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Опыт: 350
а что косается для АИ
а что косается для АИ на джассе никогда знатоков не написать FAQs

TheBestOrc добавил:
у знатоков есть леннннн :-) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Старый 01.01.2007, 20:25
Опыт: 24,597
ты что вообще хочешь???Я тебя не понял!!!
Старый 01.01.2007, 20:26
Опыт: 48,447
хм... у мну есть где-то словарик.... секунду...

Jon добавил:
нет... к сожелению на подобный язык словарик ненашелся=/
Старый 01.01.2007, 20:28

Опыт: 45,134
автора в баню, он нерусь...
Старый 01.01.2007, 20:34
Опыт: 24,597
Видишь, уже скока человек не понимает!!!
Даже я..., в совершенстве наюший мризовский!!!
Старый 01.01.2007, 20:36

Опыт: 108,439
TheBestOrc, если даже MPI3 не знает как, то тогда тебе никто не поможет(((
Старый 01.01.2007, 20:40

Опыт: 350
DioD я болгар , а что косается для ето (автора в баню, он нерусь... ) ето грубо
кто переведет и сделать анализ на ето :
First of all this is the single player campaign AI, not the computer AI used in multiplayer games. The AI used in multiplayer games all runs off a single script for each race, while this is very efficient it's hard to customise and rather over-complex if you're just making a single player campaign (you can use single player campaign AI in multiplayer, but I imagine it has a very specific usage). Single Player has multiple scripts, these AI scripts are inside your war3.mpq (some are in war3patch.mpq if they were bugged in the initial release) and can be accessed using WinMPQ, so load up war3.mpq and type "*.ai" into the box at the top and hit list. I find a good example is "Scripts\h02_red.ai," so extract that to somewhere on your computer, it should create a Scripts directory with that file inside it, this is the script file for the 2nd human level, hence the h02 (the one where you first build a base and Uther patrols the area), the red stands for the player colour the AI uses, this is just a naming convention blizzard uses, you can name the AI files whatever you like.
Rename the file (you don't have to, but it's probably for the best), open it up in notepad and look through the script. It shouldn't be to hard for you to understand the vital bits that are going on, I'll take it piece by piece.
player user = Player(1)
These are the global declarations (variables) for the script, variables that will apply to the whole thing... even though there's only one function. Player user = player(1) tells War Craft to set up a variable with the data-type player called user and make it equal to player 1. Note that, unlike in World Edit, the player counter starts at 0, not 1, player 1 is actually player 2 (blue). Any use of "user" from now on is pointing at this variable, which is pointing at the player. Ok, now the meat of the script.
function main takes nothing returns nothing
call CampaignAI(PIG_FARM,null)
call SetReplacements(0,1,3)
In this particular mission (in fact, all missions against Orcs if I remember correctly) the Orcs use pig farms instead of burrows for supply, Orcs can't call to arms with Pig Farms, so Blizzard either added Burrows late in production (they were in the beta, though) or wanted things to be even easier in the Human campaign. Either way, the top line sets what building is needed for food. The second line is how many times the AI will replace fallen units that are being used for defence... I think, I'm not too sure to be honest, the (0,1,3) after refer to the difficulty mode: easy, normal, hard. There will be 0 replacements (none) on easy, 1 replacement on normal and 3 replacements on hard.
call CampaignDefenderEx( 1,1,1, HEAD_HUNTER )
call CampaignDefenderEx( 1,1,2, GRUNT )
call CampaignDefenderEx( 0,0,1, RAIDER )
These are the base defences; they will sit inside the base and will not join in attacks. If they get killed the computer will train up some replacements almost instantly. The 3 numbers before the unit type are the difficulty settings again, on easy and normal the defences are a Head-Hunter and a Grunt, on hard there is a Head-Hunter, two Grunts and a Raider.
Hint: The unit names (like "HEAD_HUNTER") are declared in common.ai, if you have custom units that are not declared and you know the unit code you CAN declare them inside the AI scripts globals section
The rest of the script is the attack waves:
call InitAssaultGroup()
call CampaignAttackerEx( 2,2,2, GRUNT )
call CampaignAttackerEx( 1,1,2, HEAD_HUNTER )
call SuicideOnPlayer(M2,user)
This is the first wave on the mission; once again the 3 numbers before the unit type are for difficulty. InitAssaultGroup is a function to tell the game to get ready for the assault group and SuicideOnPlayer sends the attack group off to battle, this is a all-or-nothing attack move, the computer will never retreat, just order an attack-move to the start point of the player "user," which was specified as player 1 (player 2 in WorldEdit) at the top of the file, the M2 means that the AI will wait 2 minutes before it attacks, the value "M1" comes from common.ai and is a constant declaration, you may type a number in it's place, it's in seconds, the units will leave when the timer is ready, if units are still in production it will either leave early or wait for them (seems random) this has a high chance of messing up future waves so don't let it happen! Once the timer is up the next set of commands are ran, which usually means it will start training the next group.
Hint: You can change a units build time value if they are not popping out fast enough, this is especially useful for heroes when you want them to join in successive waves.
Hint: The best way to send a hero at each assault is to modify the players altar so it gives no heroes at all and manually place a hero for them at the start, this way you can customise his abilities and the computer won't train several custom heroes by accident (there's a bug where you can have as many custom heroes of the same type as you want regardless to whether the melee heroes trigger was fired or not).
You can assign difficulty levels to the delay. Using call SuicideOnPlayerEx(M2,M1,0,user) for example will send troops more frequently on higher difficulties (remember to add the Ex).
The opening waves continue like this in a straightforward manner until
The waves inside these commands will loop forever (or until the computer is destroyed); this stops you having to write thousands of waves.
Hint: If you want you can declare some variables in globals at the top of the file and use them to make waves progressively harder even though they're looping, you could also use them on the attack delay in SuicideOnPlayer to make things more frequent, while this does run the risk of attacking without the units being ready it could prove helpful in a number of scenarios.
If you place units yourself in the base then it will use those as defence or attack depending one what commands in the AI script come first involving the unit type, if you don't want this to happen use the AI - Ignore Guard Position trigger in the World Editor. Also adding down peons will cause them to gather gold and wood, but the AI will not get gold or lumber by itself, in fact the whole thing is a big hack, if you look at the triggers from any campaign map after extracting them from the MPQ you'll see it just gives the computer gold if it falls below a certain amount, it's actually impossible to starve them of resources and killing workers effects nothing.
Hint: And it is important you do this too! Also remember the 'current lumber becomes less than' style triggers don't fire if they already have less gold than that so dish out resources at the start as necessary, countless times I've been pulling my hair out screaming "why, why aren't you building anything" when all along they simply had no money.
Hint: You can make it so the AI player needs resources but it will required a lot more effort, and once their resources are gone they will have to have very specific instructions to expand, the multiplayer race AI scripts have a ton of code about expansions and resources and my opinion is that it isn't worth the effort.
This, of course, isn't where the AI scripts end; there are a number of commands available to allow more complex assaults and to tie the AI in more closely with your map. You can use any custom text inside the script and if you look at files like rainbow.ai you'll see AI scripts can get complex even for campaign missions, these are some of the more common additions, though:
*** WAVE 1 ***
call InitAssaultGroup()
call CampaignAttackerEx( 1,1,2, ORC_DRAGON )
call SuicideOnPlayerEx(M1,M1,0,user )
call SetBuildUpgrEx( 0,0,1, UPG_ORC_ARMOR )
call SetBuildUpgrEx( 1,1,2, UPG_ORC_RANGED )
This is from mission 6 of the Undead campaign (Black rock and Roll, too) which contains the same Orc clan than that in the 2nd Human campaign, they also have warlocks and dragons (see line 3) which they train at a dragon roost and spirit lodges. Here, after Wave 1 has been dispatched they start upgrading their troops.
Building... um, buildings.
call SetBuildUnitEx( 0,0,1, GREAT_HALL )
call SetBuildUnitEx( 0,0,2, ORC_BARRACKS )
As usual difficulty settings can apply, this orders the AI to build 1 great hall and 2 barracks on hard difficulty, increasing troop production speed.
Wait for signal
call WaitForSignal()
Makes the AI wait for a signal; this means it won't do anything until the map sends a command using triggers (event: AI - Send AI Command), you can also make it wait for a specific signal using: call WaitForSignal(1,5), for example, which will wait for 1,5 before continuing. So you can make the AI only attack when you tell it to, or remain dormant until it is told to start attacking.
I couldn't find a good place to include this so I'll put it in it's own location, some commands have an Ex tagged to the end, this is on commands with difficulty settings. You can see script for most of these commands in common.ai.
1.You need to know how to edit the mpq files.
2.Extract All the .Ai Files onto ur desktop or some for easy reference.
3.Then Use Word Pad to view the ai script. (WARNING Donnot Open Ai Scripts Using MICROSOFT WORD!!) If you do that it will make it unusable in the game. I learned this after around 5 Trials and errors.
Now Depending on what part of the ai you want to change is all up to you.
Here are some examples:
Say i want to edit the main ai script for the humans. Open up Scripts/Human.ai (i think thats the right file path).
The first couple of lines youll see is
Human Melee Strategic AI
boolean startup = true
integer C_footmen = 0
integer C_priest = 0
integer C_riflemen = 0
integer C_gyro = 0
integer C_gryphon = 0
integer C_vs_air = 0
If you see this at the top you prolly opened the right ai file.
The Next Section you will see will be the Computers skill in order ai. This is what the computer will pick in order of skills for the corasponding hero. In this case its the paladin. The first skill that is used is HOLY BOLT. Change it around if you dont like that in that order.

// ==================================================

function set_skills takes nothing returns nothing
if hero_id == PALADIN then
set skills1[ 1] = HOLY_BOLT
set skills1[ 2] = DEVOTION_AURA
set skills1[ 3] = HOLY_BOLT
set skills1[ 4] = DIVINE_SHIELD
set skills1[ 5] = HOLY_BOLT
set skills1[ 6] = RESURRECTION
set skills1[ 7] = DEVOTION_AURA
set skills1[ 8] = DEVOTION_AURA
set skills1[ 9] = DIVINE_SHIELD
set skills1[10] = DIVINE_SHIELD
Notice the hero idea number. This is random between one or 2 possibilities of skill order for each hero. Scroll down and you should see Hero Id 2 for paladin then mountain king and so on...
Edit this how you want then save the txt doc.
Tip:Save The Changes every 5 minites of editing at least! Becuase one error in your scripting can make the whole thing not work! Every 5 minites test it cus.... in Ai Scripting you can make a mistake easily.
Part 2:SetUp Force

// ==================================================

function setup_force takes nothing returns nothing
local integer foot
local integer knight
call AwaitMeleeHeroes()
set foot = GetUnitCountDone(FOOTMAN)
exitwhen foot >= 5
set knight = GetUnitCountDone(KNIGHT)
exitwhen foot + 2*knight >= 6
call Sleep(2)
call InitAssaultGroup()
call RemoveInjuries()
call SetAssaultGroup( 1, 9, hero_id )
call SetAssaultGroup( 0, 9, hero_id2 )
call SetAssaultGroup( 0, 9, FOOTMEN )
call SetAssaultGroup( 0, 9, KNIGHT )
call SetAssaultGroup( 0, 9, RIFLEMEN )
call SetAssaultGroup( 0, 9, PRIEST )
call SetAssaultGroup( 0, 9, SORCERESS )
call SetAssaultGroup( 0, 9, GRYPHON )
call SetAssaultGroup( 0, 9, COPTER )
call SetAssaultGroup( 0, 9, MORTAR )
call SetInitialWave(10)
If you want to get an in depth ai script you'll edit most of the script for the humans or whatever race you want to edit...
lol this is very hard to explain.... ill explain it as best as i can though...
First of all *i think that the ai for the computer has to build 5 footmen before it can build a knight* Then the amount of footmen + 2 knight has to = greater than 6 so the ai can goto the next step.
(Ideas i have about this):
1.The Local Integer Foot could indeed be a variable for a (FOOTMAN) so im guessing that you could change that to Local Integer Rifle Then make it say (RIFLEMAN)
theres more to it than that but thats part of how you would go about changing something like that.
Part 3 Attack Sequence:
function attack_sequence takes nothing returns nothing
local boolean needs_exp
local boolean has_siege
local boolean major_ok
local boolean air_units
exitwhen GetUnitCountDone(hero_id)>0
call Sleep(2)
call StaggerSleep(0,2)
exitwhen not CaptainRetreating()
call Sleep(2)
call setup_force()
set major_ok = GetUnitCountDone(RIFLEMAN)>=2
set needs_exp = take_exp and major_ok
set has_siege = GetUnitCountDone(MORTAR)>0 or GetUnitCountDone(TANK)>0
set air_units = GetUnitCountDone(COPTER)>0 or GetUnitCountDone(GRYPHON)>0
set allow_air_creeps = air_units or major_ok
call SingleMeleeAttack(needs_exp,has_siege,major_ok,air
something i noticed about all the ai scripting is it looks kind of like Jass 2 Programing language that blizzard came up with.
First part of this is that it states the variables that are used prolly.
Next it says Exit When GetUnitCount(hero_id)>0 This most likely means that the computer has to choose a skill for a hero of idea 1 or 2 to continue this part of the attack sequence.
This is all very confusing yes i know :P but try to understand as much as you can.
After that it says call Sleep(2) i havnt figured that term out yet but my guess is it waits a certain amount of time before it follows the next steps of ai.
i dont know what Stagger means lol... Ill post a reply later when i find out more about stagger sleep.
Now this is were Setup_force is used. It says call setup_Force most likely runs whatever ai you wrote for that part of the ai txt doc.
Next it should say set major_ok then alot of spaces to make it all fit perfectly i think it has to be like that or it wont work.
major_ok = GetUnitCountDone(RIFLEMAN)>=2 this ditermines that amount of riflemen that have to be built for the attack_sequence. That would be my best bet. You could change RILFMAN to FOOTMAN or anything you want but you have to know what your doing. For instance if you make it say tank right there your going to first find out if the computer has a WORKSHOP first to build the tank. So make sure that you know what you are doing before you change that.
all the parts where it says set. This most likely sets the variable to either a value or a command of some sort.
The thing it says is set needs_exp = take_exp and major_ok
This probably means that the comp needs to get exp and at the same time the major_ok has to be set.
the last 2 sets basically tell you that the computer cant have motor teams or tanks at this time or air units.
Part 4 Init_Booleans:
function init_booleans takes nothing returns nothing
set C_footmen = GetUnitCount(FOOTMEN)
set C_priest = GetUnitCount(PRIEST)
set C_riflemen = GetUnitCount(RIFLEMAN)
set C_gyro = GetUnitCount(COPTER)
set C_gryphon = GetUnitCount(GRYPHON)
set keep = TownCountDone(KEEP)>0
set castle = GetUnitCountDone(CASTLE)>0
set mill = GetUnitCountDone(LUMBER_MILL)>0
set smith = GetUnitCountDone(BLACKSMITH)>0
set barracks = GetUnitCountDone(BARRACKS)>0
set knights = barracks and mill and smith and castle
set workshop = GetUnitCountDone(WORKSHOP)>0
set sanctum = GetUnitCountDone(SANCTUM)>0
set aviary = GetUnitCountDone(AVIARY)>0
set priests = C_priest>0
set sorcery = GetUnitCount(SORCERESS)>0
if workshop and (castle or GetUpgradeLevel(UPG_BOMBS)>0) then
if aviary then
set max_rifle = 0 0
set max_gyro = 2 4
set max_gryphon = 2 8 (=12)
set max_rifle = 3 9
set max_gyro = 1 2
set max_gryphon = 0 0 (=11)
if aviary then
set max_rifle = 1 3
set max_gyro = 0 0
set max_gryphon = 2 8 (=11)
set max_rifle = 4 12
set max_gyro = 0 0
set max_gryphon = 0 0 (=12)
Ok this part isnt as confusing as others that i will explain later. This part is first telling you some variables set most likly :P not possitive. Then It shows that if certain things were upgraded like the castle or upgrade bombs then it would set the max rilfe men to build to = 0 0 and so on...
Then it states if that isnt true then the computer builds all the other things you see. end if is the end of the section of the ai.
after that it says else if aviary then
i think this means that if that doesnt apply it goes to script (b) of part 4 script b is the other 2 sets of aviarys
so then it tells the computer to build those. else it builds set max_rifle = 4 12
set max_gyro = 0 0
That is the end of part 4. If you donnot understand this part dont bother reading the rest cus it gets even more confusing. This is one of the easy parts to understand. Not as easy as part 1 :P
Part 5 Upgrade_Sequence
function upgrade_sequence takes nothing returns nothing

if barracks then
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_DEFEND )
if workshop then
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_GUN_RANGE )
if knights then
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_BREEDING )

if smith then
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_MELEE )
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_ARMOR )
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_RANGED )
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_LEATHER )
if keep then
call SetBuildUpgr( 2, UPG_MELEE )
call SetBuildUpgr( 2, UPG_ARMOR )
call SetBuildUpgr( 2, UPG_RANGED )
call SetBuildUpgr( 2, UPG_LEATHER )
if castle then
call SetBuildUpgr( 3, UPG_MELEE )
call SetBuildUpgr( 3, UPG_ARMOR )
call SetBuildUpgr( 3, UPG_RANGED )
call SetBuildUpgr( 3, UPG_LEATHER )

if sanctum and priests then
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_PRAYING )
if sorcery then
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_SORCERY )
if castle and priests then
call SetBuildUpgr( 2, UPG_PRAYING )
if sorcery then
call SetBuildUpgr( 2, UPG_SORCERY )
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_SENTINEL )

if mill and keep then
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_WOOD )
if castle then
call SetBuildUpgr( 2, UPG_WOOD )
call SetBuildUpgr( 2, UPG_MASONRY )

if workshop and C_gyro>0 then
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_BOMBS )

if aviary and C_gryphon>0 then
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_HAMMERS )
this is were ai scripting starts making sense because you'll notice aviary is used in this part and other variables that you have learned up to this point are being used. If you change the variables values then it will have to do something else before it can upgrade.
First part of part 5 tells us
if barracks then upgrade defend. At a first glance this would be very confusing but sense you know thats a variable it has to be followed before it can be done so lets go back to where the variable barracks is set.
set barracks = GetUnitCountDone(BARRACKS)>0
this is in part 4
Now as you can see this is starting to make alot more sense. If you dont know what some of the variables are then just go back and find out.
Set barracks variable means that the computer has to have more than one unit built from the barracks. So it has to do that before it can upgrade defend and you can specify what unit it has to build before it can upgrade defend.
Now your prolly saying hmm... This is all coming together now lol...
Scroll down youll see different variables. You can probably figure the rest out on this part of ai scripting only because i covered the other parts about variables in Part 4 Init_Boolean. In that part it states what some variables are and how they can be met before continuing with the next steps of ai.
Part 6 Basic Range:
function basic_ranged takes integer food returns nothing
local integer C_rifle = GetUnitCount(COPTER)
local integer rifle
local integer gyro
local integer gryphon
set rifle = (food - 2*C_gyro - 4*C_gryphon) / 3
set gyro = (food - 3*C_rifle - 4*C_gryphon) / 2
set gryphon = (food - 3*C_rifle - 2*C_gyro ) / 4
if rifle > max_rifle then
set rifle = max_rifle
if gyro > max_gyro then
set gyro = max_gyro
if gryphon > max_gryphon then
set gryphon = max_gryphon
if rifle <= max_rifle then
call SetBuildUnit( rifle, RIFLEMAN )
if gyro <= max_gyro then
call SetBuildUnit( gyro, COPTER )
if gryphon <= max_gryphon then
call SetBuildUnit( gryphon, GRYPHON )
First of all this tells us some more local integers.
It sets that Rilfe = Minus 2 food per Rifleman which makes sense.
Then it says *C_gyro - 4*C_gryphon) / 3 that doesnt make much sense to me lol.... That part you'll have to figure out on your own. Ill post a reply if i find out from exparamenting what it means.
After you read that read down it simply tells you that if the max_rilfe and or the other stuff is met it wont build more if it isnt the ai will build more of the corrasponding unit.
Part 7 Forces Sequence:
function forces_sequence takes nothing returns nothing
local integer farms = GetUnitCountDone(HOUSE) + 2*TownCountDone(TOWN_HALL)

if farms < 9 then
if knights then
call SetBuildUnit( (8 - GetUnitCount(FOOTMAN)) / 2, KNIGHT )

if farms < 10 then
if workshop then
call SetBuildUnit( 2, MORTAR )

if farms < 11 then
if sanctum then
call SetBuildUnit( 3, PRIEST )
if farms < 12 then
if sanctum then
if GetUpgradeLevel(UPG_SORCERY)>=2 then
call SetBuildUnit( 2, SORCERESS )
call SetBuildUnit( 1, SORCERESS )
First thing we should look at is the Knights Variable which means
barracks and mill and smith and castle in the init_booleans
If this condition is met it will build ( (8 - GetUnitCount(FOOTMAN)) / 2, KNIGHT )
Before it can build that the farms count has to be greater than 9.
Farms are less than 10 then it skips the next actions.
if the computer has a work shop then it can build 2 motor teams.
You can figure the rest of part 7 from here.
Part 8 Basic Melee:
function basic_melee takes integer food returns nothing
call FoodPool( food, true,FOOTMAN,2, knights,KNIGHT,4 )
First thing is that i bet you dont know what FoodPool is so here is the variable meaning. If you cant find out what some variables mean then check in the common.ai file it has all the functions and names there as far as i know. Im not going to discus Common.Ai in this tutorial becuase there is to much to teach in it. Maybe later if someone asks.

// ==================================================

function FoodPool takes integer food, boolean weak, integer id1, integer use1, boolean strong, integer id2, integer use2 returns nothing
if strong then
call SetBuildUnit( (food - use1 * TownCount(id1)) / use2, id2 )
elseif weak then
call SetBuildUnit( (food - use2 * TownCount(id2)) / use1, id1 )
The Best way to describe basic melee is that it is a just a big variable that is used to continue certain parts of the ai script. Basically dont worry about this.
Part 9 Build Sequence:
function build_sequence takes nothing returns nothing
local integer mines = GetMinesOwned()
call InitBuildArray()
call init_booleans()
call MeleeTownHall( 0, TOWN_HALL )
call MeleeTownHall( 1, TOWN_HALL )
call SetBuildUnit( 1, TOWN_HALL )
call SetBuildUnit( 6, PEASANT )
call BuildFactory( BARRACKS )
call SetBuildUnit( 8, PEASANT )
call SetBuildUnit( 1, HOUSE )
call SetBuildUnit(10, PEASANT )
call basic_melee( 2 )
call SetBuildUnit( 1, HUMAN_ALTAR )
call SetBuildUnit(11, PEASANT )
call SetBuildUnit( 2, HOUSE )
call basic_melee( 6 )
call SetBuildUnit( 1, hero_id )
call SetBuildUnit( 3, HOUSE )
call basic_melee( 10 )
if startup then
if GetUnitCountDone(FOOTMAN)<5 then
set startup = false
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_DEFEND )
call SetBuildUnit( 1, BLACKSMITH )
call SetBuildUnit( 1, LUMBER_MILL )
call SetBuildUnit( 4, HOUSE )
call basic_melee( 12 )
call basic_ranged( 3 )
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_ARMOR )
call SetBuildUnit( 5, HOUSE )
call basic_ranged( 6 )
call SetBuildUnit( 1, KEEP )
call basic_ranged( 9 )
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_MELEE )
call basic_ranged( 12 )
call SetBuildUnit( 2, WATCH_TOWER )
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_RANGED )
call BasicExpansion( mines < 2, TOWN_HALL )
call SetBuildUnit( 7, HOUSE )
call SetBuildUnit( 13, PEASANT )
call SetBuildUnit( 8, HOUSE )
call GuardSecondary( 1, 2, WATCH_TOWER )
call GuardSecondary( 2, 2, WATCH_TOWER )
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_LEATHER )
call SetBuildUpgr( 1, UPG_WOOD )
call SetBuildUnit( 1, hero_id2 )
if mines > 1 then
call SetBuildUnit( 16, PEASANT )
call forces_sequence()
call upgrade_sequence()
call BuildFactory( WORKSHOP )
if GetUnitCount(MORTAR)<1 then
call BuildFactory( SANCTUM )
call SetBuildUnit( 1, CASTLE )
call SetBuildUnit(10, HOUSE )
call SetBuildUnit( 1, AVIARY )
if GetUnitCount(AVIARY)>0 and GetUnitCount(ZEPPELIN)<3 then
call GetZeppelin()
call MeleeTownHall( 2, TOWN_HALL )
call BasicExpansion( mines < 3, TOWN_HALL )
This is my favorite part of ai scripting :P
The First thing we look at is the mines which are the gold mines owned.
Then it calls InitBuildArray which i havnt covered cus it is in Common.Ai.

// ==================================================

function InitBuildArray takes nothing returns nothing
set build_length = 0
thats what InitBuildArray is.
After that it calls init_booleans()
call MeleeTownHall( 0, TOWN_HALL )
call MeleeTownHall( 1, TOWN_HALL )
This states weather to build another town hall or not i think.
Then you'll start reading the interesting stuff like what build order the computer has. First it builds a town hall then 6 peasants and so on. You can edit this and add more lines if you know what your doing.
Startup is another variable. Dont worry about that part it doesnt mean much. Then you can determine what kind of defense the computer will build and in what order.
If the computer has 2 mines it will build 16 peasants as shown when you scrolly down to the part that says
if mines > 1 then
call SetBuildUnit( 16, PEASANT )
Avairy is used in this section of ai scripting as you can see. Scroll up for referencing.
Part 10 peon_assignment:
function peon_assignment takes nothing returns nothing
local integer halls = TownCountDone(TOWN_HALL)
local integer T
call ClearHarvestAI()
set T = TownWithMine()
call HarvestGold(T,5)
call HarvestWood(0,2)
if TownCountDone(TOWN_HALL)>1 then
call HarvestGold(T+1,4)
call HarvestWood(0,15)
call build_sequence()
call Sleep(3)
On this part you may have to look in the common.ai for a quick reference on what some of these variables mean.
ClearHarvestAi Dont worry about that to confusing to explain hehe. towns with mines get 5 peons to a mine and 2 to wood hmm. Im not sure about that part. You can figure the rest out from here in other parts of the tutorial look back for reference.
Part 11 Main:
function main takes nothing returns nothing
set do_debug_cheats = GetAiPlayer()==1
call PickMeleeHero(RACE_HUMAN)
call set_skills()
call StandardAI(function SkillArrays, function peon_assignment, function attack_sequence)
call PlayGame()
This part isnt important. Basically all that is here is some variables being set and things like saying that this is a human ai script so that the computer doesnt do something else. Dont even bother with this part. At the top of the ai script is just about the same thing no need to put any imput about it.
Старый 01.01.2007, 20:54

Опыт: 16,351
Весело =) Я пас =)
Старый 01.01.2007, 20:55

Опыт: 2,358
Старый 01.01.2007, 20:55

Опыт: 108,439
Какой ужос) Я в шоке)
Старый 01.01.2007, 20:58
Просто Гад
Опыт: 70,430
Это не модмейкерский вопрос, да и у нас не форум переводчиков... Хотя на модмейкерский он тоже не похож - скорее всего это форум флудеров=)

По сему закрываю.
З.Ы. Если очень надо создать нормальную тему где-нибудь в трактире
Старый 01.01.2007, 21:14
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