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Проект "Instance Rush"
Опыт: 2,711
KnockBack за гранью
Привет народ, у меня есть спелл на KnockBack, но в нем есть несколько вещей которые мне не нужны вообще. 1-е это точто когда происходит отталкивание, юнит может вылететь за граници карты, с подьемов и на оборот, 2-е это так же воздейсвтует на союзников.
Кто сможет помоч?
Старый 09.06.2009, 13:00

Опыт: 18,872
выложи либо скрин триггера (код и т.п.), либо карту
Старый 09.06.2009, 13:02
Проект "Instance Rush"
Опыт: 2,711
» раскрыть
library MaxBash initializer Init

        // This is the raw code of max bash ability
        // Default: 'MBsh'
        private constant integer        MAX_BASH                = 'MBsh'
        // Spells frames per second
        // Default: 50
        private constant integer        FPS                     = 50
        // Push model file
        // Default: Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\FlakCannons\\FlakTarget.mdl
        private constant string         PUSH_FILE               = "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\FlakCannons\\FlakTarget.mdl"
        // On push file (when ability is triggerd) applay this effect
        // Default: Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\ThornsAura\\ThornsAuraDamage.mdl
        private constant string         ON_PUSH_FILE            = "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\ThornsAura\\ThornsAuraDamage.mdl"
        // On which point of attacker "ON_PUSH_FILE" is added?
        // Default: weapon
        private constant string         ATTACH_POINT            = "weapon"
        // This is speed in game coordinates, of how fast unit is pushed away
        // defined star and end speeds of pushed unit
        // Default: 300 / 200
        private constant real           PUSH_SPEED_START       = 300.
        private constant real           PUSH_SPEED_END         = 150.
        // This is deacceleration of unit. This value must never be negative
        // Default: 250
        private constant real           PUSH_DEACC             = 250.
        // Should trees be destroyed?
        // Default: true
        private constant boolean        DESTROY_TREES          = true
        // Should floating text be created?
        // Default: true
        private constant boolean        ALLOW_FLOATING_TEXT    = true
        // The duration of floating text in seconds
        // Default: 3.5
        private constant real           FLOATING_TEXT_DURATION = 3.5
        // *** Do not edit this vars here, edit them below ***
        // {
            private integer             Levels = 0
            private integer array       BashChance[8191]
            private real    array       BashDamage[8191]
            private boolean array       BashAsPerc[8191]
            private real    array       BashPRange[8191]
        // }
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    //          *** Level data setup here ***
    private function SetupMaxBash takes nothing returns nothing
        // *** Max level of the spell ***
        // Default: 3
        set Levels = 3
        // *** The bash chance per level ***
        // Default: 15 / 17 / 20
        set BashChance[1] = 15
        set BashChance[2] = 17
        set BashChance[3] = 20
        // *** Defines should dealed damage be a percentage of
        // dealed damage or should it be extra damage ***
        // Default: true / true / true
        set BashAsPerc[1] = true
        set BashAsPerc[2] = true
        set BashAsPerc[3] = true
        // *** The bash damage per level ***
        // Default: 3, 4.5, 6
        set BashDamage[1] = 3.0
        set BashDamage[2] = 4.5
        set BashDamage[3] = 6.0
        // *** This is the push range of unit ***
        // Default: 200 / 250 / 310
        set BashPRange[1] = 200.
        set BashPRange[2] = 250.
        set BashPRange[3] = 310.
    // ======================================================================
    // ======================================================================
    // *** Main global vars ***
        // *** Constants ***
        private constant real       TIMER_DELAY         = 1./FPS
        private constant real       TREES_PICK_RANGE    = 192.
        // *** Other globals ***
        private code            pLoop = null
        private real            MinX  = 0.
        private real            MinY  = 0.
        private real            MaxX  = 0.
        private real            MaxY  = 0.
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    // --->     New types define
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    private struct vector
        // *** Vector members ***
        readonly real x
        readonly real y
        readonly real dx
        readonly real dy
        // *** Constructor ***
        static method create takes real x, real y, real rad returns vector
            local vector this = vector.allocate()
            set this.x      = x
            set this.y      = y
            set this.dx     = Cos(rad)
            set this.dy     = Sin(rad)
            return (this)
        // *** Destructor ***
        public method delete takes nothing returns nothing
            set this.x = 0
            set this.y = 0
            set this.dx = 0
            set this.dy = 0
            call this.destroy()
        // *** Offset move method ***
        public method OffsetMove takes real dist returns nothing
            set this.x = this.x + dist * this.dx
            set this.y = this.y + dist * this.dy
    // *** Main bash struct data ***
    private struct bash
        // *** Bash members ***
        readonly unit       u
        readonly vector     v
        public   real       vel
        public   real       dist
        public static bash array Bash[8191]
        public static integer    BashCount = 0
        public static timer      Countdown = null
        // *** Try load timer ***
        static method TryLoadTimer takes nothing returns nothing
            if (bash.Countdown == null) then
                set bash.Countdown = CreateTimer()
                call TimerStart(bash.Countdown, TIMER_DELAY, true, pLoop)
        // *** Try break timer ***
        static method TryBreakTimer takes nothing returns nothing
            if (bash.BashCount == null) then
                call PauseTimer(bash.Countdown)
                call DestroyTimer(bash.Countdown)
                set bash.Countdown = null
        // *** Constructor ***
        static method create takes unit u, real rad, integer lvl returns bash
            local bash this = bash.allocate()
            set this.u      = u
            set this.v      = vector.create(GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u), rad)
            set this.vel    = PUSH_SPEED_START
            set this.dist   = lvl:BashPRange
            set bash.Bash[bash.BashCount] = this
            set bash.BashCount = bash.BashCount + 1
            call bash.TryLoadTimer()
            return (this)
        // *** Destructor ***
        public method delete takes nothing returns nothing
            set this.u = null
            set bash.BashCount = bash.BashCount - 1
            set bash.Bash[this] = bash.Bash[bash.BashCount]
            call bash.TryBreakTimer()
            call this.v.delete()
            call this.destroy()
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    //              Spells custom defined functions
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    private function QMod takes integer divid, integer divs returns integer
        return divid - (divid/divs) * divs
    // *** This is random percentage chance to trigger an ability ***
    private function GetPercent takes integer chance returns boolean
        local integer p = GetRandomInt(1, 100)
        //call SetRandomSeed(p/GetRandomInt(1, p)*QMod(GetRandomInt(0, 100000), GetRandomInt(3, 96)))
        return 0 == QMod(p, 100/chance) //and chance*(100/chance) >= p
    // *** Returns angle between 2 widgets ***
    private function Ang takes widget w1, widget w2 returns real
        return Atan2(GetWidgetY(w2)-GetWidgetY(w1), GetWidgetX(w2)-GetWidgetX(w1))
    // *** Instant effects add ***
    private function AddInstantEffect takes string file, vector v returns nothing
        call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(file, v.x, v.y))
    // *** This will change unit position ***
    private function SetUnitPos takes unit whichUnit, vector v returns nothing
        local real x = v.x
        local real y = v.y
        // *** Limited x ***
        if (x < MinX) then
            set x = MinX
        elseif (x > MaxX) then
            set x = MaxX
        // *** Limited y ***
        if (y < MinY) then
            set y = MinY
        elseif (y > MaxY) then
            set y = MaxY
        // *** Move unit ***
        call SetUnitPosition(whichUnit, x, y)
    // *** Clears nerby trees ***
    private function FilterDests takes nothing returns nothing
        call KillDestructable(GetFilterDestructable())
    private function TryClearTrees takes vector v returns nothing
        // *** Locals ***
        local code      c = function FilterDests
        local rect      r
        local real      rd
        local boolexpr  bx
        // *** If trees can be destroyed ***
        if (DESTROY_TREES) then
            set rd = TREES_PICK_RANGE*0.5
            set r  = Rect(v.x-rd, v.y-rd, v.x+rd, v.y+rd)
            set bx = Filter(c)
            // *** Clear all dests ***
            call EnumDestructablesInRect(r, bx, null)
            call RemoveRect(r)
            call DestroyBoolExpr(bx)
            // *** Null a "must" locals ***
            set r = null
            set bx = null
    // *** Quick simple timed destroy of text tag ***
    private function DestroyTextTagTimed takes texttag tt, real dur returns nothing
        call TriggerSleepAction(dur)
        call DestroyTextTag(tt)
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------
    //              *** Main loop function ***
    private function MaxBashPeriod takes nothing returns nothing
        local integer i     = 0
        local bash    b     = bash(0)
        // *** Loop through all casts ***
        exitwhen (i >= bash.BashCount)
            set b = bash.Bash
            // *** Can be move our unit? ***
            if (b.dist > 0.) then
                // *** Setup values ***
                set b.dist = b.dist - (b.vel * TIMER_DELAY)
                call b.v.OffsetMove(b.vel*TIMER_DELAY)
                if (PUSH_SPEED_START-PUSH_SPEED_END >= 0.) then
                    set b.vel = RMaxBJ(b.vel-PUSH_DEACC*TIMER_DELAY, PUSH_SPEED_END)
                    set b.vel = RMinBJ(b.vel+PUSH_DEACC*TIMER_DELAY, PUSH_SPEED_START)
                // *** Now clear path and move object ***
                call TryClearTrees(b.v)
                call SetUnitPos(b.u, b.v)
                call AddInstantEffect(PUSH_FILE, b.v)
            elseif (b.u != null) then
                // *** One spell instance ends here ***
                call PauseUnit(b.u, false)
                call b.delete()
                if (bash.BashCount > 0) then
                    set i = i - 1
            set i = i + 1

    // ===================================================================
    // ***          Main spell function (condition / action)          ***
    private function MaxBash takes nothing returns nothing
        local unit      u        // Damages source unit
        local unit      v        // Victim unit
        local integer   lvl      // Spell level
        local real      dmg      // Spells extra damage
        // *** Add periodic unit? ***
        if (GetTriggerEventId() != EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED) then
            if not IsUnitType(GetTriggerUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) then
                call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(gg_trg_Max_Bash, GetTriggerUnit(), EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)
        // *** Set locals ***
        set u = GetEventDamageSource()
        set v = GetTriggerUnit()
        set lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, MAX_BASH)
        // *** Attacker has MaxBash ability? ***
        if (lvl > null) then
            // *** if yes then check can he trigger an attack ***
            if (GetPercent(lvl:BashChance)) then
                // *** No more exec ***
                call DisableTrigger(gg_trg_Max_Bash)
                // *** Deal extra damage ***
                if (lvl:BashAsPerc) then
                    set dmg = GetEventDamage()*lvl:BashDamage
                    set dmg = lvl:BashDamage
                call UnitDamageTarget(u, v, dmg, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_HERO, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
                // *** Apply custom effect ***
                call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(ON_PUSH_FILE, u, ATTACH_POINT))
                // *** Floating text add? ***
                if (ALLOW_FLOATING_TEXT) then
                    call CreateTextTagUnitBJ("+"+I2S(R2I(dmg)), v, 0., 10., 100., 100., 100., 0.)
                    call SetTextTagVelocityBJ(bj_lastCreatedTextTag, 64., 90.)
                    //call SetTextTagLifespan(bj_lastCreatedTextTag, 5.)
                    call DestroyTextTagTimed.execute(bj_lastCreatedTextTag, FLOATING_TEXT_DURATION)
                // *** Now pause the victim ***
                call PauseUnit(v, true)
                // *** Load main bash struct ***
                call bash.create(v, Ang(u, v), lvl)
                // *** Allow future exec ***
                call EnableTrigger(gg_trg_Max_Bash)
        // *** Null locals ***
        set u = null
        set v = null
    // *** Non-leaking filter ***
    private constant function DummyBool takes nothing returns boolean
        return true
    // *** On map startup register any loaded unit as taking damage ***
    private function FilterRegisterStartUp takes nothing returns nothing
        if not IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) then
            call TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(gg_trg_Max_Bash, GetFilterUnit(), EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED)

    // *** Main init function ***
    private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
        //          *** Load locals ***
        local code c            = function FilterRegisterStartUp
        local group g           = CreateGroup()
        local region r          = CreateRegion()
        local filterfunc ff     = Filter(c)
        // *** Load trigger ***
        set gg_trg_Max_Bash = CreateTrigger()
        // ---> Register event
        call GroupEnumUnitsInRect(g, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea, ff)
        call DestroyFilter(ff)
        // ---> Add cond/act
        set c = function MaxBash
        call TriggerAddCondition(gg_trg_Max_Bash, Condition(c))
        // *** Now add periodic events ***
        set ff = Filter(function DummyBool)
        call RegionAddRect(r, bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
        call TriggerRegisterEnterRegion(gg_trg_Max_Bash, r, ff)
        call DestroyFilter(ff)
        // *** Now call user setup ***
        call SetupMaxBash()
        set pLoop = function MaxBashPeriod
        // *** Get min, max coords
        set MinX = GetRectMinX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
        set MinY = GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
        set MaxX = GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
        set MaxY = GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
        // *** Null needed locals ***
        call DestroyGroup(g)
        set ff = null
        set g = null


Учимся пользоваться тегами code и cut! - прим. alexkill

[i]HellCEzaR добавил:

Поможет кто нибудь?
Старый 09.06.2009, 15:21

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