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3 года назад

library mylib
private location LFZ = Location(0,0)
private constant hashtable H = InitHashtable()
private constant real UnitHeight = 80.
private constant integer AbilityWeight = 'A001' // прочность
private constant integer AbilityWeight1 = 'A003' // вес
private constant integer WeaponNumberNot = 0 // Неиспользуемый номер оружия
private group TempG = CreateGroup()
private group TempG1 = null
private real TempR = 0.
private real TempR1 = 0.
private real TempR2 = 0.
private real TempR3 = 0.
private real TempR4 = 0.
private integer TempI = 0
private integer TempI1 = 0
private integer TempI2 = 0
private function GetLocZ takes real x, real y returns real
    call MoveLocation(LFZ,x,y)
    return GetLocationZ(LFZ)

private function DBC takes real x, real y, real x1, real y1 returns real
   return SquareRoot((x-x1)*(x-x1)+(y-y1)*(y-y1)) 

private function SetUnitPositionEx takes unit u, real x, real y returns nothing
    local item i = CreateItem('spsh',x,y)
    local real x1 = GetItemX(i)
    local real y1 = GetItemY(i)
    if DBC(x,y,x1,y1) > 10 then
        set x = x1
        set y = y1
    call SetUnitX(u,x)
    call SetUnitY(u,y)
    call RemoveItem(i)
    set i = null
private struct Bullet
    unit caster
    unit bullet
    real angle
    real damage
    integer AttackType
    integer DamageType
    integer bulletArmCount
    integer WeaponNum
    real speed
    real speedz
    real distance
    real radius
    real radiusZ
    real discarding
    real tmDiscarding
    real dsPeriodic
    effect Effect
    group Group
private struct BulletInfo
    unit caster
    real angle
    real dist
    real z

    real mindamage
    real maxdamage
    integer AttackType
    integer DamageType
    integer bulletCount
    integer bulletArmCount
    integer WeaponNum
    real speed
    real distance
    real tmPeriodic
    real spreading
    real spreadingZ
    real radius
    real radiusZ
    real blsPeriodic
    real atkOffset
    real atkOffsetZ
    real atkOffsetDist
    real discarding
    real tmDiscarding
    real dsPeriodic
    string Effect

private function DmgCond takes nothing returns boolean
    local real fly
    local real fl
    local boolean b
    local boolean b1
    set bj_lastReplacedUnit = GetFilterUnit()
    set b1 = not IsUnitInGroup(bj_lastReplacedUnit,TempG1) and not (IsUnitType(bj_lastReplacedUnit,UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) or GetUnitTypeId(bj_lastReplacedUnit) < 1) and IsUnitEnemy(bj_lastReplacedUnit,GetOwningPlayer(bj_lastCreatedUnit)) and TempI2 > 0
    if b1 then
        set fly = GetUnitFlyHeight(bj_lastReplacedUnit)+UnitHeight
        set fl = GetLocZ(GetUnitX(bj_lastReplacedUnit),GetUnitY(bj_lastReplacedUnit))
        if fl < 0 and IsUnitType(bj_lastReplacedUnit,UNIT_TYPE_FLYING) then
            set fly = fly-UnitHeight+(RAbsBJ(fl)*2)
        if IsUnitType(bj_lastReplacedUnit,UNIT_TYPE_FLYING) then
            set fly = fly-UnitHeight
        set b = TempR <= fly+TempR1 and TempR >= fly-TempR1
        if b then
            set TempI2 = TempI2-GetUnitAbilityLevel(bj_lastReplacedUnit,AbilityWeight)
    return b1 and b
private function Discarding takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
    local integer i = GetHandleId(t)
    local unit u = LoadUnitHandle(H,i,0)
    local real a = LoadReal(H,i,4)
    local real sp = LoadReal(H,i,1)
    local real tm = LoadReal(H,i,2)-LoadReal(H,i,3)
    call SetUnitPositionEx(u,GetUnitX(u)+sp*Cos(a),GetUnitY(u)+sp*Sin(a))
    if tm <= 0. then
        call PauseTimer(t)
        call DestroyTimer(t)
        call FlushChildHashtable(H,i)
        call SaveReal(H,i,2,tm)
    set t = null
    set u = null
private function Dmg takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t
    local integer i
    local unit u = GetEnumUnit()
    call GroupAddUnit(TempG1,u)
    call UnitDamageTarget(bj_lastCreatedUnit,u,TempR,false,false,ConvertAttackType(TempI),ConvertDamageType(TempI1),null)
    if not IsUnitType(u,UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) and TempR1 > 0. and GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,AbilityWeight1) > 0 then
        set t = CreateTimer()
        set i = GetHandleId(t)
        call SaveUnitHandle(H,i,0,u)
        call SaveReal(H,i,1,TempR1*(GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,AbilityWeight1)*.1))
        call SaveReal(H,i,2,TempR2)
        call SaveReal(H,i,3,TempR3)
        call SaveReal(H,i,4,TempR4)
        call TimerStart(t,TempR3,true,function Discarding)
        set t = null
    set u = null

private function Move takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
    local Bullet A = LoadInteger(H,GetHandleId(t),0)
    local real x  = GetUnitX(A.bullet)
    local real y  = GetUnitY(A.bullet)
    local real z  = GetUnitFlyHeight(A.bullet)+GetLocZ(x,y)
    local real zun
    local boolexpr b = Condition(function DmgCond)
    set x = x+Cos(A.angle)*Cos(A.speedz)*A.speed
    set y = y+Sin(A.angle)*Cos(A.speedz)*A.speed
    set zun = (z+A.speed*Sin(A.speedz))-GetLocZ(x,y)
    call SetUnitX(A.bullet,x)
    call SetUnitY(A.bullet,y)
    call SetUnitFlyHeight(A.bullet,zun,0.)

    set TempR = zun
    set bj_lastCreatedUnit = A.caster
    set TempR1 = A.radiusZ
    set TempI2 = A.bulletArmCount
    set TempG1 = A.Group
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(TempG,x,y,A.radius,b)
    if FirstOfGroup(TempG) != null then
        set TempR = A.damage
        set TempR1 = A.discarding
        set TempR2 = A.tmDiscarding
        set TempR3 = A.dsPeriodic
        set TempR4 = A.angle
        set TempI = A.AttackType
        set TempI1 = A.DamageType
        set udg_TF = A.WeaponNum
        call ForGroup(TempG,function Dmg)
        set udg_TF = WeaponNumberNot
        call GroupClear(TempG)

    set A.distance = A.distance-A.speed
    set A.bulletArmCount = TempI2
    if zun <= 0.00 or A.distance <= 0. or A.bulletArmCount <= 0 or (x+A.speed >= GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea) or x-A.speed <= GetRectMinX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea) or y+A.speed >= GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea) or y-A.speed <= GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)) then
        call KillUnit(A.bullet)
        call DestroyEffect(A.Effect)
        call FlushChildHashtable(H,GetHandleId(t))
        call PauseTimer(t)
        call DestroyTimer(t)
        call A.destroy()
        set A.caster = null
        set A.bullet = null
        set A.angle = 0.
        set A.damage = 0.
        set A.AttackType = 0
        set A.DamageType = 0
        set A.bulletArmCount = 0
        set A.WeaponNum = 0
        set A.speed = 0.
        set A.speedz = 0.
        set A.distance = 0.
        set A.radius = 0.
        set A.radiusZ = 0.
        set A.discarding = 0.
        set A.tmDiscarding = 0.
        set A.dsPeriodic = 0.
        call GroupClear(A.Group)
        call DestroyGroup(A.Group)
        set A.Group = null
    set t = null
    set TempG1 = null

private function Create takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
    local timer t1 = CreateTimer()
    local integer i = GetHandleId(t1)
    local BulletInfo A = LoadInteger(H,GetHandleId(t),0)
    local Bullet A1 = Bullet.create()
    local real xu = GetUnitX(A.caster)
    local real yu = GetUnitY(A.caster)
    local real zu = GetLocZ(xu,yu)+GetUnitFlyHeight(A.caster)
    local real a  = A.angle+(GetRandomReal(-(A.spreading/2),A.spreading/2)*bj_DEGTORAD)
    local real xr = xu+A.atkOffsetDist*Cos(a+(A.atkOffset*bj_DEGTORAD))
    local real yr = yu+A.atkOffsetDist*Sin(a+(A.atkOffset*bj_DEGTORAD))
    local real zr = ((zu-GetLocZ(xr,yr))+A.atkOffsetZ)+GetLocZ(xr,yr)
    local real zs = Atan2(A.z-zr,A.dist)+(GetRandomReal(-(A.spreadingZ/2),A.spreadingZ/2)*bj_DEGTORAD)
    local unit r  = CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(A.caster),'u000',xr,yr,a*bj_RADTODEG)
    if zs*bj_RADTODEG > 90. then
        set zs = 90.*bj_DEGTORAD
    elseif zs*bj_RADTODEG < -90. then
        set zs = -90.*bj_DEGTORAD
    call SetUnitX(r,xr)
    call SetUnitY(r,yr)
    call UnitAddAbility(r,'Arav')
    call SetUnitFlyHeight(r,zr-GetLocZ(xr,yr),0.00)
    call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(r,R2I(zs*bj_RADTODEG)+90)
    set A1.caster = A.caster
    set A1.bullet = r
    set A1.angle = a
    set A1.damage = GetRandomReal(A.mindamage,A.maxdamage)
    set A1.AttackType = A.AttackType
    set A1.DamageType = A.DamageType
    set A1.bulletArmCount = A.bulletArmCount
    set A1.WeaponNum = A.WeaponNum
    set A1.speed = A.speed
    set A1.speedz = zs
    set A1.distance = A.distance
    set A1.radius = A.radius
    set A1.radiusZ = A.radiusZ
    set A1.discarding = A.discarding
    set A1.tmDiscarding = A.tmDiscarding
    set A1.dsPeriodic = A.dsPeriodic
    set A1.Effect = AddSpecialEffectTarget(A.Effect,r,"head")
    set A1.Group = CreateGroup()
    call SaveInteger(H,i,0,A1)
    call TimerStart(t1,A.tmPeriodic,true,function Move)
    set A.bulletCount = A.bulletCount-1
    if A.bulletCount <= 0 then
        call FlushChildHashtable(H,GetHandleId(t))
        call PauseTimer(t)
        call DestroyTimer(t)
        call A.destroy()
        set A.caster = null
        set A.angle = 0.
        set A.dist = 0.
        set A.z = 0.
        set A.mindamage = 0.
        set A.maxdamage = 0.
        set A.AttackType = 0
        set A.DamageType = 0
        set A.bulletCount = 0
        set A.bulletArmCount = 0
        set A.WeaponNum = 0
        set A.speed = 0.
        set A.distance = 0.
        set A.tmPeriodic = 0.
        set A.spreading = 0.
        set A.spreadingZ = 0.
        set A.radius = 0.
        set A.radiusZ = 0.
        set A.blsPeriodic = 0.
        set A.atkOffset = 0.
        set A.atkOffsetZ = 0.
        set A.atkOffsetDist = 0.
        set A.discarding = 0.
        set A.tmDiscarding = 0.
        set A.dsPeriodic = 0.
        set A.Effect = ""
    set r = null
    set t = null
    set t1 = null

function Shoot takes nothing returns nothing
    local timer t = CreateTimer()
    local BulletInfo A = BulletInfo.create()
    local real x = GetSpellTargetX()
    local real y = GetSpellTargetY()
    local real z = GetLocZ(x,y)
    local real zu = GetLocZ(GetUnitX(udg_Unit[0]),GetUnitY(udg_Unit[0]))+GetUnitFlyHeight(udg_Unit[0])
    if udg_Unit[1] != null then
        set x = GetUnitX(udg_Unit[1])
        set y = GetUnitY(udg_Unit[1])
        if IsUnitType(udg_Unit[1],UNIT_TYPE_FLYING) then
            set z = GetLocZ(x,y)
            if z < 0 then
                set z = RAbsBJ(z)-UnitHeight
                set z = z+UnitHeight
            if z+udg_Real[9] >= zu-udg_Real[9] then
                set z = z+udg_Real[9]
        set z = z+GetUnitFlyHeight(udg_Unit[1])
        if z+udg_Real[9] >= zu-udg_Real[9] then
            set z = z+udg_Real[9]
    set A.caster = udg_Unit[0]
    set A.angle = Atan2(y-GetUnitY(udg_Unit[0]),x-GetUnitX(udg_Unit[0]))
    set A.dist = DBC(GetUnitX(udg_Unit[0]),GetUnitY(udg_Unit[0]),x,y)
    set A.z = z
    set A.mindamage = udg_Real[0]
    set A.maxdamage = udg_Real[15]
    set A.AttackType = GetHandleId(udg_AttackType)
    set A.DamageType = GetHandleId(udg_DamageType)
    set A.bulletCount = udg_Int
    set A.bulletArmCount = udg_BulletArm
    set A.WeaponNum = udg_TF
    set A.speed = udg_Real[2]
    set A.distance = udg_Real[1]
    set A.tmPeriodic = udg_Real[5]
    set A.spreading = udg_Real[3]
    set A.spreadingZ = udg_Real[4]
    set A.radius = udg_Real[6]
    set A.radiusZ = udg_Real[7]
    set A.blsPeriodic = udg_Real[8]
    set A.atkOffset = udg_Real[11]
    set A.atkOffsetZ = udg_Real[9]
    set A.atkOffsetDist = udg_Real[10]
    set A.discarding = udg_Real[12]
    set A.tmDiscarding = udg_Real[13]
    set A.dsPeriodic = udg_Real[14]
    set A.Effect = udg_Effect
    call SaveInteger(H,GetHandleId(t),0,A)
    call TimerStart(t,udg_Real[8],true,function Create)


library AINativesLib

native GetPlayerUnitTypeCount takes player p, integer unitid            returns integer

native GetUnitGoldCost      takes integer unitid                        returns integer
native GetUnitWoodCost      takes integer unitid                        returns integer
native GetUnitBuildTime     takes integer unitid                        returns integer

native UnitAlive            takes unit id                               returns boolean


library NegateDamageLib
    private constant group Group = CreateGroup()
    private constant timer Timer = CreateTimer()
    public constant integer MaxLifeBonusAbility = 'A002'
    public constant integer MaxLifeBonus = 1000000

private function ProcessUnits takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u
    local real life2set
        set u = FirstOfGroup(Group)
        exitwhen u == null
        call GroupRemoveUnit(Group, u)
        if UnitAlive(u) then
            set life2set = GetWidgetLife(u)
            call UnitRemoveAbility(u, MaxLifeBonusAbility)
            call SetWidgetLife(u, life2set)
            call UnitRemoveAbility(u, MaxLifeBonusAbility)

function NegateDamage takes unit u, real negated returns nothing
    local real life = GetWidgetLife(u)
    call GroupAddUnit(Group, u)
    call UnitAddAbility(u, MaxLifeBonusAbility)
    call SetWidgetLife(u, life + negated)
    call TimerStart(Timer, 0., false, function ProcessUnits)

function GetUnitMaxHealth takes unit u returns real
    return GetUnitState(u, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE) - MaxLifeBonus * GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, MaxLifeBonusAbility)


library HC initializer init
    private leaderboard HB
    private function HCU takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i = 0
        local integer id
        local location array P
        local real result = 0
            exitwhen i >= 50
            set i = i+1
            set P[i] = Location(0,0)
            set id = GetHandleId(P[i])
            set result = result+(id-0x100000)
        set result = result/i-i/2
            call RemoveLocation(P[i])
            set P[i] = null
            exitwhen i <= 1
            set i = i-1
        call LeaderboardSetItemValue(HB,0,R2I(result))

    private function HCA takes nothing returns nothing
        set HB = CreateLeaderboard()
        call LeaderboardSetLabel(HB,"Handle Counter")
        call PlayerSetLeaderboard(GetLocalPlayer(),HB)
        call LeaderboardDisplay(HB,true)
        call LeaderboardAddItem(HB,"Handles",0,Player(0))
        call LeaderboardSetSizeByItemCount(HB,1)
        call HCU()
        call TimerStart(GetExpiredTimer(),.05,true,function HCU)

    private function init takes nothing returns nothing
        call TimerStart(CreateTimer(),0,false,function HCA)
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