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// SpecialEffect API
native IsSpecialEffectVisible					   		takes effect whichEffect returns boolean
native SetSpecialEffectVisibility				   		takes effect whichEffect, boolean visibility returns nothing
native GetSpecialEffectX								takes effect whichEffect returns real
native GetSpecialEffectY								takes effect whichEffect returns real
native GetSpecialEffectZ								takes effect whichEffect returns real
native GetSpecialEffectHeight					   		takes effect whichEffect returns real
native GetSpecialEffectPositionLocation			 		takes effect whichEffect returns location
native SetSpecialEffectPositionEx						takes effect whichEffect, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
native SetSpecialEffectPosition					 		takes effect whichEffect, real x, real y returns nothing
native SetSpecialEffectPositionLocation			 		takes effect whichEffect, location loc returns nothing
native SetSpecialEffectX								takes effect whichEffect, real x returns nothing
native SetSpecialEffectY								takes effect whichEffect, real y returns nothing
native SetSpecialEffectZ								takes effect whichEffect, real z returns nothing
native SetSpecialEffectHeight					   		takes effect whichEffect, real height returns nothing
native GetSpecialEffectScale							takes effect whichEffect returns real
native SetSpecialEffectScale							takes effect whichEffect, real scale returns nothing
native GetSpecialEffectTimeScale						takes effect whichEffect returns real
native SetSpecialEffectTimeScale						takes effect whichEffect, real timescale returns nothing
native GetSpecialEffectColour					   		takes effect whichEffect returns integer
native SetSpecialEffectColour					   		takes effect whichEffect, integer colour returns boolean
native SetSpecialEffectAlpha							takes effect whichEffect, integer alpha returns boolean
native SetSpecialEffectVertexColour				 		takes effect whichEffect, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns boolean
native SetSpecialEffectMatrixScale              		takes effect whichEffect, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
native ResetSpecialEffectetMatrix				   		takes effect whichEffect returns nothing
native SetSpecialEffectOrientationEx					takes effect whichEffect, real yaw, real pitch, real roll, integer eulerOrder returns boolean // XYZ = 0, YZX = 1, ZXY = 2, ZYX = 3, YXZ = 4, XZY = 5
native GetSpecialEffectYaw						  		takes effect whichEffect returns real // X
native SetSpecialEffectYaw						  		takes effect whichEffect, real yaw returns boolean // X
native GetSpecialEffectFacing					   		takes effect whichEffect returns real // X same as Yaw
native SetSpecialEffectFacing					   		takes effect whichEffect, real facing returns boolean // X same as Yaw
native GetSpecialEffectPitch							takes effect whichEffect returns real // Y
native SetSpecialEffectPitch							takes effect whichEffect, real pitch returns boolean // Y
native GetSpecialEffectRoll						 		takes effect whichEffect returns real // Z
native SetSpecialEffectRoll						 		takes effect whichEffect, real roll returns boolean // Z
native SetSpecialEffectOrientation				  		takes effect whichEffect, real yaw, real pitch, real roll returns nothing // uses SetSpecialEffectSpaceRotation with XYZ orientation as default
native SetSpecialEffectModel							takes effect whichEffect, string modelName returns nothing
native SetSpecialEffectModelEx					  		takes effect whichEffect, string modelName, integer playerColour returns nothing // 0-15, -1 to ignore the colour.
native SetSpecialEffectAnimationWithRarityByIndex   	takes effect whichEffect, integer animIndex, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing
native SetSpecialEffectAnimationWithRarity		  		takes effect whichEffect, string animation, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing
native SetSpecialEffectAnimationByIndex			 		takes effect whichEffect, integer animIndex returns nothing
native SetSpecialEffectAnimation						takes effect whichEffect, string animation returns nothing
native QueueSpecialEffectAnimationByIndex		   		takes effect whichEffect, integer animIndex returns nothing
native QueueSpecialEffectAnimation				  		takes effect whichEffect, string animation returns nothing
native SetSpecialEffectAnimationOffsetPercent 			takes effect whichEffect, real percent returns boolean

native GetTriggerSpecialEffect							takes nothing returns effect
native GetFilterSpecialEffect							takes nothing returns effect
native GetEnumSpecialEffect								takes nothing returns effect

native EnumSpecialEffectsInRange						takes real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter, code handlerFunc returns nothing
// Trackable API
// Since trackables are extension of effects, all the functions do exactly the same thing.
native IsTrackableVisible						   		takes trackable whichTrackable returns boolean
native SetTrackableVisibility					   		takes trackable whichTrackable, boolean visibility returns nothing
native GetTrackableX									takes trackable whichTrackable returns real
native GetTrackableY									takes trackable whichTrackable returns real
native GetTrackableZ									takes trackable whichTrackable returns real
native GetTrackableHeight						   		takes trackable whichTrackable returns real
native GetTrackablePositionLocation				 		takes trackable whichTrackable returns location
native SetTrackablePositionEx							takes trackable whichTrackable, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
native SetTrackablePosition						 		takes trackable whichTrackable, real x, real y returns nothing
native SetTrackablePositionLocation				 		takes trackable whichTrackable, location loc returns nothing
native SetTrackableX									takes trackable whichTrackable, real x returns nothing
native SetTrackableY									takes trackable whichTrackable, real y returns nothing
native SetTrackableZ									takes trackable whichTrackable, real z returns nothing
native SetTrackableHeight						   		takes trackable whichTrackable, real height returns nothing
native GetTrackableScale								takes trackable whichTrackable returns real
native SetTrackableScale								takes trackable whichTrackable, real scale returns nothing
native GetTrackableTimeScale							takes trackable whichTrackable returns real
native SetTrackableTimeScale							takes trackable whichTrackable, real timescale returns nothing
native GetTrackableColour						   		takes trackable whichTrackable returns integer
native SetTrackableColour						   		takes trackable whichTrackable, integer colour returns boolean
native SetTrackableAlpha								takes trackable whichTrackable, integer alpha returns boolean
native SetTrackableVertexColour					 		takes trackable whichTrackable, integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha returns boolean
native SetTrackableEffectMatrixScale              		takes trackable whichTrackable, real x, real y, real z returns nothing
native ResetTrackableetMatrix					   		takes trackable whichTrackable returns nothing
native SetTrackableOrientationEx						takes trackable whichTrackable, real yaw, real pitch, real roll, integer eulerOrder returns boolean
native GetTrackableYaw							  		takes trackable whichTrackable returns real
native SetTrackableYaw							  		takes trackable whichTrackable, real yaw returns boolean
native GetTrackableFacing						   		takes trackable whichTrackable returns real
native SetTrackableFacing						   		takes trackable whichTrackable, real facing returns boolean
native GetTrackablePitch								takes trackable whichTrackable returns real
native SetTrackablePitch								takes trackable whichTrackable, real pitch returns boolean
native GetTrackableRoll							 		takes trackable whichTrackable returns real
native SetTrackableRoll							 		takes trackable whichTrackable, real roll returns boolean
native SetTrackableOrientation					  		takes trackable whichTrackable, real yaw, real pitch, real roll returns nothing
native SetTrackableModel								takes trackable whichTrackable, string modelName returns nothing
native SetTrackableModelEx						  		takes trackable whichTrackable, string modelName, integer playerColour returns nothing
native SetTrackableAnimationWithRarityByIndex	   		takes trackable whichTrackable, integer animIndex, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing
native SetTrackableAnimationWithRarity			  		takes trackable whichTrackable, string animation, raritycontrol rarity returns nothing
native SetTrackableAnimationByIndex				 		takes trackable whichTrackable, integer animIndex returns nothing
native SetTrackableAnimation							takes trackable whichTrackable, string animation returns nothing
native QueueTrackableAnimationByIndex			   		takes trackable whichTrackable, integer animIndex returns nothing
native QueueTrackableAnimation					  		takes trackable whichTrackable, string animation returns nothing
native SetTrackableAnimationOffsetPercent 				takes trackable whichTrackable, real percent returns boolean

native GetTriggerTrackable								takes nothing returns trackable
native GetFilterTrackable								takes nothing returns trackable
native GetEnumTrackable									takes nothing returns trackable

native EnumTrackablesInRange							takes real x, real y, real radius, boolexpr filter, code handlerFunc returns nothing