileModelObjectPositionX takes projectile whichProjectile, string whichObject returns real
native GetProjectileModelObjectPositionY takes projectile whichProjectile, string whichObject returns real
native GetProjectileModelObjectPositionZ takes projectile whichProjectile, string whichObject returns real
native GetProjectileModelObjectPositionLoc takes projectile whichProjectile, string whichObject returns location
native GetProjectileCurrentAnimationId takes projectile whichProjectile returns integer
native GetProjectileCurrentAnimationName takes projectile whichProjectile returns string
native SetProjectileAnimationWithRarityByIndex takes projectile whichProjectile, integer animIndex, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing
native SetProjectileAnimationWithRarity takes projectile whichProjectile, string animationName, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing
native SetProjectileAnimationByIndex takes projectile whichProjectile, integer animIndex returns nothing
native SetProjectileAnimation takes projectile whichProjectile, string animationName returns nothing
native QueueProjectileAnimationByIndex takes projectile whichProjectile, integer animIndex returns nothing
native QueueProjectileAnimation takes projectile whichProjectile, string animationName returns nothing
native GetProjectileAnimationOffsetPercent takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileAnimationOffsetPercent takes projectile whichProjectile, real percent returns nothing
native GetProjectileSource takes projectile whichProjectile returns unit
native SetProjectileSource takes projectile whichProjectile, unit whichUnit returns nothing
native GetProjectileTargetPointX takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native GetProjectileTargetPointY takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native GetProjectileTargetPointZ takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native GetProjectileTargetPoint takes projectile whichProjectile returns location
native GetProjectileTarget takes projectile whichProjectile returns widget
native GetProjectileTargetUnit takes projectile whichProjectile returns unit
native GetProjectileTargetItem takes projectile whichProjectile returns item
native GetProjectileTargetDestructable takes projectile whichProjectile returns destructable
native SetProjectileTarget takes projectile whichProjectile, widget whichWidget returns nothing
native GetProjectileAttackType takes projectile whichProjectile returns attacktype
native SetProjectileAttackType takes projectile whichProjectile, attacktype whichAttackType returns nothing
native GetProjectileDamage takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileDamage takes projectile whichProjectile, real damage returns nothing
native GetProjectileAreaOfEffectFullDamage takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileAreaOfEffectFullDamage takes projectile whichProjectile, real area returns nothing
native GetProjectileAreaOfEffectMediumDamage takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileAreaOfEffectMediumDamage takes projectile whichProjectile, real area returns nothing
native GetProjectileAreaOfEffectSmallDamage takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileAreaOfEffectSmallDamage takes projectile whichProjectile, real area returns nothing
native GetProjectileAreaOfEffectMediumDamageFactor takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileAreaOfEffectMediumDamageFactor takes projectile whichProjectile, real factor returns nothing
native GetProjectileAreaOfEffectSmallDamageFactor takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileAreaOfEffectSmallDamageFactor takes projectile whichProjectile, real factor returns nothing
native GetProjectileSpeed takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileSpeed takes projectile whichProjectile, real speed returns nothing
native GetProjectileArc takes projectile whichProjectile returns real
native SetProjectileArc takes projectile whichProjectile, real arc returns nothing
native GetProjectileWeaponType takes projectile whichProjectile returns weapontype
native SetProjectileWeaponType takes projectile whichProjectile, weapontype whichWeaponType returns nothing
native GetProjectileDamageType takes projectile whichProjectile returns damagetype
native SetProjectileDamageType takes projectile whichProjectile, damagetype whichDamageType returns nothing
native GetProjectileDamageFlags takes projectile whichProjectile returns integer
native SetProjectileDamageFlags takes projectile whichProjectile, integer flags returns nothing
native GetTriggerProjectile takes nothing returns projectile
native GetFilterProjectile takes nothing returns projectile
native GetEnumProjectile takes nothing returns projectile
native GetTriggerProjectileSource takes nothing returns unit
native GetTriggerProjectileTarget takes nothing returns widget
native GetTriggerProjectileTargetUnit takes nothing returns unit
native GetTriggerProjectileTargetItem takes nothing returns item
native GetTriggerProjectileTargetDestructable takes nothing returns destructable
native EnumProjectilesInRange takes real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter, code handlerFunc returns nothing
native EnumProjectilesInRect takes rect whichRect, boolexpr filter, code handlerFunc returns nothing
Added by Unryze,
1 year
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API обновлено и переименовано в Projectile.
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