C&C: Generals
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Количество игроков:
1 игрок
In this mission you start out with only a Red Guard sergeant and four Tank Hunters, all five behind enemy territory.
You are close to the base of Al Shariff, the renowned terrorist. Five infantry units isn't much when you want to destroy a terrorist camp. But luckily there are a few chinese and GLA vehicles parked around the camp, so go get them, and kick some a**.

Here is a picture of your starting situation:

  • You should play very tactically especially in the beginning, till you get some heavier units.
  • Tank Hunters can fire farther than GLA infantry in guardtowers : ))
  • Make sure you scout ahead and try to find out the routines of the patrols (you don't want you infantry to run into a QuadCannon?)
  • A forward scout can also get a sneakpeek at enemy vehicles, so you can camouflage your bombtrucks, and get them even closer.
  • Bomb trucks are efficient - but even more with the added high explosives you can upgrade to.
