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The culprit will not die
Опыт: 35,873
Там сверху написано, что 1.03. На ней сейчас все играют, ок.
Старый 18.09.2011, 11:20
ザバーニーヤ ~ 妄想心音
Опыт: 6,092
У меня вопросик, по поводу персонажа, Релиуса Кловера. Он, конечно еще не вышел, но мне интересно, если он сражается:
куклой более могучей по сравнению с Нирваной, Ignis.
Притом, что Нирвана - один из десяти Нокс Никторексов... Чем тогда должна быть Игнис, чтобы быть сильнее...
И еще. Не могли бы вы выложить список лучших (самых эффективных то бишь) комбо за Хакумена или Таджера? Score Battle упорно не желает проходиться...
Старый 18.09.2011, 11:49
HeartLove Labs
Опыт: 29,157
Rewenger, дааа, я был просто уверен в том, что ты запилишь тему о своей любимой игре, но ознакомившись с описанием я впал в так сказать легкий ступор...
Старый 18.09.2011, 11:52
The culprit will not die
Опыт: 35,873
Чем тогда должна быть Игнис, чтобы быть сильнее...
Как говорит Релиус в сторимоде ббкс, Нирвана была его "опытным экспериментом", в ходе которого он выявил недостатки и смастерил Detonator: Ignis в качестве своего шедевра.
VetsaN, я это описание дважды апгрейдил.)
Rewenger добавил:
Не могли бы вы выложить список лучших (самых эффективных то бишь) комбо за Хакумена или Таджера?
Вам для какой версии игры?..
Старый 18.09.2011, 12:09
ザバーニーヤ ~ 妄想心音
Опыт: 6,092
Как говорит Релиус в сторимоде ббкс, Нирвана была его "опытным экспериментом", в ходе которого он выявил недостатки и смастерил Detonator: Ignis в качестве своего шедевра.
Одиннадцатый Нокс Никторекс... Или что-то лучше... Интересно, спасибо за инфу.
Вам для какой версии игры?..
Старый 18.09.2011, 12:14
The culprit will not die
Опыт: 35,873
Интересно, спасибо за инфу.
Кстати, вот ещё инфа, копипаст с дастлупа:
» много английских букв
Relius Clover
Guard Primer: 5
Dash Type Character
Drive: Detonator
  • Basis
By pressing 5D or jD it will issue the command to summon Ignis and make her appear behind Relius (while summoning Ignis it is still possible to attack).
After that Ignis follows closely Relius while floating behind him in mid-air.
By pressing D with a direction an attack command will be issued making Ignis start an attack.
The only exception for this command is when the attack+direction is input when Ignis is already in the area indicated by the direction, she will attack from there.
For example, when you input the command to have Ignis rush towards the opponent, if you issue an other support command before she returns behind Relius back she will execute that attack from her current position.
She returns behind Relius back pretty quickly, and if you want to follow with further commands it is obviously necessary to push D again.
Furthermore, while it is possible to use the D+lever command to have Ignis attack while Relius is performing his own attack, it is impossible to have her attack with the same directional input as Relius.
Ignis Gauge
When Ignis is summoned, despite apparently being in a standby state, her gauge will slowly start depleting.
Further more, having her move/attack through a command will cost and consume more gauge.
While Ignis is on screen in her standby state if 5D or JD are pressed she will disappear and her gauge will gradually recover.
Also, if Relius is damaged she will falter and disappear and consequently be unoperative for a while.
Some of Ignis attacks have armor property against projectile attribute moves, and in this case she won't falter back despite being hit.
Ignis has her own health bar (the gauge below)
  • if while Ignis is on screen Relius gets hit while she is performing an attack (and interrupting it consequently)
if one of these two conditions is met her gauge will turn blue and Ignis will temporarily become unoperative.
Even if Ignis is called back at the time this occurs, her gauge will still slowly recover.
Moreover, if her whole gauge has been used up or has been depleted by enemy's attacks, she will "break" in the same fashion as Ada, and just like Ada once that happens it will also take a couple of seconds before she can recover.
5A: typical light attack, can be used as anti-air
2A: typical light attack
6A: mantis-like overhead, has a good reach but it's slow
5B: blue arm punch, even though it cannot be jump-canceled it has a good reach and it's the basic poke
2B: blue arm crouching punch, it's a low that has a good reach but has slow startup
6B: mecha high-kick comeing out of Relius' mantle, sends both grounded and airborne opponents in the air though it lacks head attribute invincibility
5C: mecha plier-like attack. It has short reach making it difficult to use as a poke but it's pretty powerful. It is jump-cancelable and on CH it causes staggering on the opponent.
2C: low anti-air mecha punch. Has head invincibility attribute during its active frames. It causes Fatal Counter, and if the FC occurs on a grounded opponent it'll cause staggering.
6C: huge mecha punch, used solely for combos. Causes FC.
3C: steel hand attack, it has a short range but it can be followed with Id Lauger, it can also be jump-canceled on block.
j.A: cogwheel attack, chains into itself up to 3 times.
j.B: blue mecha arm striking from above, can be easily used as a strong cross-up jump-in
j.C: "chainsaw kick" attack, good jump-in tool
Ground Throw: can be followed in combo either by using Ignis or with a Rapid Cancel
Air Throw: same as above
6D: Ignis claws in front of her, costs little in terms of gauge usage and it's easy to use
2D: spin move that hits twice one when she goes forward and the second time when she draws back. This move is easy to use but costs a lot. It has no same move proration.
4D: attacks diagonally upward, Ignis' version of Brio. Causes wallbounce on hit.
j.2D, j.6D, j.8D: they respectively makes Ignis rush towards the opponent diagonally downward, horizontally, and diagonally upward. To be used in combination with Relius jump-in attacks.
Id Lauger (236C/j.236C)
A huge mechanical hand is summoned from the ground and blows the opponent away. For the air version the hand comes out of Relius' mantle.
Depending on the combo proration it is possible to follow with other moves for the ground version, however it is impossible for the air version.
The move has huge recovery and if there's not Ignis to support or if you are not sure to hit the opponent it's better to avoid using it on neutral.
It has followups.
Despite having the same proration as the ground version, treat the air one as a different move.
->Haas (214A/j.214A, followup of Id Lauger)
Ignis is summoned, she searches and rushes the opponent in the shape of a chainsaw.
While striking the opponent she'll also slide down.
If this followup is executed at the corner it becomes possible to increase damage due to the prolonged chase.
Also, Ignis position doesn't matter when she starts searching for the opponent.
->Naiads (j.214B, followup of Id lauger)
Ignis is summoned, she searches and knocks the opponent down while being in the form of a drill.
Multi-hit move. Be sure to confirm all the way to the 6th hit, since ending before the 6th will let the opponent perform his ukemi before hitting the ground.
It's mainly a useful move that is adopted in Relius basic combo route.
Just like Haas, Ignis position doesn't matter when she starts searching for the opponent.
Led Ley (236A)
Relius spins around while temporarily being in a state of invincibility
Though it is completely invincible during its active frame it also has a long startup which makes it unconvenient to use as a reversal. It can also dodge projectiles.
No matter if you can't predict whether Relius will be hit or if he'll evade the opponent's attack, the move makes him look like a matador (in a taunt-like way)
It can also be used to taunt the opponent while Ignis is on screen rushing towards him.
Val Lanto (214A)
Ignis is summoned, turns into a chainsaw and attacks the opponent
Though its cost is low, its major restraint is that it makes it easy for the opponent to hit Relius.
Appears to be safe on block.
Val Lyra (214B)
Ignis is summoned behind the opponent and attacks him
Though it is particularly useful against all kind of zoning type characters standing on ground, if the move is yomi'd in time the opponent can dash in towards Relius making it a bit dangerous.
Against rushdown characters like Ragna this can be a good move.
It can still be useful against zoners.
Again, Ignis position doesn't matter when she starts searching for the opponent.
Val Tus (214C)
Ignis is summoned and attacks the opponent three times while dancing
Even though she starts attacking from the very beginning of her rush, the move is still pretty slow
The prorartion is pretty high, if a combo is started from this move it can surpass 6000 damage.
Just like Val Lyra if this move is read by the opponent it can leave Relius open for quite a while so be careful when using it.
Geara Nose (214D)
Ignis is summoned behind Relius, she is thrown towards the opponent like a dart and comes back like a yo-yo.
Though the first part is a low hit, it's slow.
It's likely going to be used for okizeme purposes.
Again, Ignis position doesn't matter when she starts searching for the opponent.
Geara Act (236D)
Ignis is summoned behind Relius, she floats in the air at once and attacks diagonally downwards (with a 45° angle)
Overhead move, launches the opponent on hit.
This move is also useful to lock the opponent down.
Again, Ignis position doesn't matter when she starts searching for the opponent.
Bel Lafino (j.214B)
Ignis is summoned in front of Relius, and she performs a low attack in the shape of a drill.
Though it knocks the opponent down so far it hasn't been used a lot.
Again, Ignis position doesn't matter when she starts searching for the opponent.
Distortion Drives
Req Vinum (632146C)
Creates a field below, which traps the opponent and hits him countless times with various cogwheels and gears.
It's invincible during its startup which makes it useful as a reversal move
Damage doesn't go beyong 1000 which makes it kind of weak, however it is possible to freely move while it restrains the opponent
Its strong point is that you can set Ignis up or have her chase the opponent during the move.
The recovery (on whiff) is pretty awful which makes this move only useful as a reversal
Vol Tedo (632146D)
Ignis is summoned behind Relius, creates an aura around the opponent and strikes him.
On hit confines the opponent inside a ball, an explosion occurs.
Causes 2600 damage which is pretty high, and it's also terribly fast and can be used both in Relius BnB route combos and as a reversal.
Again, Ignis position doesn't matter when she starts searching for the opponent.
Be warned though, the move is not invincible during its startup frames.
Duo Bios (236236D)
Exactly the same kind of DD as Carl's Rhapsody
The only difference is the motion, the rest is identical (included the timing of each move).
Ignis is summoned in front Relius no matter what was her previous position.
5B > Id > Haas
Basic combo
(with Ignis summoned) 5C>hj.B>jC>j.6D>j.B>j.C>Id>Naiads
Basic aerial segment. It's possible to extend it when Ignis is summoned.
(with Ignis summoned) 5B>2D>5B>5C>2D>5B>5C>Id>Haas
2D loop which carries the opponent to the corner. Causes around 3100 damage, though it costs a whole lot in terms of gauge usage.
Air Throw>j.C>land 5C>j.B>j.B>j.C>Id>Naiads
Basic midscreen air throw combo. Relius doesn't seem to excel in air-to-air combat so this will often prove to be useful.
(corner only)Air Throw>j.C>2C>Id>Haas>5C>2C>6C>4D>j.B>j.C>Id>Naiads
Extended air-throw combo, possible only at the corner.
(corner)5B>5C>Id>Haas>5C>2C>4D>5Cjc>j.Bjc>j.B>j.C> Id>Naiads
Basic corner combo, does around 4200-4400 damage. Can pick a different route at the second 5C by ending with Vol Ted for 4500 damage.
(corner, with Ignis summoned) 6A>2D>5B>5C>Id>Haas>5C>2C>4D>j.B>j.C>Id>Naiads
combo from overhead, around 3400 damage
(corner)Val Tus>5C>Ido>Haas>5C>2C>6C>4D>TK Id>Haas>5C>2C>Vol Ted
6200 damage
Further notes coming from other people who used Relius at the Loke Test:
  1. While Val Lanto is guarded it is possible to approach the opponent with a dash or airdash.
  2. It is possible to attack simultaneosly with Ignis
  3. Once Ignis' attack has ended it is possible to approach from either ground or air
  4. While 3C is blocked it is possible to buffer 2D, and given that the move can also be jump canceled this means you have hi/low mixup on your following approach. If you are near the corner you can also perform a cross-up which makes it a three-way mixup
Misc additional info:
Has a dash like that of Eddie (GG)
HP: Around 10500-11000
Relius' theme is an opera. Described as "boss-like"
Старый 18.09.2011, 13:00
The culprit will not die
Опыт: 35,873
Пожалуй, лучший комбомувик по Джину из мною виденных.

Старый 30.09.2011, 18:58
The culprit will not die
Опыт: 35,873
ББКС экстенд вышел на аркадные автоматы, можно понаблюдать видео с новым дизайном итп. Хотя для оценивания реальных изменений ещё прошло слишком мало времени.

Старый 07.10.2011, 12:09
The culprit will not die
Опыт: 35,873
Хазама вс Релиус Кловер, если кому-то вдруг интересен Релиус.

Старый 08.10.2011, 11:26
Опыт: 48,115
Овердрайв у Релиуса какой-то странный. Шибко не наносит.
CeraRalaz добавил:
Старый 08.10.2011, 11:34
The culprit will not die
Опыт: 35,873
» Кат

Distortion Drives
Req Vinum (632146C)
Creates a field below, which traps the opponent and hits him countless times with various cogwheels and gears.
It's invincible during its startup which makes it useful as a reversal move
Damage doesn't go beyong 1000 which makes it kind of weak, however it is possible to freely move while it restrains the opponent
Its strong point is that you can set Ignis up or have her chase the opponent during the move.
The recovery (on whiff) is pretty awful which makes this move only useful as a reversal
Vol Tedo (632146D)
Ignis is summoned behind Relius, creates an aura around the opponent and strikes him.
On hit confines the opponent inside a ball, an explosion occurs.
Causes 2600 damage which is pretty high, and it's also terribly fast and can be used both in Relius BnB route combos and as a reversal.
Again, Ignis position doesn't matter when she starts searching for the opponent.
Be warned though, the move is not invincible during its startup frames.
Duo Bios (236236D)
Exactly the same kind of DD as Carl's Rhapsody
The only difference is the motion, the rest is identical (included the timing of each move).
Ignis is summoned in front Relius no matter what was her previous position.

Req Vinum наносит мало дамагов, но это дэпэ, на неплохое расстояние, даёт приличное преимущество, и, как можно заметить, сейф на блоке. Duo Bios - это как у Карла, мало дамагов, но можно наворачивать круги вокруг врага, чтобы он сфейлил блок. Vol Tedo, видимо, наносит приличные дамаги, 2600.

Мне больше доставляют особые реплики хазамы-релиуса.
Старый 08.10.2011, 13:48
The culprit will not die
Опыт: 35,873
Порадовало это видео с Релиусом, занимательные бои и внезапно интересные англоязычные комментаторы. Показываются многие фишки релиуса. Ну и да, waifu meter. ^_^

Старый 15.11.2011, 20:11
The culprit will not die
Опыт: 35,873
Конченные комбо за хазаму.)

Старый 10.12.2011, 14:24
The culprit will not die
Опыт: 35,873
Новый рагна. =О

Старый 20.12.2011, 08:10
The culprit will not die
Опыт: 35,873
Можете полюбоваться на нового рейчеланнонсера или крутые бои хазамы с рериусом.

Старый 29.12.2011, 11:58
The culprit will not die
Опыт: 35,873
Маствотч, это эпик! Каждый бой эпик.

Старый 31.12.2011, 10:10
Опыт: 48,115
В первом видео 1:30
Хаку просто давит уроном, Ноэль не смотря на длину комб не может сделать норм дамаг. Не дисбаланс ли?
Старый 31.12.2011, 10:41
The culprit will not die
Опыт: 35,873
Сообщение от Рандомный игрок за Хакумена
Нет офк, так и должно быть. О_О

Сообщение от Рандомный игрок за Хакумена
Да, а ещё он в принципе предсказуем.
Старый 31.12.2011, 10:55
The culprit will not die
Опыт: 35,873
Love and Justice! yeah
Rewenger добавил:
На самом деле первое комбовидео за Банга, которое мне реально нравится.

Старый 04.01.2012, 08:52
The culprit will not die
Опыт: 35,873
Клеши, тысячи их. Довольно-таки эпично.

Старый 24.01.2012, 16:47

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